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Me, not so much! I just dropped Boo off to her first day of preschool. She has been so excited about it. I prepared her for the separation, as did a friend of mine, by talking about it ahead of time. It's at a local community center next to a park I used to go to as a very young child (slightly triggering, surprisingly, as I don't remember anything except being on a mound of grass on the other side of the park).

Anyway, all the kids parents were waiting in the reception area and Boo and I joined them. A little boy was roaring at me, so I engaged him about whether he was a dinosaur or a tiger or lion or bear, etc. He said he was a tiger and Boo decided she was one too and they crawled around the reception area, playing tigers and roaring at me. Then, dinosaurs, airplanes, bears, jumping up and down. Boo was very polite and said excuse me when they bumped into one another, though she did test me a little trying to run off toward the entrance.

She was so excited to get in the room that when the teacher was asking names while we lined up, she was telling her name with two kids still in front of her. When it was her turn, she gave her name and didn't want to wait and pulled me into the room. She did (voluntarily) grab my hand when walking up to the room, but let go as soon as she was in. I showed her around a little, where the books were, where the cubbies were.

She saw her new friend painting and (she loves painting), got very attached to that activity. I did a trial separation, saying I was going to look around the room. She was fine with that. I came back and watched her paint, took a couple of pictures, and she said, "OK, Mommy, you can go byebye now." I gave hugs and kisses and pats and high fives and tore her away from painting for a bit to make sure she knew who the teacher was and the teacher knew who she was. She told me to go about three times before I actually did. I was going to stay in reception in case she needed mom, but it went so smoothly (literally, "OK, bye Mama!" when I said I was leaving and coming back in a couple of hours) that I decided to go home.

I found myself dissociating to cope with the anxiety of separating from her, LOL. She is the youngest in her class (I think, as they waived the age requirement for her) of threes and fours, but there are only a few students bigger than her. So, while she is with a bunch of older kids (she's used to being the oldest and in charge), she seems like she's physically, cognitively and socially on the same level with the rest of them. I was surprised at how outgoing she was, ready to engage with her new little friend. My only worry is what happens when they try to get her to stop painting, LOL. She still struggles a lot transitioning from activities she likes.

Anyway, I know a lot of you were thinking of me regarding this big "first," so I wanted to let you know how it all went. If anything changes when H and I pick her up (he ended up working from home unexpectedly, so he wants to come with), I'll update. Thanks for reading!
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I am SO happy that it went well. It's great that she took right to it. It sounds like she was ready to explore the world. Smiler

You did good, too, Mama! Smiler I know it's hard. I had the same experience this morning leaving my littlest one behind. She wanted me for a while, and then just like that she ran off with her friend. It makes me proud that my little ones don't scream and throw major fits when I leave, because I remember the trauma of my childhood when mom would leave me at school. I never got that secure attachment, and I had a very difficult time being away.

Tomorrow is my big day with older D. She's on her way to Kindergarten. I'm super excited for her. I hope it goes as well as your daughter's first day.

Love, Broken

So happy for you and Boo!! Separation is always harder on me, I think. I worked for a short time in the babysitting cabin at the YMCA. (The reason I worked in the babysitting cabin was because I couldn't separate from my 4 year old, who is now 17.) And, it really is true that the kids stop crying - if they cry at all - the minute the mother walks out of the room. I never believed the teachers, etc., when they said that's what happened but witnessed it with my own two eyes. And the kids make a faster adjustment the quicker the Moms leave.

Even knowing that and seeing that I'm still having a hard time with my current 4 year old starting preschool next week. She's already telling me that she didn't like it last year and doesn't want to go. Frowner


OK, here's the update. Her first day seemed to go pretty well. She wants to go back. They said that she didn't want to do circle time and hung out in the science section instead, but other than that, played well with the other kids, did OK with sharing, no aggression or behavior problems. She did have a minor freakout, apparently, right near the end, because other moms showed up 20 minutes early and started interacting with their kids and she wondered where her own Mommy was. She did her banshee screaming (poor teachers) for a bit, but they were able to get her calmed down. By the time I got there, she was going on the slides with some of the other kids. The teacher came and told me about her outburst and I immediately had all sorts of, "Oh, no! I'm a failure," feelings, maybe I pushed her into school too soon or like the teacher was angry for having to deal with it, but logically, I think she was just telling me, so I would know how Boo's first day went. She said, "So, we'll see you Thursday!" so I'm guessing she doesn't think Boo will be a problem. I do know that since she is under the age cutoff, we'll have to keep our eye on things, just to make sure it's a good fit at this time, but so far, it seems really good. When we were saying goodbye, I asked if she wanted to give her teacher a hug and she ran up and gave her one willingly, so she seems safe and comfortable with them. By the time I got there, she yelled, "No Mommy" and started to run off to play some more and then stopped and realized she actually was ready for Mommy and cried, "Up on Mommy!" So, I picked her up and she told me a little bit about her day and snuggled and was fine after about 30 seconds and wanted run off and play again, LOL. It was hard to get her to leave, but we had lunch plans with our pastor, so we couldn't stick around indefinitely. Plus, the handbook says pickups should be quick and smooth and after school socializing should be done outside of the room. I think they have a PM Spanish immersion class to prepare for.

I'm doing OK, a little anxious, wanting her to be at ease. It felt good to be missed, but I was sad that it distressed her enough to make her upset. I do realize...very normal, takes time to adjust, and she felt comfortable to express herself to her teachers. So, I'm thinking that it was good overall.

Thanks, Broken and Liese, for your support. Being a mom is the toughest job I have ever done and it's good to have other moms in your corner!
Being a mom is the toughest job I have ever done and it's good to have other moms in your corner!

Another mom for your corner here! My girls are 8 and 10 (3rd and 5th grade) so today was a nail-biting day for us too. And I couldn't agree with you more about it being the toughest job I've ever done. I hear you loud and clear. Big Grin

It sounds like you are doing a terrific job with Boo, really paying attention to what she needs, and also paying attention to the feelings getting stirred up in you...and most importantly, sorting out and distinguishing between the two! You're doing awesome, mom. She's lucky to have you. Smiler

Good luck on Day #2!! Big Grin

Being a mom is definitely one of the biggest challenges I have ever faced. It's the best, most worth-it, rewarding challenge, but alas--it's still challenging. It brings up a lot of issues for me since I have had such a rocky relationship with my own mother.

HUGE milestone events always seem to trigger me into things. I think because it reminds me of my own neglected, I get thrown through a loop.

I am so glad that Boo's day went well, and that Mama is coping well, too.

My little bug went to Kindergarten for the first time yesterday, and she loved it. She obviously is securely attached and I am proud of her and myself for doing the "right" job.
Today, she walked away and was like "bye mama!" LOVE that girl!

Baby bug went to preschool and did well, too. She missed her big sis but adjusted well and didn't cry upon separation either.

I guess I was surprised. I cried all the way up to like 4th grade and didn't want to be separated from my mom. (Can we see the attachment issues in this?)

Anyways, my little bug was mad that Kindergarten wasn't that hard and she wanted homework.... LOL! Oh, she has no idea what she's getting into.

LOVE to all the mama's and here's a wish for a stress free beginning of the school year.

Thanks for the support here! Today was harder, because she knew what to expect and they didn't have paints out to get her really engaged. I stayed about 30 minutes to get a clean separation, because Auntie is picking her up today, so her whole routine will be off. She cried once for about five seconds when the teacher tried to engage her, but the second time the transfer went smoothly. I hope she's doing OK and not being a banshee! Wink

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