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Okay, this might seem like a pretty clearcut dream but I figured I'd post it and see if anyone had a different way of looking at it.

I dreamt that the bottom side of my big toe just started to bleed heavily. There was quite a bit of blood. Someone was helping me clean it up and to get it to stop bleeding but I don't know who it was. It might have been my T. Not sure. I went to the doctor to tell him what had happened. By then, my toe had stopped bleeding and all that was left were a couple of tiny little slits where the blood had come out. It was actually amazing that so much blood had come out of such small slits.

I also had these awful bruises on my arms and legs. They were huge and very ugly. I showed these to the doctor as well.

His response was that I was fine. My toe had stopped bleeding and the bruises would heal in time. There wasn't anything he could do for me. Nothing was hurting and I wasn't bleeding anymore.

I was upset that he didn't think it was a big deal. I thought it was a HUGE deal. Whose toe opens up spontaneously like that and bleeds all over the place? And why is my body covered in these huge ugly bruises when I don't remember having come into contact with anything that would cause me to bruise like that? Yes, I wasn't bleeding right then and there wasn't anything anyone could do about the bruises but I was sure there was something wrong inside me.
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I don't know about the bruises; but I just had a look at the dreambible website for clues about dreaming of toes and bleeding.
It seems dreaming of bleeding means a reduction in strength or vigor in some part of your life, and to dream of toes relates to the stability in your life. Your toes keep you balanced and stable. Are you finding some part of your life less stable or secure at the moment perhaps?

Maybe the doctor was your T, and he was telling you that things will get better and more stable for you.
Hey Liese,

I'm wondering if the people in the dream could represent different parts of you.

I'm thinking the bruises must be emotional damage and traumas, and like AV my first thought about the big toe was that it is essential for balance. I am not sure about the bleeding through the toe, whether that could be a sign you feel you are losing balance, or perhaps trying to restore balance by "bleeding off" some pain, or perhaps something else altogether?

The doctor seems to be a dismissive part that shows little interest in or empathy for your suffering, but at the same time what he says is technically true-- you have stopped bleeding and bruises do heal. So in a sense, he is emphasizing your strengths and wholeness, encouraging you to feel empowered and capable? Even our dismissive parts do serve some useful functions at times.

Then there is the "you" in the dream, who is more concerned about woundedness, but "was sure there was something wrong inside me," assigning causation for your bruises to some internal defect rather than things that have happened to you, but don't bruises usually come from blows from the outside? So that conclusion struck me as interesting and worth looking at.

Someone was helping me clean it up and to get it to stop bleeding but I don't know who it was. It might have been my T. Not sure.

To me, this part seems like the most interesting. He/she/it is silent, not commenting on what is or isn't wrong with you, but silently and capably doing what is needed to help. The fact that you think it may have been symbolized by your T makes me feel it is an aspect of you you trust and feel pretty good about.

Cool dream, btw. Will be interested in hearing more of your own thoughts on it. Smiler

It makes sense that dreaming of toes would relate to stability and bleeding would relate to a loss of strength and vigor. Yes, those things apply to my life right now. I'm going to have to check out that website.


I am wondering if the dream meant that you are feeling invalidated and that your injuries are not being taken seriously enough. You're looking at bruises and bleeding and saying that something is really wrong and needs to be attended to, but the people around you are saying its no big deal.

That's been a huge theme in my life and also in therapy.

(I've lost count of how many well-intentioned people have asked me "but its in the past, wouldn't it just be better to look forward?" Major pet peeve of mine. ).

Always loved that scene from the Lion King when Rafikki hits Simba on the head:

[Rafiki hits Simba on the head with his stick]
Adult Simba: Ow! Jeez, what was that for?
Rafiki: It doesn't matter. It's in the past.
Adult Simba: Yeah, but it still hurts.
Rafiki: Oh yes, the past can hurt.

I can't tell you how much that one scene has helped me in life. Major pet peeve of mine also.


Oh, you had some really interesting thoughts there. I hadn't thought about it representing different parts of myself but it definitely could be.

So in a sense, he is emphasizing your strengths and wholeness, encouraging you to feel empowered and capable?

That was an interesting way to look at it.

Then there is the "you" in the dream, who is more concerned about woundedness, but "was sure there was something wrong inside me," assigning causation for your bruises to some internal defect rather than things that have happened to you, but don't bruises usually come from blows from the outside?

It's not so much that I felt I was defective but that there had to be something wrong with me because of the extent of the bruising and the amount of blood that came out of my toe. I couldn't remember anything causing either the bleeding or the bruises and so decided that my body must be ultra sensitive which is causing excessive bleeding and bruising. A blood disease? I felt it warranted investigation.

To me, this part seems like the most interesting. He/she/it is silent, not commenting on what is or isn't wrong with you, but silently and capably doing what is needed to help. The fact that you think it may have been symbolized by your T makes me feel it is an aspect of you you trust and feel pretty good about.

Yeah, that's true.

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