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Okay all, a promised update on my session with T on Monday, his first day back after ten days. I went in to see him feeling very numb and shut down. First thing I did was to ask him if everything was okay with him or if there was something going on with him because I felt that lately he has not been consistent or the T I have known. He told me he is fine and all is well and that I'm right... he is changing things up a little by pushing me more but the basics are all the same and not changing... most notably how he feels about me.

He was very good but he held his position while at the same time making me feel cared for and even loved. He did say he is changing things up a bit but that is because he is expecting more out of me and that if he does not push I won't get well. He tells me that if he is annoyed with me it does not mean that our relationship is in jeopardy or that it changes. He told me that I cannot do anything to change how he feels about me. He told me it all comes down to trust and until I can recognize that he is trustworthy we can't move ahead. He does not tell me to simply trust him because he knows it does not work that way but to look at the experience I have had with him and how things have gone with us in the past and then to decide if I can trust him. Having been abandoned by oldT makes trust very difficult (as some of you know too).

He told me some good things about me and he wants me to remember them... at least until I get back to work LOL. He said we are now working on object constancy. I do struggle with this too. After our disastrous conversation before he left for vacation I made him "disappear". I banish him from my mind and this, he tells me, is just hurting me. So I have to keep saying these 5 things that he told me about me as an affirmation of some kind. Not sure how that is going to work.

He reminded me that in our last session he was cognizant enough to not open anything too triggering for me because he was leaving me for ten days. he also told me if he didn't care about me then why would he check in with me midweek to be sure he hadn't missed an email from me. He told me that he does get annoyed when I "undo" our work. He said he will push at me and I will push back and that is okay. He told me that I must be pretty sure of him in some way if I could sit there and tell him off LOL and be angry with him. He said that shows growth in me. He gave me a lot to think about today. It is just SO HARD to believe that he really cares about me because he can be so difficult at times and he also scares me at times. Aside from that I have a basic issue in believing that anyone could care about me.

Well that is some of what happened. I was sort of spacey when I got back to work and had trouble focusing. I feel exhausted this week and there are a lot of feelings that I'm trying to reign in which makes me want to eat. I'm trying to avoid that and I have been doing pretty well. After work I had to drive my son to chorus practice and on the way home I drove by the park where C's memorial was. I can see the spot from the road, which is why I chose it. So I can drive by and don't necessarily have to walk into the park when I'm pressed for time. As I wrote last week the rock and cross were gone. I don't know what I expected today but OMG, I could see the rock with the white cross was still there nearby the tree. Not where I put it but someone obviously placed it back in the general area of the tree. I had no time to stop that night but I went back yesterday and put things in their proper place again. I want to leave flowers at the end of the month for his birthday. It's just so strange how it happened. T left and went away and the rock disappeared and then T came back and the rock reappeared. It's eerie.

Oh and Monday night I sent T an email with a list of the 5 nice things he said about me that I had to remember. He had teased me that he hoped I'd remember them at least until I got back to work LOL. So I emailed and told him I still remembered what he said and he told me that was perfect and I need to hold onto those truths. I'm trying. I see him tomorrow again.

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TN, I'm so glad you're ok and your T is ok. It does sound like he wants the very best for you. I don't think my T puts that much thought into me. He is back to sounding awesome even though he is staying tough with you.

I'm really glad you wrote this update. I picked up a few things that resonated with my therapy, which might be good discussion with my T.

It is very eerie about the reappearance of the rock. Life is just so damned strange sometimes. Take care.

It's all so very hard isn't it? When they push us? I like that he is honest with you about the fact that he IS pushing you. I guess the thing is, you, like all of need, need things to be a certain way so that we don't experience certain feelings. My guess is that he is changing things up a little to get you to feel those feelings so that you can integrate them and develop new, healthier attachments. I know that doesn't really help now when you are in the middle of all the pain.

Glad to hear that you and he are doing okay.

Glad you had a solid session TN. Sounds like you guys got through a ton of stuff and it was really difficult, confronting yet stabilising.

I too had a 12 day gap between sessions and i too was shut down a bit on my Monday session, by Wednesday I was severely shut down and had a horrible session.

My common themes? Fear of abandonment, fear of termination, trust issues, attachment push pull etc etc. Same old story.

Please let us know what work you do on object constancy. It is one of my worst problems and very debilitating. My T would love to know how Mr TN's T approaches it. Cool

Really glad that your session was good.

I want to know what the 5 nice things are !!!

This sounds all very positive AND difficult. I like how your T. is holding steady. He has so much confidence in you and the work that you two are doing together. He is willing to take a risk (pushing you a bit) and wants you to join him... because he cares and believes in you.

I encourage you to join him. It sounds like it could be rewarding... but hard work.
Hi Becca... glad you found something in my post to help you with your T. Thanks for your response.

Yaku... I have always thought you had a very smart, good, caring T and I suppose those kinds of T's have a lot in common. We are very fortunate to be in such caring hands. I am trying to hang onto the thoughts of those good things. I told my T today that while I can now remember them, I'm still trying to FEEL them. That is the difficult part.

Hi Liese... yeah it's best that he is up front and explains about the pushing part or I may think he just decided to hate me or wanted to drive me away. OldT didn't push. In fact, I pushed him LOL which was wrong.

HI SD... yes that is a good description of the session. Tough and confronting but it ended up having me feel more stabilized and connected with T. I'm sorry you had such a bad session this week and that you had the break that caused it. I will keep you updated on the object constancy work. For now it's just these things I need to keep close to me....

T cares about me
T respects me
T thinks I'm intelligent
T likes me a lot
T is proud that I am trying to do new things and doing them better than he even thought I would.

Of course, T also reminded me that I have to kick and scream a lot each step of the way but tells me that this is what I'm supposed to be doing. As I said above, I can remember these things but can't yet feel them. He says LTN feels them and believes them so I should listen to her. It's like if I allow myself to believe him then it will all just disappear... poof.

RM...thanks for your support. T tells me that he believes in me (maybe I need to add that to my list) and he is definitely confident in himself and in our work. He tells me that because I'm such a strong person I need an equally strong T. I think I've found him LOL.

Hugs to all,

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