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I haven't seen my therapist since the end of August. It was a sudden ending as she had stuff in her life that she needed to take time out for. I spoke to her on the phone at the start of September and she said she would be in touch when she feels better - I have no timeline, no date to work towards - I feel abandoned and I have doubts (probably not warranted ones) that she won't contact me again.
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I don't think I've met you on here before. Welcome. You are new here, no?

I feel your pain with this. It's a crippling doubtful feeling.

Could you ask how long it might take for her to get better? Or at least a guess?

I'm sorry, I'm terrible at good advice with this.

Please hang in there though. In the meantime this forum is really great for support. Smiler I haven't been on here long and I love everyone's support.

I hope you will be okay ((hugs)). You will. Keep strong hon. xxx
thanks for the replies. Good to know people are out there. I've been here a few months on and off. I can't contact her as she made it clear she would contact me. I have no idea how long it will be, could be months, could be today, no idea. I don't really want to see another therapist as it has taken me so long to get to where I am with my current one, I can't even imagine having to go through everything again with a new one. I'm keeping a journal which is helping, but family and friends, as great as they are, just don't give me what I need.x
That must be SO difficult, sparklewhizz (love the name!) to just be in limbo like that about whether you are going to hear from your T or be able to do work with her again. At lease if you knew, you could grieve and move on, but this way there is the waiting for a resolution, and hoping...oh, I really feel for you! Maybe you could find an interim T to help you process some of the feelings while you wait for her call?

Big hugs,

This would be so difficult for me to handle. It seems very open ended how she left it - i would need answers! Are you sure you can't contact her - just to see how things are and whether the situation has changed?

You need to know whether she is coming back at all - if she isn't then you know you need to find another T.

You sound really calm sparkle! I would contact her and start by letting her know that you hope she is well and that the circumstances she's been dealing with are improving. Then letter her know how she's helped you but that you feel you need to continue the process. Ask her if she has a more definitive timeline or does she recommend that you see someone else. If that's the case, ask her if there is someone she would recommend. That would be my idea. Good luck.
Well, the wait is over! My therapist contacted me and I am seeing her next Saturday. In the meantime I have been prescribed anti-depressants and they seem to be working - so much so that I am scared to go back to my therapist as I feel now I have 'got over her' (thanks to the tabs!)I feel I need proper closure, but it would be so much easier to just not go.
I'm glad that you have that resolution at least! But I hope that the session will lead to a place where you will find the support you need without as much angst, perhaps. I'm on AD's too, now and they have made a huge difference in my ability to function...but they say that it works best to have both a therapist, and an AD, if you are on meds. Good luck on Saturday! I hope you find what you need...

Well....the day arrived for me to go back to my therapist. It was very strange. It was great to see her and know that she is ok, but apart from that I didn't have much to say, as the meds have lifted me so much.I feel able to end therapy, but I want to do it in the right way, knowing that the door is always open. She agrees with this and I have come away without making another appointment, to have some thinking time to decide what I want to do. She agrteed that I am "stuck" at the moment. What to do!!!

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