I'm not quite sure what's going on, but last Thursday I went to the doctor and had yet another sinus infection diagnosed. I took one antibiotic and then got hit with a really nasty stomach virus so I waited another day to keep taking the medication. I have not been feeling great and have been running a low grade fever every evening (partly because the stomach bug hit the rest of the family and despite fighting a sinus infection I was in better shape than most people so I was doing dishes and preparing meals. Because I'm congested, I've been using my nebulizer, but my asthma is seriously kicking up (as in could someone please remove the 15 lb weight sitting on my chest) and I'm having a lot of trouble breathing, so I'm heading back to the doctor's this morning. I didn't sleep well last night because of the steriods and I'm running on just a few hours sleep and feel utterly exhausted. This is my very long way of saying I am probably disappearing again for a little while. Sorry!!