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Sorry about that pun, but it's true. Since I've been sick I've spent most of my time on forum and listening to music. I love music to an extreme and I have a fairly eclectic taste, and it seems that I find so many songs that I can relate to certain times and relationships in my life. Especially to my my T. I don't know if it is just my subjectiveness to do so or if it would make sense to anyone else or not. Some people aren't into music that much, but I always have been.

I am really into this song I recently found and I play it over and over and somehow think of my relationship with my T. It's an awesome song by an up and coming new artist. Listen and tell me what you think of any correlation and share your ideas about things you relate to your T. Or am I crazy and alone on this one? Red Face

Erin McCarley-Lovesick Mistake
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I recently found and I play it over and over and somehow think of my relationship with my T.


First of all, if you are crazy then you have a whole $%#&load of company! Music is a HUGE trigger for me and very important in my life. My degree is actually in music. I associate almost every song with something in my life. And lately, the thing I associate it most with is the relationship with my T. I can get pretty sappy in the type of music I like to listen to. My inspirations lately have been from Josh Groban Roll Eyes (as my kids all roll their eyes and pretend to gag) I can take almost any song and turn it into something meaningful with a particular relationship. OK, maybe not ANY music -- the stuff my boys listen to is pretty "out there."

So you see, you are definitely not alone on this. Big Grin

For what it's worth, I don't think you're crazy!

Music has always been a big part of my life. When I hear an old song on the radio it always reminds me of a certain event or person in my past.

I can relate to a lot of this song... especially this line:
I have to find some way to fumble through this latest heartache

That's how I felt the last few weeks when my son had to switch Ts.

This is a great song. I have a feeling I'll be playing it over and over again too. In fact I just downloaded it on iTunes.

I totally get the importance of music. I have a very broad eclectic taste in music, and I think for the longest time I used music to get to the emotions that I needed to. Music was such an important part of my healing that when my first T retired, I actually made her a 2 CD set of really significant songs from my time with her with a written eplanation for each song and what it had meant to me. So yeah, you're crazy. Smiler

I have a tendency to sing alot and I'm very grateful that the woman I sit next to at work (who is also a very good friend) doesn't mind it all. She loves when we hire new people so she can see them stop outside my office trying to figure out what's going on. Smiler And I have music with me constantly. Hard drive at home, hard drive at the office, and my Ipod in between. Have an interface in the car so I can play the IPOD there too. I also often use music to soothe myself also. Love the stuff!

PL, I must confess to also liking Josh Groban, for which my kids totally bust my chops. His song "You are loved" got played over and over when I was trying to take it that I was. So you're not alone. Although I'm only admitting this because my real identity is protected. Big Grin

HB, I love Anna Nalick's "Breathe." Especially the line about singing my diary out loud. Makes me cry every time though.

My biggies lately have been Sarah McClanlan's Answer and Gary Allan's The One.


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