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I just woke up an hour or so ago from a very vivid dream about T. Lately dreams about her have felt especially significant to me, so I wrote it down. I thought itt was fun working on BLT's dream yesterday so I wondered if any of you would mind taking a look at this one and offering any thoughts? It seems to have a rather chaotic and not obviously connected assortment of elements, but I'm sure there is a harmony to it somewhere.

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In the dream, I was hanging out with some friends when I realized it was time for therapy and so I bicycled over to T's office. When I got there, the receptionist said T was waiting for me, but a lot of time passed and I didn't see her, so I called her cell phone. She gasped and apologized, said she was with another client but would be right with me. I heard her telling the other client that she had to go, because my appointment had been for 2:30 and it was now almost 5. She also told the other client that she had become immersed in his story, but that they had just been talking round in circles to no purpose. Then she ruefully said that she guessed she'd have to skip lunch.

Soon the other client was gone and I took my place in T's office. I was extremely concerned about T not having eaten and worried about her feeling hungry. I wanted her to eat a plate of chocolate cup cakes. Smiler But she insisted it was fine, she wasn't hungry, and wasn't going to eat while doing therapy in any case. This distressed me because I was quite hungry too, but didn't see how I could eat (I had a sandwich in my backpack) if T wasn't. I wondered how well we'd be able to focus on the session if we were both starving.

I also wondered about the client before me and tried to get T to talk about him, but she wouldn't say much besides laughingly commenting that "he had just gotten saved, or, um, whatever you want to call it" and that "he seemed a pretty good witness but had very individualized views." I was a bit smugly pleased as well as surprised to catch T falling back into Baptist terminology ("getting saved", "good witness"). Normally if we talk about religion she phrases things rather carefully-- choosing neutral psychological terminology over religion specific cliche.

The session became a bit fuzzy after that, but T told me two things I hadn't known about her before. 1.-- that she was the voice of Ursula the Sea Witch in "The Little Mermaid", as well as other unspecified female villains in Disney princess movies, and 2.-- that she visited sometimes in the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Later I was at an Orthodox liturgy and T was there as well as many other friends and acquaintances. I felt more relaxed there than I had in session. I worried about the priest not having eaten, and like T, I wished he would have some chocolate cupcakes, but I was less concerned about him because I figured he knew how to take care of himself, he probably wasn't supposed to eat before serving Eucharist anyway, and he seemed quite steady and reliable.

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Phew! Sorry so long. Chocolate cupcake, anyone? Smiler Happy Bday
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OK, I honestly have no idea, but I'm going to take a wild guess on some of this. Just for fun Big Grin

In the dream, I was hanging out with some friends when I realized it was time for therapy and so I bicycled over to T's office.

Bicycling to her office could be about your desire for balance in your relationship with her, like deciding how often to see her.

When I got there, the receptionist said T was waiting for me, but a lot of time passed and I didn't see her, so I called her cell phone. She gasped and apologized, said she was with another client but would be right with me. I heard her telling the other client that she had to go, because my appointment had been for 2:30 and it was now almost 5. She also told the other client that she had become immersed in his story, but that they had just been talking round in circles to no purpose.

The other client may be yourself also. That you sometimes feel like you get absorbed in the story of what you are doing in therapy, but another part of you thinks you're just talking in circles.

Then she ruefully said that she guessed she'd have to skip lunch...I was extremely concerned about T not having eaten and worried about her feeling hungry. I wanted her to eat a plate of chocolate cup cakes. Smiler But she insisted it was fine, she wasn't hungry, and wasn't going to eat while doing therapy in any case. This distressed me because I was quite hungry too, but didn't see how I could eat (I had a sandwich in my backpack) if T wasn't. I wondered how well we'd be able to focus on the session if we were both starving.

This seems to reflect a desire to care for your T, and concern about whether her needs are getting met in her life outside of therapy. Because you are concerned and distracted by this, along with your own basic emotional needs, you aren't able to fully focus on what you want to in therapy.

I also wondered about the client before me and tried to get T to talk about him, but she wouldn't say much besides laughingly commenting that "he had just gotten saved, or, um, whatever you want to call it" and that "he seemed a pretty good witness but had very individualized views." I was a bit smugly pleased as well as surprised to catch T falling back into Baptist terminology ("getting saved", "good witness").

Not sure, but maybe this is about wishing your T was more on the same page with you regarding religion, as opposed to you feeling she is somehow "above" it?

1.-- that she was the voice of Ursula the Sea Witch in "The Little Mermaid", as well as other unspecified female villains in Disney princess movies

OK that's just funny. But anyway, hmm, do you ever feel like your T covets something about you or is trying to take your voice away somehow?

Later I was at an Orthodox liturgy and T was there as well as many other friends and acquaintances. I felt more relaxed there than I had in session. I worried about the priest not having eaten, and like T, I wished he would have some chocolate cupcakes, but I was less concerned about him because I figured he knew how to take care of himself, he probably wasn't supposed to eat before serving Eucharist anyway, and he seemed quite steady and reliable.

Hmm, is there a real church or other venue in your life this could be representing?

Well, that's the best I could do...

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