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T and I were talking about music, and the idea came up for me to make a playlist of songs that I can listen to at home, that will make me feel the way I feel in Ts office - safe, cared for, relaxed (usually) and (generally) calm.

I'm a music junkie, so I thought it would be a simple task. I was so wrong. I can not for the life of me come up with songs that evoke the same warm fuzzy feeling I have in Ts office! Every song that comes to mind is a mushy love song, and while I *think* I love my T, I don't love her in *that* way.

Any songs come to your mind? Any songs that aren't love songs? I had hoped this would be an easy project, one that I could quickly reap the benefits of, but wow!
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Hi R2G,

I bet the list might be different for everyone so these songs may not mean anything for you. But here's a list I thought of:

Sailing - Christopher Cross
That's what love is all about - Michael Bolton
Orinoco Flow - Enya
Cool Change - Little River Band
Somewhere Out There - Linda Rondstadt/James Ingram
Look through my eyes - Phil Collins
Stepping Out - Electric Light Orchestra
Two Steps Behind - Def Leppard
In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel

I'll let you know if I think of any more. Smiler
Thanks (((Liese))) and (((Debbye)))

I like the suggestions and song ideas that you've given me. They are all good ones! Your replies have also helped me clarify my situation in my head more. The problem is not that they are "love" songs per say, but when I hear a song that reminds me of how I feel in Ts office, well.... I just can't explain it. Here are some songs that I've put together:

We're All In This Together/Ben Lee
Lean on Me/Club Nouveau
The Middle/Jimmy Eat World
Say/John Mayer
Use Somebody/Kings of Leon
Gotta Be Somebody/Nickelback
You Can Talk To Me/Stevie Nicks
Ooh Child/5 Stairsteps
Feels Like Home/Chantal Kreviazuk

I think, what is happening in my mind, is that I hear these songs, they remind me of how safe and warm I feel with T, and then I really HEAR to the words and they are all about love and relationships. It then makes me feel a little odd as I'm listening to a song that IS about love and relationships, and the person that I think of is my T.

For example, a part in Gotta Be Somebody goes :
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there/Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares/
Someone to love with my life in their hands/There's gotta be somebody for me like that

And who do I think of? T, of course!

I swear I thought this would be simple, but noooo, of course not, nothing to do with T is ever simple!
Here are a few of mine. At different points in my therapy they apply.

Indigo Girls - Fire and Ice
Indigo Girls - Kid Fears
Indigo Girls - Closer to Fine

As you can tell the Indigo Girls must speak to me.

Dar Williams - What Do You Hear in These Sounds ...... which is actually about her therapy and therapist.

Jan Arden - Good Mother
One of my favorites is Halo by Beyonce.

OMG... Liese... I feel the same way about Halo! Love that song.


All I Need - Within Temptation
Bring Me To Life - Evanescence
When I Look At You - Miley Cyrus
The Dark Side - Kelly Clarkson
Arms - Christina Perry
When You Come Back to Me - Garth Brooks

Those are just a few off the top of my head... I don't have my iPod with me today LOL. I actually made oldT a 2 CD set of songs that (I felt) described by therapy journey with him and I gave it to him one Christmas. Sadly, it was one of the gifts he returned to me nine months after he abandoned me. It still hurts to hear some of that music now.

Good topic R2G. If I think of more I'll add them here.

Lovin' these suggestions everyone. I hadn't thought of Halo, but boy do I love that one!

(((TN))) I can very much relate to the songs on the CDs still hurting. There are three songs that I used to love, but each somehow ended up connected to three different, horrible, times in my life, and I can no longer listen to either of them without crying, even all these years (10+) later.

I just added a music page to my blog with all the songs I've blogged about or quoted from, as each of those posts were usually somehow related to T. Still trying to figure out what my hangup is on this. Of all the songs listed and here, the ones that make me feel most like I do when I am with T are the mushy ones

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