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The PsychCafe
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november is a month of travel, holidays, and absence. instead of about 11 hours of therapy time between group and one to one, i am working with six hours. i notice the difference. i miss everyone there because you get it. i don't have to explain and you don't ask why. You never fix. i am sad and crying and listening to sad music. bring on the sad, i can feel it and the sad is good for me to feel

i really wanted to connect to my group tonight and when i got there, it was cancelled due to sickness and i understand, i really understand and i can feel how much i depend and trust and love

gee, i miss my t

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i really wanted to connect to my group tonight and when i got there, it was cancelled due to sickness and i understand, i really understand and i can feel how much i depend and trust and love

I am sorry for the gaps in care that you are experiencing, they are always tough to get through, especially last minute cancellations. I am very impressed though by your ability to recognize that the gaps are due to schedules and sickness but don't say anything about you. I also think the quote above is such a wonderful sign of health. That you can acknowledge your need for the connection and love of your group and miss it when it is not available is such a huge thing. I struggled so long to recognize, let alone admit, my needs, that this really struck me. I hope the time goes quickly until you can reconnect.


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