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feeling a little more emotionally balanced this morning. I spoke with T1 last evening and explained to her how important it was for me to work through the transference and the underlying issues. She seemed receptive to working on the underlying issues. I will be seeing a new psychologist today and am both excited and a little nervous about that.

for today I am going to practice being kind to myself. Starting the day off walking the zoo, and keep myself busy until my appt.
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Saw new T this evening. I almost went into shock when he told me I was very insightful and that it is very encouraging to him to have a patient with my kind of insight.... followed by him saying that my visit and the session is leaving him on a high note for the day. How awesome it was to hear someone echo something positive to me. So for now I will be seeing T1 one week and him the next. We will process the transference and the underlying issues. I am feeling so relieved. Someone who sees me the way I want to be seen! WOW!
Excited to share the news with T1 on Monday. I think she will be as relieved as I am.
hi gg... so glad to hear that your session with new T went well and that there was some attunement happening. Does he allow outside contact?

You may be surprised that down the line your T1 will fade into insignificance in your life if you develop a strong attachment and relationship with this new T. If he meets your needs and you feel heard, nurtured, attended to and cared about you will develop the relationship that will heal.

Good luck
Good morning TN,

The new T does allow outside contact via text and phone. Calls will be returned after 6:00pm.

I so desire for T1 to fade in significance in my life. That is what I want. It is unhealthy for me to spend so much time thinking about her and ruminating over what I want from her and cannot have.

In a way I feel like I betrayed her by seeking another's assistance, but I know that is my own garbage. I did what is healthy and best for me.

Thank you all for your support and encouraging words.

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