So tonight I go in and while I am upset about his talking to the dr and not answering my email right away, I don't want to get in a big fight that might end the relationship. He tells me that he told the doctor that I might benefit from an increase in anti-depressant and that he will discuss it with me but during the past several weeks there hasn't been a good time. So basically the doctor overinterpreted his comments when he said my T thought I should increase my dose. This actually makes sense to me.
When I start talking about my anger that he doesn't have a clear between session communication policy, sometimes he responds to emails and sometimes he doesn't. I tell him I think he should have responded because I was upset and he asked me "what do I think he should do when I am upset at him? what did my family do? did they ignore it? try and smother it?" well I just start crying. It seems too hard to figure out what he is getting at. All I feel is wrong, wrong that I wanted him to call me and talk about it. I tell him I don't want to talk about it. He asks if there is something else I want to talk about but I say no. He tries to jumpstart the conversation a few other ways. Asks if I'm afraid? yes, what I'm afraid of? nothing in particular. etc
Eventually, he asks me if I would consider having a consultation with another T. He says he isn't trying to get rid of me but if he makes this more difficult and there is someone else who would make this work easier then I should try it. Of course, I feel awful. What I am most afraid of is him telling me to go away and this sounds a lot like that. So after I cry for seveal minutes like a crazy women I leave.
I didn't have the guts to say, I want you to respond to me, to reassure me, to tell me I can stay talking to you as long as I need to. Instead I just feel abandoned. Sorry for making this so long but I'm very tired and stressed. Luckily we had already booked for next Tuesday (his last day before vacation) so I will get a chance to talk to him next week.