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So, my mom has been having her ex-boyfriend (an incompetent lawyer who helps her out from time to time) use her email address (she is computer illiterate) to CC me on all her financial/legal correspondence. She doesn't warn me, but this last week, I have been getting a ton, so I kind of knew "something" was coming.

Last night my Mom texts me she needs me to print out a lease contract for her property she is renting out (she owns some houses she is losing money on, because she has negative am loans, but she won't sell the homes, because she is "buying them for her children."). Whatever. So, I can think of no good reason to not print a couple dozen pages for her, although she has at least three computers, three printers and three kids who live with her who could help her do it...and text back, sure, but call when she stops in, so that she doesn't wake my napping (crossing my fingers) toddler. So, then she texts back almost midnight about also needing me to print a lease application. Whatever, what is a few more pages? Sure. Fine. But I can't find it, so I tell her to text me about it tomorrow. She calls me the next morning and says it's in HER email, as if I have her name and password memorized, like it is my job to run her email account for her. Whatever, OK, I get her info from her on the phone and log in and print it out.

Then she says, OK, now I need you to go find a credit report website and run the checks for me, I will give you my credit card number. I resist a bit, because I have plans, but start doing it anyway, because, "it will only take a few minutes." She doesn't have all the info required on the apps, so I tell her it will have to be later, but today isn't a good day. On the way back from my plans, she calls me, "OK, I have that info, now can you do it?" So, since I am almost home, I tell her I have to put the toddler to bed and then I will try to help. She already knows today isn't a good day, but she insists I will be saving her "$450 if I can get their deposit this week and not have late fees on the mortgage." WHATEVER! Fine!

So, I get home and put my kid to bed and start working on the credit check again and need more info again and get it all put in for the first person and call for her credit card number and, "Whoops, I just took money out of the bank, there isn't enough in there now. I have to go put money back in and call you back from the number." So, I could be napping (insomnia and nightmares about trauma last night) or journaling for my session with T later, but I am just sitting here waiting for a call back, so I can do this for her. And after the first one, I have to run another, and print it out, and see her. And I am so in touch with what a $#!++4 time I had growing up in her house right now that the last thing I want is to see her. It's enough to have my sister living here, telling me every detail about their fights and putting me back in that trap and being reminded of that chaos. And I'm sure if my sister isn't home by the time my mom stops by to pick up her paperwork, I will get to hear "her side" of the argument. And objecting to being put in the middle got me kicked out, so I will just listen to how she feels, because I don't want to be triggered by her anger at me if I don't want to hear it. And now she just called me again, because the first lease was missing something and her ex has sent me a new one that I have to print out. So, even though my sister dropped off the first one, I will almost definitely have to see my mom to give her the second one and these credit reports. YUCK! I just want to be alone. Frowner

And, of course, the whole time all of this is happening, I feel like crap for being so triggered. Because, honestly, she is wording things like, "Could you please..." and "You are helping me so much..." and "You are saving me so much money if I can get this done..." and "Thank you, Sweetie!" But, that is just another form of her manipulation, like having her ex-boyfriend wrapped around her finger. And she is complaining about how he's pissed about some way she treated him. And I hear her talking to my almost 19-year-old sister (freshman at junior college) about the money mom expects her to pay for home, utilities, etc. And both my sisters (19, 20) are working almost full time and trying to go to school and my mom is offering to let a drunk childhood friend (of us older children) live in the garage so she can get a few extra hundred dollars a month and the guy tried to grab my 20-year-old sister's @$$ when he was drunk and she was underage and he is 34...and haven't these kids been through enough.

She is such a user, all about what she can get from other people, but she acts so polite about it...and I don't know why it is bothering me so much right now, but it is making me sick. But I just keep letting her use me like the tool I am. I guess I am just remembering that any time I needed or felt anything, she pushed me away, berated and abused me, kicked me out, threatened me...but when she needs something, she pushes her way through any tiny amount of resistance I can muster. So while spending a few hours helping her do this stuff is, I guess, no big deal in the scheme of things, it is feeling really heavy right now. I feel so stupid for being so triggered over such a ridiculously small thing, but with the other stuff on my plate, I am not really able to keep it together and I am seriously tempted to harm and having the usual horrible thoughts that go along with that, which I have mostly avoided for six days straight up until now...

OK, I think I'm done ranting...
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Because, honestly, she is wording things like, "Could you please..." and "You are helping me so much..." and "You are saving me so much money if I can get this done..." and "Thank you, Sweetie!" But, that is just another form of her manipulation,

Manipulation sucks. Reading your post Yaku, I feel for you... I lived like this my whole life, until I moved out and actually severed my connection with my family so I could figure things out for me. It was so HARD and it really sucked. Manipulation sucks all around, and I hate it when I am feeling manipulated by them now. It really sends me into a horrid tailspin.

I don't know why it is bothering me so much right now, but it is making me sick. But I just keep letting her use me like the tool I am.

You are not a tool. Growing up with this kind of life, I get so pissed at myself when I find myself sucked back into their storming. They are so good at it I often don't realize I've been sucked in until it's too late to stop- cause saying no at that point would start a whole other issue of misery. From what I've read here in your posts, you sound like a pretty awesome person! Yes, life sucks, and I hate having to hold it all together sometimes, when all I want to do is scream, but that's what this place is for, right?! You ARE a great person. You ARE worthwhile. You ARE helpful, caring, and kind. I know that just from reading your words...


I guess I am just remembering that any time I needed or felt anything, she pushed me away, berated and abused me, kicked me out, threatened me...but when she needs something, she pushes her way through any tiny amount of resistance I can muster.

(((((Yaku))))) You are not alone. But I know that is no comfort when you're feeling the agony of the situation.

So while spending a few hours helping her do this stuff is, I guess, no big deal in the scheme of things, it is feeling really heavy right now.

Actually, I think it is a big deal. You took the time to write it out, vent it out here, and hopefully you'll be able to talk to your T about it. I know my T is helping me with this issue right now, too, as I am not in the greatest place right now, and am finding myself getting sucked into their $h!t more than usual, since I don't feel the manipulation until I'm in the thick of it and don't feel like I'm strong enough to deal with their response.

My father calls me between 8-10 times a day. I don't answer anymore, because all he wants is to tell me how to do something differently. My mom calls 2-3 times a day, often to tell me to call my father. They don't get it. We have our own lives to live now. They weren't there for me when I was younger to guide me, why would I listen to them now? Yet, I know that standing up to them and asking them not to do what they do is like asking a dog not to pee on a tree - they can't or won't change. I hate having to deal with them and their actions.

Please don't self-harm. Don't give them that power over you. (Easier said than done, I know.) Keep posting, keep venting, we're here for you...
Thanks, R2G. At least I can say my mom isn't like this all the time. She only calls or visits when she needs something, so I don't have to deal with her confusion otherwise. Usually, I would feel "happy to help," but I can't muster it today, which makes me hate myself. It's just dealing with all this other stuff and it's making me either not myself or the me that I've never allowed myself to be before. I'm not sure which is "right" or which is preferable...

It makes me sad to hear you write that you hate yourself for not being able to tend to your mother's needs today.

However, I can relate as I often feel guilty for not being able to talk to my brother who is very ill. Somedays it is just too much for me to deal with and I feel selfish for not being able to meet his needs.

But what service are we to others if we cannot take care of ourself first and foremost.

This situation with your mother in some ways makes me think of how allow yourself to be violated by H rather than put your needs first. I can see why your T has you working on some codependency issues because it is clear that you are a nurturer, a caretaker....and often at the expense of your own well-being.

My hope for you is that you can allow yourself to take care of yourself without feeling guilty. (such as allowing yourself to text T without torturing yourself with guilt over it). Its okay to take care of yourself, Yaku. Its what you need to be doing.

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