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***mention of SU*** Really Long Too***

I've decided to post this as a thread. Maybe bec I know I can go back & delete it or bec I want to keep an accurate record for myself when I return home.
I'm sorry I haven't been on the forum. I've once again been moved w/in the hospital & its where phone use was off limits due to machines & stuff.

I've never been a fan of Facebook. My family members & others I know use it as a place to brag, exchange info or post like an open diary. I think this is my FB page. Sorry, gen public is not invited, just you guys.

As you might not know today is day # 33of my 120 days. I've told you Ive been working on my diagnosis of major depression for over 20 yrs & many ups & downs some pretty severe landing me in hospitals. This past December I was diagnosed w/ PTSD & DID. But what I've always kept hidden & have been most ashamed about especially here on the forum, is my ED. I just have always felt its viewed differently than other mental illness labels. Maybe that's just in my head, but it's a secret I share w/ no one, not even my H. Until now.
Last time my ED was present I was a senior? in college. I was only just starting to date my H when I was recovering ok by myself. It was never really diagnosed. It was really waved off by all & viewed as a side effect of my depression. I was very good @ hiding it. Then it disappeared.
December it came back & I was splitting myself to cope. Part fed into it, part was dealing w/ PTSD, part w/family & a part ignored it. I enjoyed flirting w/ what I could get away w/ w/o being noticed, but was also isolating myself more & more. The new diagnosis of PTSD covered the weight loss issue, again as a side effect. So all ignored.

When my H signed my 302 to make it mandatory I come to a state facility I was pretty livid as some of you know. I acted like a brat. When I got here I didn't eat very much. Then after a disaster w/ a T here, my surly disposition, isolation & SU, a 304 was signed. This now took my time to a manditory 120 days. That day I also decided to take the only control i had left, started fasting & didnt stop. After awhile I didn't even bother going to the cafeteria bec no one really cared. I started all the old habits & it felt good! A surprise visit from my H started the inquiry. He said I looked emaciated & that hurt me emotionally, but he also started to complain to others. Then the secrets were out & I knew I was busted.

Another horrible incident led me to the local ER & the ED was finally addressed. Things weren't going very well & I realized that this ED had its hooks in me more than I thought. I was causing major damage to my body & even the thought of eating was repulsive. It had never, ever gone this far. Then came tube feedings, muscle spasms, daily arguements w/ Pdoc, body pain, always freezing cold, intravenous feeding, a seizure & sleep in between it all. I didn't care what number came up on the scale or how many digits anymore I was so lost & felt like I was beyond help.
I remember asking someone here @ the forum , have I hit my rock bottom? They said Only I knew that answer.

I was also suffering from a blood infection & a very high fever for awhile. I wasn't out of bed in almost a wk. Then on may 12th things changed. I went into full cardiac arrest from a heart attack in the cath lab. I coded once I was told. My heart has stopped before but that was from my own doing. This was unexpected.
I think my body was waving the white flag, drawing a line in the sand, whatever, but my brain was screaming no! I was very fortunate to survive, but a major heart attack @ 43yo was definitely my rock bottom!
I have decided theres absolutely nowhere else to go but up from here in my life. I know it's going to be a shear cliff, few hand holds & a SOB to get up, but I don't wanto stay down here & slum or wallow. I need to get the hell out of here!

I'm extremely lucky to have this very unique Pdoc @ my side. I've been very skeptical of him basically bec he's a man...& not bad looking. So i worry about transference a lot. Our first real session which was on & off for 3 hrs just covered ground rules & boundaries. We had a lot!
It feels like we've been friends for a long time w/ the way we talk freely, banter each other & have few fences to take down. He has seen me @ my absolute worst, what's there to hide & instead of leaving & waiting til i was better he decided to stay & hold my hand. He didnt have to spend so much time close by when he should've been @ home.

I've yet to do anything considered traditional w/ him in the T world besides talk & sometimes thats unusual the direction it goes & the twists & turns it makes. We'll page thru food magazines & talk about cooking styles or answer questions from the game Scruples (which i have little of). We both like to play cards etc. He has an extremely dry sense of humor as do I & knows I can take a joke or several @ my expense, but he also gets in my face when i shut down & dissociate or dont wanto talk when there's work to do & pushes me to listen to my "self" & leave the rest of the voices alone. Hes honest & real w/ me. It works.

His examples are strange but memorable. For instance; last night he asked me to join him in the bathroom! Yes several jokes made. I get there & he's standing over the toilet. He pulls out small droppers. Red drops of food coloring go in the bowl & he says this is my ED. A few drops of blue are supposed to represent my depression etc. each color was attached to something major in my life that was pulling me down.
When he finished w/ the colors he said that bowl was my life yesterday, a mixed up mess & no direction. Then he flushed the toilet & says, " This is your life today. Fresh. Lesson done. "

He's very different & sometimes I hate him & tell him so which he seems to enjoy hearing bec it sparks a another direction that's probably attached to another lesson, but when I'm really pissed he knows when to give me a break, or is at least learning.
I have been gaining a bit of weight which I'm somewhat happy about, getting some strength & a antibiotic was found for the blood infection so I'm still taking it & I think I'll be getting moved back to the state hospital to continue my 'sentence' soon. Im getting moved off the cardiac wing so now i can be in touch, have way more access to the Internet & time to get back to my "family" here. I've missed you guys a lotWink I think I'm addicted. I love reading all the new posts & the cheeky comments in the chit chat room. I look forward to them all. This thread just might serve as a marker for myself of my own goals & failures & my ultimate countdown to being back HOME!
Thanks everyone for always being so supportive of me, voicing your opinions & sharing advice. It means a great deal to meSmiler. I know I'm going to have a rough climb but @ least I know I have a place where I can come to @ least complain or celebrate & you'll understand. Very reassuring !


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Thanks Outsider for the support. I know I'm going to need it bec I'm a bit of a whiner when I start complaining. I know that's the last thing we all wanto read about.
I wanto make it. I want this to b a success story but I also feel it puts a lot of pressure on myself so I'm trying not to beat myself up over the small stuff.
If I could gain a few more pounds & start eating I'll get to go back to the state facility; my other home. I know I'd feel more comfortable there. Hopefully soon!
Thank you!!!
Thanks everyone!
I really struggled debating on posting all this info. It's embarrassing, full of shame & depressing. But I also saw how many guests come in to read these posts looking for answers. Maybe, just maybe this might be a story that someone really needs to read. I wouldn't call it a success story but "I've had enough" story. I hope to keep the thread open.
Kash thanks for the encouragement. I like the idea of having a time line of what I did for 120 days...besides read.
Scars thanks for sharing. I was pretty sure you did. I don't think age matters when it comes to an ED. It's made a big difference on what my body can handle. It was brave of you to tell your kids. How did it go? I have yet to talk to my H about it. I talked to him on the phone on mom's day (no he didn't wish me a happy day. We don't celebrate it). Maybe he gave my a heart attack! I do applaud youSmiler shame is a really really hard one.
RT I love reading all your posts! Yeah I squeezed a lot into 30 some days. I've been very very angry & feel like no one is listening. I know I was screaming for help since March when I was out looking for trouble & spiraled from there. But anyone that tried I felt had to be held to the fire to know they were really serious. Some definitely were not.
This Pdoc is...unusual & I still question him, but also question why he's so helpful. I'm not used to that. Ill also be eventually leaving for home. If there's transference that could just add trouble so I keep a bit of my guard up but really enjoy how sincere he is. He's definitely a challenge. Thanks.

Ill keep you all posted.

I am so happy and relieved to see your post. I was becoming concerned with your absence from these boards. I too am a 47 year old sufferer of an ED. That seductive voice in my head is so strong sometimes. My T keeps telling me I'm hurting myself, my teeth are going to rot out or my esophogus is going to tear. None of those things seem to really make an impact on me. Your story however is very powerful. I am going to try harder to fight the voice pulling me further down.

Thanks for your honest witness. Blessings Mudd

I don't consider it amazing, but more of a spiraling desperate situation that could've lead to a sad outcome. Funny how this time I DIDN'T wanto die. There was something primal about it. Some part of me wanted to live. Kind of freaky when I think about it but I don't. Pdoc said some people experience different things from cardiac arrest. I just know when I woke up my chest felt like a punching bag.
I'm not sure I'd say I'm brave. I don't know anyone on here & any drs I know wouldn't spend their time on here. Where else can you be so brutally honest than on a computer...u have no identity. I welcome any criticism, concerns or comments. I've been trying the past few yrs to bring my voice out. Sometimes that's hard & then sometimes I can't shut it & I get in trouble.
At least I kno I have a cheering section here.
Thank you
Jillian hugs to you!
I'm glad to hear that your going to try & fight those alluring voices. I know what mine sound like loud & clear. They're very hard to stop.
Yes your dr is right & I'm sure you already know that. From what I've read most know more about their ED than the dr. I don't know anybody w/ an ED, but I do know it can kill you. I think it can only take so much. My pdoc explained it that My body was cannabulizing my muscles including my heart. Kind of gross but true. I know it's not an easy fight so be good to yourself & celebrate the little things. I got to take a real shower a couple of days was heaven!!
Hang in there!

So just a quick question.
Pdoc is talking about our weekly schedule when we get back to the other facility. He wants

3 hr session in a.m w/ half hr break in between. With him
3 " " p.m. " " ". With him
45-50 min session immediately after each meal w/ different Pdoc.
Counciling group session (AA or some other addiction that i don't need) & then night group wrap up. T rotate.

Does anyone else find this extremely excessive? Is that normal? When do I have time to process? He said he wants to do PTSD work in morning & ED work in afternoon. I did suggest that it could b an entire day & then rotate so that's workable.
What say you?
I'm not even there yet & I'm already tiredFrowner
Hi Mudd.... thank you for feeling secure enough to share your story with us. You have been very brave throughout everything. You are in the midst of a challenging and difficult process but already I can hear a change in your voice. You seem to have found your own voice and I hear much more clarity in it.

It also sounds like you have some caring and helpful people around you there. If you all work together you will come through this in a much better place.

As for the schedule... I have no basis of comparison and I dont' know what would feel excessive. I imagine that you will be very tired but that they believe intensive therapy will show the most improvement in any of your symptoms. I just hope that when you are released that there is continuous care and that you have the therapeutic support that you need to finish your journey to wellness.

Keep up the great work,
mudd -

Glad to hear an update that you are okay, and yes, I do have an ED it's been with me... 18 years now. off and on but I am at a dangerous level. It's amazing though, what the body can handle and adjust to and recover from. From the ED support groups I've been in, there are a lot of brave women there and it's amazing how each started and why each continue (like what they get out of it sort of thing) their ED.

120 days sounds like a very long time, but I think and hope you can leverage it, it sounds like you have a lot of support. As far as the schedule goes... who knows if it is excessive, it may not be if you have the support/surpervision there... I know there is a trauma center my T really wishes I could go to. Who would/could do intensive work. Just be honest in your feedback with them, and they will suit the treatment to what they feel will work best.

Sucks you had to be on TPN, but hoping you are feeling better now and can eat more effectively. Usually refeeding syndrome is a concern. I know when I've had issues in the past, and had to slowly start eating again, I had to be careful.

I'd recommend a book called Intuitive Eating. It really helped in my recover. It's for all sorts of eating issues.

I'm glad you're off the cardiac wing now! I recently spent 4 days there after not even a heart attack, but just for tele observation - did not enjoy the pocket scrub! Am hoping you don't have to wear a holter monitor for a bit, it makes life showering really suck. Or an emergency jacket... I remember my boss' husband had a heart attack, was in ICU/tele/cardio-tele for about 2 weeks and left with the dreaded jacket.

I've had heart problems many times in my life (not all ED related), I hope your cardiologist was kind, many of mine have been.

Glad to hear you've survived - and that you're climbing back.

Thank you Cat
I miss hearing from you on the o.f. lately. I'm sorry to hear your having a difficult time right now. I hope you know there many people here that care about you.
No I didn't like the TPN but at the time I didn't have too much of a choice or even try to fight it. The tube feedings were worse for me bec they set off some of my own triggers & I didn't really tell anyone so each feeding got more & more difficult. Now we're doing graded feedings & I'm getting used to it...a bit.
I don't know too much about my ED bec it falls into that EDNOS category. My ED only seems to rear it's head in times of acute depression. Weight is always I subject of concern in my family & extended family but I don't get obsessive about it. So I will look into that book for more info thanks.
Yes I do have to wear a Holter & it really does suck...& itchy. I was told it can record up to a month now. God I hope I don't have to wear it that long!
Thanks for all your help Cat & sharing your ED w/ me. Please continue your own fight for peace!
I'm assuming you went to tele after your heart attack (scary!!). My cardiologist has texted and cll me and was horrified I was doing anything but laying in bed. No stress! So you may want your P and medical staff to talk. There are lots of things that need to be limited with heart issues (I've had my ED sadly 18 years off and on but more on than not).

The should get what they need off the holter in 3-5 days. Hopefully they've done an electrocardiograph and ultra sound. (If you have you'll need to let me know if you looked). I had every other day EKGs the whole time I was there and the horrible tummy shot. My P is an ex cardio tele/ICU nurse and I learned a ton from her.

I hope you get the help you need with your ED - Ive never found a hospital yet that wasn't serious about that stuff - they'd give me a % on the amount of food Id eat and they offered many solutions to help me feel comfortable. When my bulimia has been active I'd have to sit minitored or with someone for an hour after meals. I'm aurprised.

You're not alone. Bulimia I believe has the highest mortality rate - and if they are doing daily electrolyte blood tests (which they should) getting that in order will be their #1 prioity and for "uncooperative" patients (I use that loosely) or those not abiding by their meal plan will just have to IV it. I know during the worst of my disorder my eyes got slow bloodshot almost the entire white part was red Frowner and even my eyebrows were falling out and my lips Were blue! lol. I'm healthier now but with my Pre-existing heart stuff it's hard. I hope thy have you on some calcium at the very least.

Thinking of you.
Hey Cat!
Yes only had to wear Holter for 5 days! I was told the main piece used to be bigger! That would be really uncomfortable.
I have a good eICU team, but this is only a general hospital. RD wants to move me to a special facility, but bec of insurance & the time left on my 303 I'm staying @ the state facility. I'd like to keep working w/ this pdoc I have. I don't fall into all the criteria for anorexia, so eICU team, RD & pdoc agreed on some numbers I have to reach before I'm released to the state. My worry is going back to state hospital & nobody helping me, but pd said there's already plans being made & a new schedule etc that will help make it work.
I told him I was worried about the stress of this schedule he talked about & he said we could modify it anyway we wanted to make it work, but that he would be around a great deal more till a schedule is in place. I guess that's good. I'm still very skeptical about him.
He was extremely nice & brought in this big wool sweater for me to borrow bec I was complaining of always being cold. It was very thoughtful of him to do that, but.....

Small steps Cat I'm thinking of you
Glad you did not have to wear it long, hope the results turned up okay. I liked mine I called it my heart pod because unfortunately i had to wear it to work. Many 'general' mental facilities can help with EDs... since it's not about food or body image in the end. It sounds like you are getting a lot of attentive mental healthcare, that's great! I live in a climate that is quite warm year around and I get cold very easily. It seems like in the summer inside buildings it's like they set the AC to polar temperatures. So it will be a billion degrees outside but I always carry a sweater for inside. Are you still at the hospital? I'm jealous you have so much internet access, in my room even cell phones would not work (for internet, or calls). Yet they had a TV... I don't know why one is considered to interfere with the monitors and one isn't.

Glad you are taking small steps. That's really all anyone can ask for.
Well afa the Internet yes I can get on the wireless. When I got here I was on the ICU & can't use phone or anywhere near the cardiac wing. Now since I've been moved I can use it. The catch is its not mine. Pd gave me his "old one" iPhone gs3. There's no phone connection, but still get Internet. He upgraded & said they only offered him $25 as exchange so he kept it. He even put some games on it for me. So yes I can get on Internet, but I try to only use it during slow times. It was extremely generous of him to loan it to me.....which puts my guard up. Why does he do these nice things & what does he want in return. Think that's my PTSD talking. He does know how much I missed being on pc. I told him I come to a chat place to vent! He thought it was a good idea.
Yes everything is starting to turn for the better, my numbers r up & there's talk of getting me back to the state hospital.
This is day.....36
Tomorrow I'm hoping to ditch this place & get back to the state hospital. I've been here since May 8th. I'm ready to split!! I was hoping to go today, but my numbers weren't quite up to where they want them, but hopefully tomorrow I'll get the thumbs up. I hate this dragging feeling & being so....confined. I need room.
Good News! Good News! Good News!
My new T's are coming on Wednesday & I get to see them all day! VISITORS!!!!YES!!! There's a first for everything. They're giving a conference close by & said they wanted to see me which means I can sign on w/them as my acting T's. That first appt I never made it to.
One T is a traumatologist & the other specializes in ptsd/trauma/emdr & attachment. I'm looking forward to working w/them even if its just for one day.
I did find out my pd was involved in getting them the access they needed to see me for the day. He told me they wanted to come 2 wks ago, but...things were pretty bad then. He didn't say anything to them bec he wants me to handle it. My T's have no idea what's been going on for the past 40 days so I have some explaining to do. Pd said he'd be there too. Gee one big, happy shrink family. I'm excited about it now, but I'm sure I'll be apprehensive when the time comes.
So I just wanted to share w/you my good news & hopefully tomorrow goes wellWink
Thanks everyone
Ive decided my Pd has a split personality. Some days he seems vendictive & some days he seems very caring. Once again it makes all my red flags go up that "the game is a foot."
Put me on 24hr a day SU watch so I have someone w/me ALL the time.
My room got moved all the way up the hall & I lost my roommate which I was looking forward to talking to again. Now I'm by myself.
I have to have someone sit w/me @ meals & he said 2 people. Why? No clue.
Broke my no touching rule.

Brought me one of my favorite flowers again.
Finally started some meds so I feel more w/it.
Told me I wont get penialized if I have to leave a group/session to take a break.

I totally cant get a good read on him & when I think I do he changes things up.
What is he going to b like on Wednesday when I get company?
I was off campus tonite...which is y I celebrated over shoe laces.
I wento see the local minor league baseball team's game tonite.
And I went w/ Pdoc.

Now be4 I get crucified I'd just like to say he asked me yesterday if I wanted to go off campus. Of course I jumped @ the chance. Later red flags were everywhere like why? How? Where? (He didn't tell me where we were headed) & I almost posted last nite for all ur opinions, but then I realized that no matter what or how I wanted to go.
I had a fantastic time & we weren't alone. His older brother & wife sat w/ us. It was a great game, we enjoyed ea others company, did the 7th inning stretch, shelled & ate peanuts & laughed...a lot & it was really nice & I didn't think of anything or anyone else while I was there. It was very relaxing.
We came back, said "see u tomorrow" to ea other & I thanked him. That's it. In my room I noticed that I had to get myself into a corner & back against the wall (this is my defensive move) & I started crying bec I felt like such a bad person, other self loathing thoughts & I don't know why. How did something so fun end so sour? And why? I'm ready for you to blast away.
mudd.... I would not blast you for that. I think that when people treat us well and with care and thoughtfulness it can be very painful and hence your tears. We can be so used to being hurt and abused that when people we like are caring and gentle with us and do something nice it can hurt in some very strange ways... it's such a new feeling we don't know what to do with it or where to put it. I think you experienced some of this and that is what made you cry. It's very understandable.

I'm not sure why pdoc decided you needed some time off campus but you had others there and nothing improper happened so I think it was okay. Maybe he wanted to see how you would do back out in the social world interacting with others and maybe you just needed a nice break.

Talk to him about it.

Take care
Sounds pretty unreal, mudd, sorry it didn't end well. Other people here, myself included, have seen Ts outside of session on a rare occasion. Whatever works. Sometimes when we get too close to our Ts, or anyone really, a natural reaction is to really turn inward sometimes, sort of as a way to defend ourselves from closeness.
I would never blast you either. My T and I do unconventional things and she said that she does things with me that she has never done with any other client and actually anyone else - and she is pretty experienced.

My T has come to my house, we have met for coffee, I have met some of her family years ago.

The otherside to this Mudd is that your Pdoc must think VERy highly of you and has so much trust in you to do offer this wonderful outing.

Enjoy the goodness from it, it was a great thing.


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