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When I was a child, Pete's Dragon was one of my favorite movies. I felt I could relate to Pete-- I too had an imaginary friend that I suspected at times was real, and I wished there was someone like Nora in my life-- a strong, confident mother figure who was also protective, caring, and fun. I loved Nora! Big Grin

So, the other day I was re-watching Pete's Dragon just for fun and I kept thinking, "Who is Nora reminding me of?" before I realized, "Of course! T!" Smiler

There is quite a similarity, in manner, expression, and even appearance, although T is much older than Nora. I thought this was interesting and amusing. I wondered if subconsciously this similarity may have played into the feeling of "rightness" I felt when I first interviewed T, and into the way I was able to attach fairly quickly.

I'm just curious if anyone else on here has noticed a similarity between your T and a favorite fictional character from your childhood? Or maybe just a similarity to someone you knew and liked in the past? Spill, I'm all ears! Smiler
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Can I use a book? And tell you that I'm embarrassed to admit this one? Embarrassed One of my favorite books growing up (still is) was Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. I read it for the first time when I was 14 and have read it 19 times all the way through. I fell deeply in love with Aragorn when I read the book. He's portrayed a little differently in the book than in the movie (although I LOVED Viggo Mortenson in the role) in that he wasn't self-doubting at all. He was a very powerful, experienced and wise, a force in his own right and heir to an amazing heritage. His life was dedicated to overcoming Sauron as his marrying Arwen (whom he fell in love with when he was 20 and his heritage had just been revealed to him, he was 90 at the time of the LOTR) was contingent on him sitting on the thrones of the ancient realms of Arnor and Gondor. His moral compass was incredible and his whole being was dedicated to protecting those under his care. He was the archetypal hero King, deadly in battle, yet with healing in his hands and an amazing gentleness. I think in some ways, he became my ideal of what a man should be.

So if I'm honest, my T is my Aragorn, he is older and wiser, battles the darkness with me, heals me and is protective of me. He also seems a little beyond me, which the King would be.

I'm Eowyn, not Arwen. Eowyn who thinks she's in love with Aragorn, but was really in love with his greatness and the promise he held of greatness. But in the end, it's Faramir that she realizes she loves. But there is wonderful scene in the end of the book that didn't make it into the movie. There is a celebratory feast where her betrothal to Faramir is announced:

Then Éowyn looked in the eyes of Aragorn, and she said: ‘Wish me joy, my liege-lord and healer!’ And he answered: ‘I have wished thee joy ever since first I saw thee. It heals my heart to see thee now in bliss.’

J.R.R. Tolkien (2009-04-17). The Lord of the Rings (p. 977). Harper Collins, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

Which, if my T carried a broad sword and spoke archaically, is what I think he'd say to me. Smiler

Fun question, thank you.

AG, if it makes you feel any better, Aragorn from the books (not movies, although I can't complain about Viggo either) was probably my first crush. I like your analogy, too! I totally related to Eowyn also. I think she felt like an orphan because her family was falling apart, and she wanted to be a hero but she also kind of wanted to die. I think I've felt the same way...

I can't say my T reminds me of anyone in particular, but I've always had an odd fascination with the wise mentor figures in books and TV. Gandalf from LOTR, Professor X from X-Men, even Splinter from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (hey! I grew up with that!) I have to go read it again, but maybe my T would be one of the W's from A Wrinkle in Time (Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Witch, and Mrs. Who, right?)

Kind of an interesting question!
These replies were so fun to read. Thank you all.

Such a gorgeous quote from Tolkien! Thanks for sharing it. I haven't read the whole trilogy, but I did find the Eowyn/Aragorn relationship as portrayed in the movie both touching and inspiring, though also a bit sad. What a shame that quote didn't make it in, it would have added so much!

Turtle power! I grew up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles too. Smiler Michaelangelo was my favorite, lol. Good times. I haven't thought about ol' Splinter in years. Thanks for the memory. Big Grin

Oh, I love Atticus Finch as well. And the way you wrote about him here was so lovely, it makes me really want to go and re-read the book. How amazing to have a T like that. Smiler Thanks for chiming in.
Well this movie isn't from my childhood, but my T reminds me soooooooo much of the mom from The Blind Side. She's Southern, (TX not Miss. though) she's sweet but if needed, she WILL take anyone down. T is more of a cowgirl too; classy cowgirl ;D I knew T reminded me of someone but I just couldn't put my finger on it until now that I'm rewatching the Blind Side for the 2nd time haha. I prefer my T though Big Grin

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