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The PsychCafe
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Hey ya'll

This is Turtle pluralized. I freaked out, asked dear shrinklady to rescind my turtle account and she listened!! OMG darn it. So then I unfreaked and wanted to post and then I was like "Now what the hell?" Okay so that's the story of my pluralized, adaptive name.

AND I think my new therapist is the bomb!! Wow I finally found the help I need. Not that I won't complain and moan and be all whiny etc about my work with her but I can tell this person is going to help me as long as I am willing to do that work. She told me that she has seen numerous people in a similar place as I am recover completely. So tempting to believe and aim for........

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Mallard, you can call me anything you want to call me within reason. lol. Turtle is fine. Thank you for your continued support even in this time of great stress for you.

Amber you are such an inspiration and it means a lot to me to have you post here on this thread of mine! I am thinking of you too girl.

Becca your have been such a supportive person. I know you don't post much so it means a lot to me when you post here. I saw somewhere where you had asked me if I saw a post of yours about dissociation, but now I can't find it? I am sorry if I missed a post. Two things are happening. One is I am dissociating but more so than that is that I am so ashamed that I sort of do this cringing thing where I squint my eyes and then get scared to go back and read responses so that is a real problem here. I need to overcome that so that I can take in all the good things people say here and so that I can be a good forum member and reciprocate.

(((TK)))) you're such a caring and loving person. I hope you are doing well right now.

((About)) haven't seen you in a while. How have you been friend?

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