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Hello all...I know I haven't been posting much this past while but so much has been happening since January and am just trying to keep my head above water!

Oh my, where to even begin...

Well, I think it's a pretty fair statement to say there hasn't been one area of my life that hasn't been turned upside down.

- Dec - broke bone in lower spine
- Jan - began working from home for first time in my 31-yr gov't career (no people contact...don't like it!!)
- Jan - began a same sex relationship for the first time in my 50 years
- Jan - began living with someone for the very first time ever
- Jan - got engaged
- Jan - found out I have four birth siblings I didn't know existed, two brothers and twin sisters
- Mar - told parents about same sex relationship
- Apr - informed by one of the twins that she's coming to visit me outside of the family/friends fanfare
- May - meeting one sister for first time on Sat, May 3rd!

How do I feel about everything that's happened?? Utterly overwhelmed but thanking my lucky stars!!

I honestly don't know how I feel about the upcoming visit. I have nothing to compare this event to and you have to admit, something like this doesn't happen every day! If anyone else has experienced something similar, I would love to hear how things turned out.

Anyway, I just wanted to drop in and let everyone know how things have been. I'll post an update sometime in the next few days.

The Kid
Original Post

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Hi Kid, Nice to meet you. Boy, you've got a LOT happening. Overwhelming at the very least. My husband lost both parents at 11 years old, but alway had a memory of his mom being pregnant and going to the hospital but coming home with "nothing". He never knew what was a real memory or his imagination. Anyway, one day the phone rings.....guess who....adoptive mom calling. She knew the last name and was looking for years for her adopted daughters six siblings. Yep, she found them. They met. It was awesome and so many pieces of the puzzle came together, good or bad. But, they all felt great saitisfation and joy in being united. This sister grew up five minutes from us. She's been around all along and she looks exactly like my husband. The curiosity was satisfied, but we don't see her often. We tried to forge a close relationship, but it did not really work. She is defintely a part of the whole family and basically just see her at family functions. But she did have a much better life than the other six for sure and had a great mom. Very good luck with your reunion!!!....and everything else too!
Hi Kid... it's great to see you and thanks for the update. You have really had an eventful few months. I hope your spine has healed. Congratulations on your relationship and the engagement. You deserve happiness.

I don't have any reunion stories to share. It is very exciting that you will meet a sister so soon. I would say just be yourself and she will like you. Enjoy the time together. Let us know how it goes.

Hi Kids!

I'm so glad I saw this post. Wow! That is a LOT. I sure hope the broken bone in your spine is resolving well. That sounds really awful, uncomfortable, painful. As for working from home - whenever I've done it, I'm a horrible employee, because I get so distracted by the dogs, laundry - everything. The people contact is a huge thing tho, and if this is a permanent arrangement, I hope you have good options for people contact elsewhere.

Congrats on the relationship! And for being out about it. I am assuming that living with someone and getting engaged are all wrapped up with this...? I can't help but think of a very old lesbian joke.
Q. What does a lesbian bring to a first date?
A. A u-haul.
Please know this is in jest, as I am one to talk... I moved in with R after two weeks. That was in 1980. You deserve much happiness and I'm delighted that you're in love - and engaged to boot.

Four. Birth. Siblings. Yikes! That's a lot. You're certainly finding out a lot about your roots. I hope it is healing for you.

It has been an eventful year since you joined the boards here. I'm glad you came back to post and I hope you'll share how it went with the Twin Visit.

I think you're getting your wings, TK. Fly, my lovely bird.


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