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Mondays have been so difficult for me because it was the day I would meet with oldT at 1pm. So I have been going home at this time from work to cry or shake in anxiety for that hour and then returning to work.

Today I had an appointment with NewT instead. I took my new book with me on Resolving Impasses in Therapeutic Relationships (which I posted about on the forum Questions About Content on MyShrink. I had book marked a few things I wanted to share with him but I first brought up my dissociation. I needed him to know that sometimes when he gets into stuff that feels scary I just sort of stop hearing him... I fade from the room. And I need him to know this or be able to spot it... I realize he just does not know me well enough at this point but I explained how my oldT and I worked really hard on this and a signal we set up for it. Anyway it was good to get it out in the open. And by the end of the session he actually caught me once and brought me back.

We talked about a few things in the book and about how difficult it would be to try to do therapy again and to trust again. He understands and knows it will be difficult. We then dicussed the nature of my relationship with oldT and why it was so hard for me to break away from him and my feelings for him. NewT said I was re-enacting my childhood difficulties with him and I had entered into a repetition compulsion and that we were enmeshed. The fact that I do understand all of this (even though I was too close to my oldT to see that it was really happening to me with him) makes newT smile and tell me that he could just drop me into a second year PhD program and I would be able to keep up with the class LOL. Of course, I think he is just trying to get on my "good side" Big Grin

We talked a lot about how I was always trying to do therapy while still taking care of my Ts feelings so that he would not abandon me. That my oldT was so inconsistent and he seemed unable to stay consistent. NewT said that those days when Old T was so warm and engaging and funny he was really just enjoying me and enjoying our interactions together and that I made him feel good but that his feelings were not supposed to be the point of my therapy... he needed to take care of his own feelings and keep them separate from mine. Which I DO know makes perfect sense and is how it should be.

NewT seemed somewhat interested that I did not respond to his email to me Eeker and I asked him if I HAD to respond and he chuckled and said no but that as he mentioned it was not about him deciding to keep me as a patient but more that "I" had to decide if he was the right therapist for me. I told him his response was "very therapist-y" and making it about me the client and not about him the T. He laughed and said I'm the only one he would allow to get away with that response. Big Grin But he said it's true... it's about me not him and I told him I felt he was a very good T and he knew a lot and had very good experience and I think he understands the issues but that I'm so filled with grief and loss I cannot allow anyone close to me right now. And he said he understood that but hopefully that would change.

He said a few things that just reminded me of AG's T when he said how he will set up the foundation and the frame for therapy with a new client and then just allow the process to take it's course to trust in the process to do it's work without having to manipulate it because that does not work. But that he's seen this happen so many times and knows what to expect so that he can just allow the process to happen. I told him that I would tell oldT this... that he needs to just trust the process but because he didn't see it before he had a hard time with it. NewT said I was again being the T and not the patient.

He also noted that my OldT has hurt my son indirectly because he traumatized my son's mother (me) and my son has been without an effective parent since August (actually it all started in July) and that is probably why he cannot face treating my son further... he knows what he did to both of us with his behavior.

I do know that newT is a REALLY good T and I'm lucky to have found him and that he made room in his book for me. Personally, I think he has a soft spot for people injured by bad or inadequate therapy. He did say he would like to see me 2x per week and he hoped his schedule would at some point allow that. I told him how hard it is to go a week, especially with all the trauma stuff kicking up so badly.

He told me I did a lot of good work today and to at least try to hold onto that thought at least until I get to the bottom of the stairs Smiler! He did write to my old T and asked him to send a treatment summary and to call him. So now we wait to see what happens....

So I guess I am just going to keep seeing him until some point where I have to decide if I can go further than just grief processing with him and if I want to continue my therapy journey (by really starting all over again and rehashing it again with someone new) or leaving therapy completely. I like newT but I don't feel any connection on an emotional level... just on that intellectual level. I miss the attachment to oldT even if it WAS not quite the healthiest thing for me... it made me feel so darn good at times like a high... like floating on a cloud but of course with the high comes the crash... didn't like that part too much! Maybe an even keel would be good for awhile.

Just wanted to share and thank everyone for their continuing support.

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So good to hear about this session with the New T. The more you post about the new T the more I like him.
I wish you well with this journey - you are incredibly insightful.
NewT said I was re-enacting my childhood difficulties with him and I had entered into a repetition compulsion and that we were enmeshed. The fact that I do understand all of this (even though I was too close to my oldT to see that it was really happening to me with him) makes newT smile

I liked this bit of insight.
It was what was happening with the ex C. I see now that I was playing out all my stuff with my mother and she was playing the re enacting right back - like she had learnt the part. We were well enmeshed.

Good luck, I wish you well. I start with my possible new T next Monday - so wish me luck too!

I did not know about the book you mentioned, - is it good? We could write one up of our own at this rate!
I've been lurking on the boards for awhile, but only just signed up for my own account. I just wanted to say hello to you TN, and say that I think you're very brave to be trying again with a new therapist. It's completely understandable that you still feel sceptical about NewT, but it's good to hear that you're doing some good work with him anyway.

I look forward to talking more with you and everyone else soon!
The new T sounds awesome. I know that having him doesn't magically make all this go away, or maybe even provide any relief, but he sounds like a really good therapist. If you can find some hope of healing, I think he can provide it. Thanks for sharing this with us. And I'm glad to know he's perceptive enough to get how knowledgable you are. Big Grin

Hi Sakajawea,
What an awesome user name! Welcome to the forums, I'm glad you decided to post and introduce yourself. Looking forward to talking more with you also!

((((((TN))))))) I'm really blown away by your new T .... he sounds amazing ... I know you don't feel the emotional connection yet .... but that's to be expected .... I am amazed at how much he has a handle on your old T .... Well ... at least you are giving it a try .... that's all anyone can ask of you right now .... I think you are going to get through this .... It might take a while to establish trust with your new T .... so be patient .....

So, how do we get unenmeshed???
TN, I am glad to hear that at the very least, New T is on the ball and can hear you and understand the situation. I know he isn't like your old T, in terms of being immediately connected but he has a brain and can use it, that strikes me as extremely positive! Here's to many more productive Mondays and to a gradually developing attunement. You need and deserve someone to help you as you grieve.


So, how do we get unenmeshed???

Liese... I ordered the book through Amazon but used and it came from another vendor. I think I paid like $6 for it. It's very worth it although it's a bit technical but the case studies are fascinating.

I guess to get unenmeshed you first have to be aware that you are and this is hard when you are involved in the enmeshment itself. Maybe a third party steps in as a consultant or supervisor to untangle things. Not sure. In my case it caused a total rupture of the relationship (at my Ts doing not mine).

Beebs... thanks for the good wishes. Yeah this guy is really smart and its like he already knows me without me having to explain a lot of old history. Quite eerie at times LOL.

AG... of course your encouragement means a lot and thanks for posting it here. Maybe your wonderful T has a twin in my city! Wink

Sakajawea it's really nice to meet you and I'm honored you chose my thread as your first place to post. Thank you for your kind words and for saying I'm brave. I'm doing my best to heal from this nightmare. Look forward to knowing more about you.

TN ... is it just happenstance that your appointments with new T are on Mondays, just like they were with old T? I think it's great that they are on the same day so hopefully it will lessen some of the pain ....

Ahhh, the pain of separation TN .... that is how we become unenmeshed ..... and that is how we grow ..... you may not have wanted it ... it was forced on you .... and it was damn painful .... and it really really sucked ..... but you have grown already .... i know you still have the anger ... and the desire for closure ... and all that stuff .... but you are doing an awesome job out there ..... Keep going TN, we are all rooting for you!!!
And it will be okay to value both relationships for the good parts they contained. I hope none of this comes across as insensitive because I have worded it wrong. Thank you for sharing this painful (but hopefully healing) journey with us as it unfolds. It is a privilege.

MH you worded all of that beautifully... and I thank you. I think I have been struggling to believe that this new relationship will not be disloyal to what I had with oldT. I know that sounds so weird that I would even care but even thought right now it's way too painful to even remember anything I had with oldT... I may someday want to go look at it again. And I have such a hard time with black and white thinking... it's always one or the other not both .... so it's hard to allow myself to have a strong relationship with newT as I'm afraid it will obliterate what I had with my oldT and that feels so threatening to me. And one thing about me is that I am fiercely loyal to those people I care about and that does not die easily. Despite what he had done I can still feel that loyalty to oldT and empathy for what he may be also going through. I cannot believe that he is not suffering in some way from this because I know how sensitive and sometimes fragile his sense of self was. And yeah I'm not even supposed to know this stuff about him but I do.

And I have no doubt that newT will teach me a lot of stuff and that if I can find a way to allow it... he can also help me grow in new ways. Right now that thought is painful and frightening and so I cannot go too near to it. I know that no two relationships can be the same and maybe this will help me to place newT in a space that is his while maintaining the love and gratefulness I feel to old T for all that he did for me. And thank you for saying that observing my journey is a privilege. Despite all the pain and anguish I hope someone somewhere is helped by this.

Liese...I didn't plan on having Monday appointments it just worked out this way. I have had Tuesdays and Fridays with newT as well so I think it's more of a matter of where he can put me in his busy schedule. I'm not sure if the pain is more or less to be with him on Mondays... it is distracting though in a way so maybe that is a good thing.

Thanks for rooting for me!

TN .... I know exactly what you mean about the loyalty thing ..... and wanting to feel good things about your relationship with old T .... there were good things .... you shared a lot .... you liked each other .... you had a really nice relationship ... maybe not therapeutic in the clinical sense ... but you had a really nice relationship ..... almost more like a friendship ....

Do you know the old T that I left? She would tell me things about herself too and I did the same thing ... I took care of her ... She was in her 60's and she was divoriced and she didn't have children ... .... and I would think, awww I have to have her over for the holidays ... she talked to me about a man she was dating ...... I even think she was hinting at taking my daughter shopping ..... That stuff really blurs the lines between a friendship and a therapeutic relationship .... and it wasn't my fault ... I had no idea at the time what was swirling around in my head .... I went to her for help ... but she did .... Once we become more aware of our thoughts, we become more aware of what we are looking for in other people ....

I hope I don't come across sometimes as being too dismissive .... Of course, I come from a very dismissive family of origin and my tendency is to blow things off ..... so if you do pick this up ... please know that it is not you, it is me ....
Liese you don't come off as dismissive to me at all. So don't worry.

I do know what you are saying about oldT. In fact, I have always felt that we could be truly wonderful friends and I mean just that... platonic friends... we have SO much in common and we are exactly the same age have kids the same age our kids have played together and like each other I know his wife he knows my dh we both love baseball, wine, cooking, streetgames. So that was our non-clinical relationship but he did also offer me himself as my stronger, wiser other (even if he was not so wise in the end) and I used that to venture out into the world and try new things. I knew he was there to return to and to keep me safe. Perhaps that was all an illusion but I did start to be able to regulate my emotions much better (stay calmer in the face of scary stuff) because I used him as my external emotional modulater. He provided a lot of reassurance to me and he was kind and could be very thoughtful and playful which my young self responded to.

But his behavior in the end caused me to be unable to even think of anything good that he did for me because it stirs up pain and longing for him and the realization that he is GONE. Just like that in an instant I lost him and all those wonderful things from my life. I lost his reassurance, the safety of his office, help with regulating my emotions, the person who knows me so truly well that we don't even have to use words to convey things to each other... just a look will work. There was a certain limbic resonance I felt with him... he could just look me in the eyes and my nervous system would calm down. His approval meant so much to me like a Dad's would. I loved it when he was proud of me or protective of me.

I can see how you would feel things for your old T who was alone and seemed lonely. You probably felt her pain on some level... you recognized her woundedness from the divorce and you responded to it. I did the same with oldT. I recognized in him another wounded soul and I wanted to connect with that part of him... unfortunately... this was therapy and not a social relationship and I could not really help him and was not even supposed to know or care about that stuff. It was supposed to be about me and not taking care of him. This is part of the repetition compulsion that newT spoke to me about. I always took care of my parents' feelings and fell into doing the same with oldT and the reason I do this a lot is because I am trying to change the outcome from what happened in my childhood. To make something different happen. But unfortunately oldT played right into a re-enactment of the damage my parents caused me and here I am.

Sorry didn't mean to get so long-winded. I have a lot to think about from yesterday's session.

Never apologize for being long winded ... we are all learning here ....I learn from all of you and I learn when I write too ....

My new T hasn't talked to me about repetition compulsion but I have noticed a tendency in my self to make myself needed ..... I see a weakness in someone and I try to fill that void so that person will need me ..... I keep asking myself, why can't I allow myself to be in a relationship where I am not needed???? Well, to be needed gives me that security .... that sense of worth, I guess .. that I lack elsewhere ..... It's safe ..... But what keeps happening is that I'm getting resentful because I'm taking care of everyone else's dreams but not mine ..... I feel like an emotional whore!

and I felt exactly that way about my old T ... that we'd be great friends, like why couldn't we have met outside the therapeutic relationship???? I really really liked her until well, my approval/rejection issues hit me like a mack truck! Talk about rage!
Liese... repetition compulsion, enmeshment, re-enactments are all very psycho-dynamic issues and I don't think your T would be thinking in this direction, especially as they all relate to how we look at our past to see who we have become and why we think the way we do today. And even if he works with these issues, he may not name them as such because the average patient in therapy would have no idea what he was talking about. These are fairly advanced concepts in psychology. I think you would knock him off his seat if you started speaking knowledgeably about these things! (And be careful that you don't intimidate him like I did with my oldT!!) But seriously, a good T should be able to handle and address anything a patient throws at them.

You keep taking care of everyone else's needs as you may have taken care of your parents' needs and hope that this time the outcome will be different... as in maybe the others will turn around and then take care of you (like you hoped your parents would)... this is not a conscious thing that we do.

NewT told me about a former patient who had such a repetition compulsion towards alcoholics that he could put her in a room with 100 men and she would find the only one with a drinking problem to attach to.


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