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We move in six days.

H is triggered, because of childhood moves and keeps avoiding, playing video games, but at least finally is talking about why he is struggling to help out.

Boo is finally starting to be a little upset, though still also excited about it.

So far, I had been functional, the strong one, the one who keeps things together, the one who arranges to visit the rentals, deals with the new landlord, changes over the utilities and forwarding address, schedules the truck, sends out the call for help moving, packs the boxes, measures the walls and furnishings, comes up with the plan.

I got back from Friday's session an the notice was on the door. The auction is the 30th. Our place won't be ours. I knew that. It was a little sad, but mostly a relief that we just happened to schedule to get out ahead of time. If we hadn't, the move would have been more rushed and stressful.

I'm not attached to "stuff," to owning somewhere, to living in the same exact spot all the time. I grew up in the same city (a nice one with good schools) from three to 18 and it didn't make my upbringing safe or healthy. I keep telling people it's hard to see my H upset or Boo. I'm not upset though. Or I don't think that I am.

Until today I'm sobbing in bed, trembling uncontrollably, because this is the home in which I made my family. H and I lived with his roommates for a few months and then one other place for a year after we got married. Then we moved here. We made it our own and then we created a beautiful daughter together. This is the home in which she has slept every single night of her life, where she grew to four-years-old. This is the community we took all our walks. Bad things happened here too. It's a place I couldn't protect loved ones from a problem I didn't even really understand was an issue. But, most of all, it is the place I brought my daughter into.

Leaving is hard.

But the hardest part, the worst and saddest part, is I can't manage to let it be hard anywhere but all alone. Not in front of my H, who I protect by being strong, just like I did with my parents. Obviously, not in front of my daughter, though I do talk about how feeling kind of sad with her, so she knows it is normal, even though I'm not crying in front of her. Not in front of my church friends who express empathy at what we are going through, who would be there with a hand or a hug...if I were capable of it. Not even with T.

I can only numbly describe that it's hard to leave the place I made memories in, but in the moment of discussing it, I don't even feel like any distress is true. And I hate to even talk about it, because every sorry, any empathy brings such panic, and a need to dismiss the significance of my feelings, to focus on knowing that so long as I continue to keep my family together and we all work on healing and growing, things will be better and better. Knowing that there is a plan here.

Sobbing in bed, I know I need, desperately to be hugged and held. But, I know I can never have that need with anyone else. I can only be alone. I can't connect. I have people, church friends, T, even somewhat safe family members who would do that, comfort me, but I can't take it in. I feel hopeless...then destructive. I felt like going to a hospital, although the thoughts themselves weren't that bad. The kids inside are so pure and honest about their needs, but I can't touch them, can't approach them, without it feeling like death.

I cried until I couldn't breathe and then slept. Nightmares, one after another. Mean people CPs say they recognize, but I don't, but feel familiar. Known people being scary in ways they never have. Old friends being there and comforting in ways I know they never would. Deep pain. Aloneness.

And inside, some want to go home to where they used to live. Not to the family, but the place, because it's all they ever knew. My feeling loss triggers the reminder that all they ever knew is lost.

This is too hard.

And I feel very alone.

And the worst part of it is that I have made my own aloneness...

...because some people a long time ago, whether they intended to or not, ensured that I can't ever feel safe being loved.

That should be devastating, blindingly, wrenchingly sad. A couple of hours ago it was. Now it is apathy tinged with a dull ache I can't describe as anything other than the feeling of wanting to be gone.

I'm sorry if this was hard to read or follow, but thanks to anybody who did. And I'm very sorry for all who have tried to care for me and found me desperately fending their love off. I wish it could be different. I know it can be, somewhere in the far reaches of my mind, someday. But, right now it seems too long and too hard, nearly impossible.

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I just got home from a long trip and can't read anything at all, not only your thread, but anything. I did read your few couple of lines, though, and just wanted to send hugs. So glad you reached out. It's stressful now but it sounds like at least it's movement, something got resolved. It's so hard to let go and believe that the future will be better but it will be and you have lots of support here and your wonderful T while you go through all the stress of the move and establishing yourself in your new place.

Hug two
Anon... take a deep breath and know it's okay to cry and to release the tension that has probably been building for a very long time over losing your home. You are doing what is normal and natural to do. You are grieving but it will be okay. This is just the worst part now that you have to get past and then it will feel less tense and in time you will feel less grief.

I have never lost my own home but I lost my home with oldT and Tdog. I had no time to prepare for this loss. It was "home" one day and in an instant it was taken away ... never to be seen again. I grieved that loss for a very long time and maybe there is still a small pain deep inside from the loss. So I can kind of understand that process of having to let go of something that is important and that means something. I could not explain this loss to others so I get that part too.

My T has tried to teach me that home is not a "place" it's the people in my life that I love and that care about me too. That believing that "things" such as oldT's office and farmhouse made me safe was a child's magical thinking. I was resentful of having to be in a new T office, I was angry that I felt forced into the "move" to a new T. I hated his office and told him numerous times and it took awhile for me to come to terms with what he told me. That my home is wherever he is.

And so for you too... your home is whereever your family is. As long as you are together you will make any new place your home and it will feel good to you. You have an opportunity to make new and better memories in this new space. You can stretch and be a different Anon there.

I think right now you are having a reaction to all the responsibility that was thrust onto you for planning the move and in dealing with all the details while trying to do therapy, take care of a child and deal with not feeling well too. That is a huge load to carry.

So be kind to yourself and try to reach out for support at home, at church or with your T and even here. Keep posting and sharing those feelings and thoughts.

Sendin Hug two

(((Liese))) Thanks for sending hugs and checking in on my thread even though it's so hard to read anything right now.

(((TN))) Yeah, I know you understand what I'm feeling. I'm not angry or upset about the new place. There are some things I am excited about, like having a yard with fruit trees that Boo can run around in. Or the garage that means we can store stuff outside of the living area. Or even just the fact that if something breaks, we are not responsible to fix it or to pay some unexpected assessment. So, that part is good. And I am excited to make new memories, gardening with Boo, walking her to her new school three blocks away when she starts Kindergarten this Summer. Very good new things.

Just...I guess it kind of feels like a death? Like what it feels like when you realize you actually have to say goodbye to someone you loved. I thought of leaving a note here for whoever buys the condo at the auction. I just want to memorialize it in some way. This was a home where I loved my daughter fiercely. This was a home where I fought for my marriage, rather than giving up in extraordinarily difficult circumstances. This was a home where I fought for myself, for the first time ever, maybe. Those are all things I can take forward with me. But, I've never had the space to express real grief in my life and have real comfort.

I guess what I am hurting over the most is not losing the place all these things happened. It's that I feel so alone in it. It keeps bringing back up this feeling like I cannot connect to people, other than as a caregiver. So, leaving this place, and being unable to be grieved with, loved through the experience, being unable to find safety in ANYONE to do it (in this case, even my H, which is usually not the case) is making me feel less than human, which is something I struggle with a lot.

I wish I could just walk into T's office and tell him I need to be comforted and be able to accept what I know he would happily give. It should be safe. He is safe, but needing itself is not, being care for is not. It's like some rule inside that I am bad or turning others bad when I do it. I get attacked, literally threatened with horrible images or words, for trying to connect with the parts of me who are willing to acknowledge need, to do so myself, to allow anybody in. It feels...just hopeless. And that is where most of my grief is. It feels forever. I know it can't be, if I keep working like I have been, but it's hard to believe it will end right now. It's hard to believe I can ever earn my heart, be human.
((((Anon)))) You sound entirely human to me with a beautiful heart.
I can understand how frustrating it is to know how you feel, why you feel it and what you might need and yet feel unable to ask for it or reach out.
I'm sure you're right - this is not forever, just right now but you are reaching out here. I know it's not the same but it is different to not reaching out at all. And little by little you are moving towards what you want. Perhaps these feelings are just too difficult to share at the moment?
Just wanted to send some hugs and good wishes.
I'm sorry you have to move but I understand the excitement also. Also, at a time of being the caretaker always...that really makes have grief as well and need it to be acknowledged.

I'm hoping that you will be able to have an experience soon of acknowledgment maybe with your T very soon. I hope you will find that it is safe to accept your T's care when you see him...from all you've written there is proof that he truly cares.

Hug two

I resonated with so much of what you said. I don't have any wisdom but I want to encourage you to grieve, to be hopeful for the future, to know that you're among people who care.

Your ability to anticipate the joys of the new place shows such courage and strength...and hope. There will be so many good memories.

This time is clearly so bittersweet. Walk gently...

(((Outsider))) (((poppy))) (((CD))) (((kashley)))

About to head out to my session and...I just don't want to go. I already saw him briefly when I picked H up from his sessions (was running move related errands in the area during). It just confirmed to me that I don't want to be there. And he's given me an hour earlier than expected, so I can't even get out of it with a short one tonight. I just want to go off and sleep or worse, be destructive. Frowner I don't want to tell T. I hate this.
Last edited by yakusoku

Thanks for the continued support you guys. I'm really not doing well. I did manage to attend therapy, explain most of what I've written here to my T. I was numb and shut down, not just to other parts, but to myself. The calm destructiveness is very concerning to both myself and T. He said I am in huge crisis right now, though I don't feel it.

Safety is pretty precarious. I don't feel at all inclined to reach out for help, though I know I should. Honestly, what would I say? "Could you drop everything and come be with me in my wreck of a house, so I don't hurt myself?" Boo is acting out a lot today. She's on some room restriction right now. I'm actually managing it much more calmly than I usually do, due to the numbness. She kept escalating, but I stayed calm, talked it through with her, comforted her upset and frustration with the consequences, and then held firm.

I just wish I was more sure things were safe. I'm supposed to keep in contact with T today, but other than a morning check in text, I'm not sure I will. It may be more detrimental to keep texting him potentially without reply than to just do it on my own. I should text my pastor. The church office is only five minutes away. But, I'm sure he has meetings after coming back from his vacation and reaching out is just not something I feel inclined to do.

My injured wrist is getting worse from all the packing. I need to push through to get something done today. Being awake and not acting out is where all my focus is going. I think this is the closest I've ever gotten to "can't" on something. As in, it's possible I really can't do any more of this move stuff on my own. I've always pushed through can't, won't let myself say no when something needs to get done and no one else is willing or able to do it. But, at this point, pushing through seems like it might kill me. But, then again, the trigger that is failing to get things done is probably just as big of a threat.

I don't know. I know that I am in a really bad place...but I just can't care about it right now. Not that I don't care if I hurt my family and my precious daughter and my T, who said it would basically ruin his life and he would never practice again. I do care. I don't want to hurt anybody. But there's no anxiety or stress over my lack of safety. I'm just...nothing. I kept trying and failing to explain it to my T. Probably more of my presumed inhumanity.

Sorry if this is all confusing to follow or concerning like it was for my T or just bizarre, because I feel nothing about any of the stuff I'm writing. I almost hoped writing it would make me feel...something. Anyway, thanks for still listening.

Continued thanks to you all.

T has asked/offered me and Boo to come in during an open hour he has later, just to check in, hang out (obviously we cannot talk about much with Boo there).

I managed to get a little done today with laundry, garbage, packing up a bit of the closet and will drop off a small load to the new place on the way to T, because I am apparently trying to justify/earn the right to be helped right now.

After a couple hours of focus on getting stuff done, I'm back to "can't" again. I'm can't even imagine driving to see T at this point. But, obligation keeps me going at times such as this and I made a commitment to go see him and stay safe in the meantime, so that's what I'm doing.
I am starting to feel things...

Anxiety and stress mostly, but some happiness too.

Even if they are hard things to feel, gosh anything is better than numb.

((((Anthenacus))) (((everybody)))

Thanks for being with me through it.

All T did was play Chutes and Ladders with Boo and give me a safe place to sit and interact with them, but I guess just having a safe place to go and making it through the day and getting some stuff done was enough to unlock things a little bit. At least if I can feel, I won't be calm about the destructive stuff floating around inside. Feeling so terribly calm about it was one of the worst experiences I've ever had (inside myself).

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