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Sometimes things are worse before they get better. They will get better. You just gotta keep looking forward and not back. I know that's hard because I have trouble with it too. My future is filled with all kinds of unknowns and its scary. I try not to look too much. Keep my blinders on the present.

(((Becca))) I can relate to what you're feeling, there are times in my life I can't see the end of the tunnel either.

Whenever that happens to me I always go back to basics: live one day at a time. Occasionally something nice happens, the day is sunny, or a bird comes closer than usual, or someone says "good morning", I try to hold on to these small good things in life and it keeps me going.

It will get better, everything changes all the time, the good and the bad. Fact of life.

Take care of yourself, we'll be here for you.

My life sucks right now too. Or rather, I feel like I suck at life. I keep trying to do the things that people have mentioned on here but nothing is helping and I just can't help but wonder...what is the point of it all? I do find some comfort on this forum knowing I am not alone. And neither are you Smiler

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