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Hi All,
I'm not quite sure what's going on, but last Thursday I went to the doctor and had yet another sinus infection diagnosed. I took one antibiotic and then got hit with a really nasty stomach virus so I waited another day to keep taking the medication. I have not been feeling great and have been running a low grade fever every evening (partly because the stomach bug hit the rest of the family and despite fighting a sinus infection I was in better shape than most people so I was doing dishes and preparing meals. Because I'm congested, I've been using my nebulizer, but my asthma is seriously kicking up (as in could someone please remove the 15 lb weight sitting on my chest) and I'm having a lot of trouble breathing, so I'm heading back to the doctor's this morning. I didn't sleep well last night because of the steriods and I'm running on just a few hours sleep and feel utterly exhausted. This is my very long way of saying I am probably disappearing again for a little while. Sorry!!

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Aw poor you Frowner, you've certainly gone through the mill recently. I am glad you are going back to your doctor today, it's a really scary feeling not being able to breathe properly and exhausting too with all the extra effort with each breath. No wonder you feel so lousy.

Take it gently AG to conserve your energy a bit if you can, rest up and come back to see us when you are feeling stronger. We will be thinking of you in the meantime.

My hugs now chasing sadly's over the ocean too(((((AG)))))

Oh poor AG- another sinus infection?! Totally understand that you need to disappear for a while now. Take good care of yourself, and let those people around you help you as well. I am sorry you are ill and (understandably) exhausted. Hope the appt with the Doctor went ok. Be well! And thanks for letting us know how you are.
Hi AG,

Sorry I am late getting to this post of yours to reply. I have been down with a migrain so have been trying to get it under control.

I am sorry to hear you are ill again with yet another sinus infection. Those can make one just miserable and hard to kick as well.

Take good care of yourself and get lots of rest. I hope you also get your asthma under control as well. Those nebulizers are great when one needs them.
AG I'm so terribly sorry to hear that you are still struggling with the sinus infection and asthma too. As someone who has had pneumonia and bronchitis several times I know how that 15 lb weight on the chest feels. Horrible. I think what is probably adding to your feeling so sick is the stress that comes along with it in having to deal with family issues, the holidays, guests and just having too much on your plate while your energy and immune system is at a low.

Try to release the stress and shake off the expectations and just be kind to yourself. Rest as much as you can. Take some hot showers or baths and read all those books you have been meaning to. You have been through a lot lately with overtime and leaving therapy. It has taken a toll. And those stomach flus are the worst. They go through a house like wild fire.

Hope everyone is on their feet again soon and that the doctor is able to help you with some good meds.

Gentle, get well hugs.
Thank you all so much!! I saw the doctor and it was bronchitis, so he put me on a stronger antibiotic, prednesone (my poor family!) and best of all, cough syrup with codiene which really provided relief. I'm still not feeling good at all, but I think I'm getting better. Thank you for all the hugs and well-wishes, you are all so kind and thoughtful.

Thank you! I was ROFL when I saw that cartoon. Thanks for the laugh (it was a nice counter for all the whininess!). See ya all soon. Big Grin

You so have my sympathy, there's nothing worse than the constant physical knockdowns - I've had nothing but bug after bug including sinus, bronchitis, ashtma, tummy bugs and severe allergic reactions to something (?) since giving up smoking 5 months ago!!! I hope you don't need the prednisone for long - it's a great drug but horrid too!! Hopefully now that all the big festivities and all the **have tos** are over you can get to relax and recoup!!
Take care

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