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Frequently. I was essentially trained to though. To this day even when my mom says something hurtful, she'll call me a liar when I call her out on it (the specific statement). It's really mind-blowing how effective she is at taking responsibility for nothing. Mt t said this was just another classic symptom of abuse; it didn't phase her at all. I obviously can't speak for your T, but I doubt that many of them would be phased by a trauma survivor questioning their past. For lots of reasons, our brains WANT to question it all, doubt it. T's know this. As my T did for me, I would encourage you to think less about what your T thinks and more about how both the prior abuse and your denial of that abuse impacts you now. The pain, anger, sadness - only by diving into all of those with T's assistance will you start to find a way through it all.
Ang -

I can relate to that. Especially the ones that I didn't tell a single soul until I told T. And for me, its b/c I can't remember the entire trauma. Only pieces. So it makes me feel like it's not real, or like I made it up b/c I can't understand why only small peices of it pop in my head at a time. T says b/c it was stuffed so deep inside of me for so long, that it can feel like it's not real when it finally comes out. Or b/c I dissociated when it happened so I can't remember all of it. Also, some of my traumas where someone was in fact a witness to it, that person was always oblierated with alcohol and so they would not remember what happened when I would try to talk about it. So I convinced myself that it wasn't real, that it didn't happen b/c no one else ever acknowledged a single thing. Not even a flinch. So anyway, I'm rambling about myself, but yes - I can completely relate to that. And I tell T as well that I don't understand how it can be real if no one else acknowldges it or knows about it. For me, it feels like....a huge natural disaster just happened. Let's say a hurricane. And there is all this damage and destruction from it and I can see it and I can feel it, but eveyone else is just acting like nothing happened even though they are standing in the middle of it with me. And they are looking at me like I am crazy for being upset by the hurricane or for being scared or upset. So even though I can see the damage, I feel like It's not real, like I'm crazy b/c everyone else it acting like it never happened.
Anyways...It's a crappy feeling. Just wanted you to know that I get it.


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