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I feel deep sadness. A cloak of sadness. I feel it heavy on me. Occasionally I feel a pain cut through my heart centre.

Thank you Yaku - for posting on my other thread, last night:

I've been imagining all evening what it would be like to be held by someone I could trust, held and count on it not to turn into something violating. I want so badly to just be wrapped up in someone else's care. I'm feeling really connected to your sense of mourning right now.

I have thought during the last two days, of asking in my local church for a kind father, an older kind father to take pity on me and hold me as a child, just hold me safe, - but who could do that, and how could I ever be so open to ask?

sweetP was so kind and measured and careful in telling me he did not think holding me was a good idea and in my best interests. So i am not mad at him. I like him for his honesty and integrity and his genuine feeling of trying to do what is right and best for me. I still want holding though. That feeling is more strong. and he doesn't mind me sitting there weeping with it. He is kind and gentle and sympathetic and I know he cares and he explained that of course he FEELS when I am in pain and he does not just observe me detachedly. I trust him. I know I am safe with him. I even prefer to go with his feeling that holding me is not the right thing for me. If HE feels that, there must be good reason for it.

But I still desperately deeply want to be held and feel safe and FEEL someeone is there, when I fall into the pre verbal pain.

I don't expect people to understand. I know you have other issues going on in your own therapy and that other people are talking about issues which are far more interesting than this. i understand this.

But it still hurts to be in this state. I have always been told that this pain of mine is unimportant. It has been ignored, mocked, laughed at, ridiculed, shamed, abused, violated, exploited and exposed and shredded. Now I am admitting it. I admit this. I admit I have this feeling and I am trying not to be ashamed of it. sweetP sits there and allows me to tell him that I deeply want him to hold me and he nods and hears and affirms the pain of the need and the agony of it. that is a break through in itself - that he can hear and than I can tell him and it is okay.

I am very worried that I fly to india in three days time, for nearly three weeks and will not see him. I see him again on Monday late afternoon and fly on Tuesday morning. He has arranged that I can phone him from INdia, twice and will also see me the day after I get back. He is holding me in so many other ways. He is very kind.

It was India where I was inprisoned and r*ped over several months, so it is very hard going back. I am scared but also determined.

I am beginning to get a sense of what it feels like to have a real therapist - one who stays steady and is accepting and actually truly experienced in issues of sexual abuse. He admitted on Thursday that most of his work over the last 25 years has been with women who have been sexually abused. So no wonder he has such understanding of me.

I rang my first T last night, who worked with me 24 years ago, and she said it was not surprizing that I liked working with him so much as I have never ever in my life had a relationship with a male father figure who is actually safe. She was so glad for me.

I know what you will probably say, that I have to go through this grief. I know. He also said that the pain that I fall into, the awful body juddering, teeth chattering, pre verbal writhing terror - he said that we need to bring that into the fold, instead of trying to lock it away etc, try to bring it into the sessions even though he won't physically hold me when I am in it, but we can then work on it together by experiencing it and working on it.

I am so tired.
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I don't expect people to understand. I know you have other issues going on in your own therapy and that other people are talking about issues which are far more interesting than this. i understand this.

I totally and completely understand Sadly. Totally and completely. I have actually contemplated asking my massage therapist if she could just hold me for an hour instead of massaging, but that is a little too awkward for me to ask still.

But I still desperately deeply want to be held and feel safe and FEEL someone is there, when I fall into the pre verbal pain.

This could have been right from my own thoughts. A sure way to get me in touch with my pre verbal feelings, with any feelings, would be to hold me. It would finally give me a safe place to let go.

It sounds like SweetP really gets this, and is 150% there for you. Such a huge step for you in heading back to India, and I'm glad that he is supporting you as best he can while you're on the journey.

(((((((Sadly)))))))) Still thinking of you. I'm also not ready to surrender to the idea that I never get to replace that safe closeness and holding that was lost in my childhood. It hurts so much. I'm so sorry you have been through so many painful experiences, before any words were there to describe them and beyond what could ever be told. I really think you are incredibly brave. I'll be praying while you're off in India. I hope you have an opportunity to check in with us.






I am very glad, very very glad that your lovely sweetP doesn't think you feelings of needing to be held are worth being mocked and ridiculed. You deserve nothing but kindness and compassion in this awful, but (don't get me wrong) beautiful state. You are crucified.

I know it can't be a drop in the bucket of "enough" -but I want you to know that if I could hold you and comfort your sweet, hurting little child inside, I would love to.
I'm very glad you have sweetP. It's paradoxical, but it is also likely that your feelings of trust for him might change, if he accidentally held you while in a different state than the pre-verbal one- and he would have no way of knowing that, ensuring that- for sure- the risk of making a mistake is too great. He does not want to accidentally lose your trust. The self-restrained care he shows for you- it is very painful to bear.

Have a very safe trip. I am wishing you blessings of healing peace-

Thanks BB, Yaku and Room to Grow
it is a very difficult place. I also just received a book written by the therapist who abused me and it has a chapter about what he did to me in it, but not admitting the full extent of what he did. I have blogged about it, but it is so painful.
But I remember how sweet and good and kind sweetP is and that is sustaining me. As each of your kind comments are too.
Sadly, just read your blog and I am even more disgusted. Twisting your story in such a way, claiming disdain for his self-pity and connection with his failure, and then to re-injure you by lessening the original violation in his words. It is a good thing I cannot go with H on his business trip in June. I might end up in jail for homicide. I hate the man who has done these things to you.

I wish I could say more - my brain is fried - but I will for sure be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers while you are away on your trip to India, especially since that is where you went through awful abuse and pain...

I can understand about craving and grieving that kind of comfort of being held. (maybe it's not all lost... can I ask, what about your H? oh, I'm sure you have gone there already.)
I am beginning to get a sense of what it feels like to have a real therapist - one who stays steady and is accepting and actually truly experienced in issues of sexual abuse. He admitted on Thursday that most of his work over the last 25 years has been with women who have been sexually abused. So no wonder he has such understanding of me.

Yay! you deserve such a good T after all you have been through. I'm also glad it's begining to feel like it's real to you, something you can grasp a little bit. That is no small thing. You are doing so much hard work. I'm amazed by your endurance and progress.

and for the guy I refer to in my mind as criminal T... he wrote about it?! ugh. It makes sense he would not admit all of his criminal acts against you, since it is so horrible what he did that admitting the full extent so publically would expose him as the manipulative absuive person that he is. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that.

I'm glad you will have a way to check in with your T while you are away.

I hope you get a chance to rest and be a little restored before you leave. Sorry you are so tired and exhausted.

many hugs

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