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Great topic MH!! My T and I often talk about how we have to turn to art to express the inexpressible. One of the lovely things about starting to heal was being able to write poetry for the first time in decades.

One of my favorites, that my T introduced me to is below:
Come to the Edge by Christopher LOGUE
English poet (1926- )

Come to the edge.
We might fall.
Come to the edge.
It’s too high!
And they came,
and he pushed,
and they flew.

If that doesn't describe the terrifying process of therapy, I'll never know what does. Big Grin

Thanks, AG. I like that poem. It reminds me of my own T. Except instead of coming to the edge of a cliff, her version is crossing an iced-over pond, encouraging me to trust that I won't fall through the ice and drown in its murky depths.

Here is another one by Sunny Oaks:

Calls me
In the night
Its fingers
Around my mind
Hold the secret
Till life is
And truth is
Unlock the
Of my Tears

oh, how true. what a riddle, i get so stuck, seems like logic could figure out all this, but it hasn't. i hear i have a really 'skewed view of the world'...didn't know how skewed, and i guess i still don't. will anyone ever interpret this riddle of my life? many would say i am crazy. what ever that means. so skewed. what is real? i don't know, and i have been asking for quite some time.

feel i have to get approval, even from a t...ESPECIALLY from a t. feel like i am auditioning, again, and again, and again. and never getting what i need.

this riddle, how suscienct that one phrase is.

beautiful, but confounding.

oozing with truth. yet intangible.

has anyone ever 'gotten there'? to truth? to the end of the mystery, not just 'players indentified', i think i am there, but, the riddle?? seems like a mirage, i get closer, then turn a corner, and the end is farther than i realized the closer i seem to get.

does that make sense to anyone?

no poetry to add, but this stuff is really pretty. stirs that inner element in me that feels so good to awaken.

thanks all, jill

As I noticed myself becoming old and gray,
I knew it was time to visit the little girl of yesterday.
She had been kept safely hidden
In a place where others had been forbidden.
She knew I had to leave her long ago,
So one of us could find the strength to grow.
I promised her that I would someday return,
For she was my main concern.
No one could understand how her and I connect,
For I was the one present during the crime and neglect.
As I opened the door to yesterday,
I heard the sound of children happily at play,
But I noticed her sitting all alone and sad
Until our eyes met and she became glad.
We reunited by hugging and kissing one another
Like a beloved daughter and a mother.
I comforted her and dried away her tears
That were too painful for so many years.
As I looked in her small eyes of grey,
I told her that the monster had gone away.
She looked up at me and said,"I love you"
Then I replied, "I love you too".
Someone who cared had finally set her free.
The little girl that I used to be.


borrowed from
Thanks for sharing those poems!
Here`s my favourite!

it’s the Dream by Olav H. Hauge

It’s the dream we carry

that something wondrous will happen

that it must happen

time will open

hearts will open

doors will open

spring will gush forth from the ground–

that the dream itself will open

that one morning we’ll quietly drift

into a harbor we didn’t know was there.

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