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I know its long but you wont get it if you dont read the whole thing....
Okay so I haven't been on in a while, some of you know what my biggest and really only problem is. For those that don't. My "Mother". Anyway here are some e-mails between me and her. Sorry but this is going to be a long one......
I have a key on the bottom for people you see named.

Feb 11 2011
HER-Good morning L____, i bought C____ some valentine card for school, but don"t know when his party is, i will send them in mail today along with something i painted. I have other things but they can wait till we are seeing eachother.
Feb 11 2011
ME-This is one example of how you over step the boundaries. It's not that we don't appreciate it but as C____'s parents we feel disrespected that you assume that we don't take care of C____'s needs and wants. It's are responsibility and joy to make sure C____ has these things.
Feb 11 2011
HER-How is buying something for my grandson over steppping bounderies, I don't understand why. Grandparents are intitled to some rights.Maybe you should just make a list of what I am aloud to do and say to C____.
Feb 12 2011
HER-I'm sorry if you think buying C____ a one dollar box of valentines for his party is over stepping my bounderies. The box that is coming is for valentines day which i always did in the past and there was never an issue. Our trouble is causing great pain for me and i'm sure it is for you too. but these are our difficulties not C_____. I would like to sugjest a little time for C_____ and I tomorrow for a few hours at Roseanne's*** if possible. If not tomorrow maybe next weekend. I don't want him to forget about me. I wold love to spend time with you but like i said we need to work things out and i pray that we can resolve this. It is making me sick to my stomach that we even got this far. If you look around and back to your youth and going to Gram's to spend the night or even spend a little time with her you will see that you loved it and i know C_____ does too. Please don't deny him his memories of me. We only go around once in this life and mine is slowly dwindeling down. What ever you decide I still love you.

After a text conversation

Feb 16 2011
ME-I would like to work this out too, but you have never take the issues we have serious. Because you have never taking these issues seriously we are struggling with how to get you to understand them and how serious they are to us. The actions you show have been hurtful and confusing to us because we don't know how else to help you understand where we are coming from. Every time we attempt to help you understand how we feel/or how we want things done it falls on deaf ears or is ignored.
Feb 16 2011
HER-L____ i would never do anything intentionaly to hurt any of you. I can't be helped if i don't understand all the rules. Please lets have a sit down talk and lay them out for me.
Feb 16 2011
ME-I am willing to sit down and discuss things with you. I have already talked with Denice* and have asked her to be there as a sounding board and mediator when the sit down happens. When this happens M___ will be working and C_____ will be at school.And there will be a limit as to how long. When I say I'm done everyone leaves and we'll pick up again on another day if there is anything left to discuss.
Feb 16 2011
HER-i don't know why we need Denise* but if that's what you want ok.
Feb 17 2011
HER-L____ I have changed my mind about meeting at this time. For one thing Denice* as a sounding board is unacceptable to me because she is to involved and it doesn't concern her. This is between you, M___ and I. I will be glad to pay for council if you will agree to it. You should have more respect for me than this. And as far as you setting limits on time is positively rediculous, When you say you will be the one who decides when everyone leaves and pick up another day you are saying you don't want to hear anyone elses opinion but your own. When you can respect me enough to pick up the phone and call me like an adult you say you are then call. As far as im concern i have done nothing since I've been here to warrant the way you are treating me. I love you , C____ and M___, but i need to stand my ground on this one. Don't let this go, it's killing me but I know you love me and maybe some day we will have a relationship we both want. I hope C____ is well.
(i set a limit because this was going to happen in my house, and I didn't want it to take all day)

Feb 28 2011
ME-Mom,The silent treatment is not meant to hurt you. M___ and I are just really frustrated because we feel that the concerns that we have addressed with you before have not been taken serious. Its not that we don't want a relationship with you its just been difficult to know how to handle this. When I said that I wanted Denise to be there when we talked and you said that "it didn't concern her" and that you didn't want any outsiders. Yet you have outsiders. "The valentines", were a small issue, but more so, I chose to use it mainly for an example to try to help you see where we are come from.This is were our frustration comes in because we try to help you see and you don't see or don't understand. In no way do we want to come off as disrespectful. I am sorry if you feel that we purposely disrespected you. That is not our intention. We just want to be heard and understood.
Feb 28 2011
HER-i still don't know what i did to initiate the treatment i've gotten. How can i start to understand when i don't know what i did. You were and will always be my first love L____. When i lost mom I felt terrible, but knowing i still had you got me through the worst time of my life (until now). This is just like losing her all over again in you.. My heart can't take anymore i won't both you anymore. Tell C_____ i love him and miss him. Ill never forget you ad never stop loving you.

After this I called we talk. I told her about things that she had done in the past as well as present that has affected my husband and myself. One of them being when she told us in a nasty letter that she was going to sue us for visitation rights to see our son. Ever time she has him he comes back and acts down right mean to my husband and myself. He has even said that he hates his dad, but it only happens when he has been with her.I was not listened to over the phone either. so to finish off heres the rest.
March 1 2011
ME-Went shopping today I picked up an IRON MAN mask, arc chest piece, and the hand weapon. Letting you know so you don't get the same thing. (its my sons' birthday this month)
March 2 2011
HER-OK honey, I'm going to Jo-Anne fabric next week and getting a pattern and material. I'll need to pick up the sewing machine at some point after that. Is everyone feeling good. I thanked Denise* for all her help the other day. I did appreciate it. Going to the library and the post office today. Applying for my Passport so i can go to St. Maarten's next Jan. with Pat+ and Annette+. It will take a few months to get. Do you think i can take C_____ to a show this weekend or even bring him over for a few hours?
March 2 2011
ME- Not this time, M___ and I already made plans.
March 2 2011
HER-OK, going to lay down, have been having chest pain to the last two days. love.
March 2 2011
HER-Went to lay down thought i was having a heart attack. Called Ken**, he came over. Its not my heart, he said that the inside of my chest on the right side is inflamed which cause the pressure and pain in my chest , back head and neck. He put me on prednisone for a few days to decrease the inflamation. I thought for sure i was going to end up in hospital. Oh well enough excitement for one day now I am going to lay down and rest talk to you later. love you.
March 3 2011
AGAIN HER-Feeling much better today, heading out to Port Huron, stopping at Jo-Anne Fabrics to pick up pattern and material for C_____'s costume. Then going over to Hobby Lobby, Barnes n Noble getting a Weight Watcher book.,Then over to Tim Horton's for coffee. Then home. I can't wait to see you and talk to you again. Love you sweetie. Give hugs and kisses to C_____ for me. Tell M___ hi. Did C____ like his shirt and book.

Because I could stand to have the phone ring, thinking it was her I canceled the phone that she had put in for us and was paying.

March 3 2011
ME- We appreciate that you put the phone in for us, but now that you have moved back there is no real need to have a home phone, not to mention that's is an extra expense that you don't need. I am going to make the call today and have it canceled so you don't have to worry about doing it. We will still be able to keep in contact through e-mails and texts. Thanks again.
March 3 2011
HER-OK honey if your sure you want to. It's not a big deal for me to pay it. love u

March 4 2011
HER-I need you to measure C_____ for his costume. I couldn't get his size and they didn't have pattern for Iron Man so I took a picture from a comic book and will make it from that but i need his height from shoulder to feet , arm length and size around waste and chest. You didn't tell me if he likes his shirt and book is he asking about me. Can we please set up a time for me to see him, it been to long and I miss him. I won't be able to talk to him now that you canceled the phone. Please. Love Mom.
March 4 2011
ME-Height 39" Arm length 15" Waist 22" Chest 26"
March 4 2011
HER-Thanks for the mesurements. If we are going to e-mail could you at least respond to all my questions?
March 4 2011
ME-This is not to hurt you. I am reluctant to involve C_____ at this point because the issues between us are not even close to being resolved. He hasn't asked and we appreciate the book and shirt.
March 4 2011
HER-L____ when are we going to resolve what's going on. You disconnected the phone so we can't talk , you won't see me, you are making no effort to help me talk with you. How long is it going to go on? I know you want time to gather all your data but really how long will it take so we can move on with our lives? Please for the sake of both of us, please think about a meeting time which is good for you. I'm available anytime your ready.Not letting C____ see me because of us is unfair to both of us. You say you want him in my life but how long do we have to wait. If it makes you feel better about me seeing him without you around why can't Denise* and i meet with him somewhere so i can at least tell him i love him and miss seeing and being with him. The longer this goes the longer the bad feeling are going to grow. We need to end this now.I love you and want this resolved. The sooner the better for all involved. I'm not trying to pressure you, but i need some resolution. Love mom.

For those that have not read other post of mine, I have tried ever since I got married 5 years ago to tell her whats wrong and she wont ever get it.

March 5 2011
HER-I hope I didn't say anything in my last text to upset you. I really want the kind of relationship a mother and daughter should have. Love you honey. (she did upset me by the way) I again didn't reply to her guilt trip.

March 7 2011
HER-Talk to me.

When I got this I was in the middle of writing a long message one last time to get her to understand, that I will spar the reader. But I didn't send it fast enough for her so I got this about an hour and a half later from her again.

March 7 2011
HER-I've had enough. I will be contacting a representative to help me get some visitation rights for C_____. You don't want to talk then there is nothing I can do about that but i won't be denied my grandson.

This is the same thing that she pulled before which is in another post I have up. I also told her about this during the phone conversation.
So I have made up my mind that I have no real mother. I have other things to say about what she has done to me but this is the obsession she has with my son.

Again sorry its so long

*mother in law
**uncle whos a doctor
***an aunt that she is living with
+two of her sisters.
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

As you stated yourself, have tried telling her for the past 5 years what the issue really is and she will NEVER get it.

From what I've read, it is a little unclear to me what the issue is, but it sounds like perhaps there is a long standing pattern of your mother over-stepping her boundaries. Do you feel that she is being manipulative in her responses to you?
Its a little hard to get it out because there is so many, but in a nut shell, she tries to be my sons mom and pushes me out of the way. And seems to think the my marriage involves her. And my son is all she thinks about all day. she plans her day around him even though she has seen him in over a month. what i have is just the e-mails. I know its hard to understand coz there are pieces missing. But think about what it would be like if you tried to have a normal life and someone constantly butts in to make life hell.
And to your question, Yes my mother will manipulate anyone if it means getting what she wants. She has done it to me and her family for as long as i been alive and longer.
I'm sorry, Pixie. I know what it's like to have a mother who has no sense of boundary. I have specifically chosen to not even allow my mother to provide anything for me or need anything from her, because it becomes a tool for manipulation. I help her when she asks for it and she pops in very occasionally to see my 2.5-year-old, but other than that, I keep my distance. I don't want to hijack your thread with what is going on in my own family right now, but just wanted to express my empathy.
Thank you both for your replies. I just got another massage from her saying

"Did you get my e-mail yesterday? There's still time to fix this if you want. My lawyer hasn't called me back yet."

I'm sorry to say it but this woman is not my mother. mothers don't sue their children. She always says I'll love you no matter what. I'll never do anything to hurt you. Bull shit.

While writing this i also just got a call from my mother in law. saying that she had just text her.
Saying that she's going to sue me. Some time i just start laughing because this is just so out there.
Hugs Pixie, this must be very difficult for you. My mother is a narcissist and thinks the whole world revolves around her and if you try and have a different opinion than her then look out. The knives are out. I choose not to see my mother or my sisters (my father has passed away) and life is so much more peaceful. The drama they caused on a daily basis was too much to cope with and it was bliss to get away from it. Good luck.

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