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ok, this is samy, and maybe you not going to like this, probably not cuz most people i asked about it don't like this, but I have a personal scale on evil - good. #1 is most evil, and #10 is most good. I rate myself nowdays at 4+, a few weeks ago I rated at 3, so I moving up! My T don't like this scale (hubbie don't either). today I feel like a 3- cuz I'm upset at something my T kinda is thinking (HAHA! can a person be upset at what they think someone else is thinking?) Anyhow, I phoned her to let her know. But i didn't use any nasty swear words or anything (or even call her a 'dummie'). The other night at T I was very upset (ok, maybe we seeing a pattern here?) but i didn't say nothing nasty! That's why I moved to a 4+, but today i dunno.
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Hi Samy, if you want to use the scale to keep track of your behavior, as a way to check in on how you're doing, that's one thing. But to rate yourself like somehow your worth changes based on your behavior, that I would disagree with. Human begins are a huge mixture of good and evil, good and bad impulses, and all kinds of emotions. Sometimes we choose to do the right thing, sometimes we don't, but we all need a little grace and understanding to get by. So this is all a long way of saying that your behavior is not WHO you are or your worth, it is WHAT you do and may need to be changed but that does NOT change your inherent worth. Hope all that makes sense.
You kinda stumped me on that one! Because there are people I would probably call evil based on their actions. But I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you haven't come close to voluntarily doing the kinds of things the abusive uncle did. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that we do need to judge other people's behavior's to keep ourselves safe but it should be done as gently as possible. All that said, tracking how you're doing is good if you're using to improve but not so good if you're hitting yourself over the head with it (a favorite pastime of mine!).


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