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I went to my session today and realized that I've spent a lot of time being angry at my T for not asking me questions or not understanding me or a myriad of other negative transference reactions. I've tested him over and over and he's always been there when I show up. I think I trust him more than I ever have before and more than I thought possible. I still can't talk about what I want to talk about. I've spent years thinking if I could just work out ???? (whatever) then I would be able to talk and I can't.

I'm so sad. I'm not angry at my T. I'm not even angry at myself. I just feel sad and damaged. My T tried to ask me questions and I answered them but it didn't seem to help. Near the end he told me that my problem was in how I relate to myself and I was screaming in my head "no the problem is what happened to me, in my fear of what happened, and my inability to stop ruminating about it". I didn't say anything and I just cried until I left.

I have this horrible sense that I'm finished with therapy. I've learned a lot from my T and my life has improved in many areas. There are a couple of areas (and I admit they are big areas) that I haven't been able to impact at all and they are so shameful I can't even talk about it with my T. I don't know what to do because I can't talk about what is important to me and I've got nothing else to talk about.

I don't understand how I could work through so much with my T, finally start to trust him, and still feel like I can't be helped. It is like I got the relationship and then discovered it doesn't matter anyway. I feel like no matter what happens with my T I find a way to spin it so I have to quit therapy anyway.
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Hi incognito.... I'm sorry your session left you feeling sad and damaged. Did you tell your T that you felt this way? It is a very good sign that you feel you can trust him but it could be that very realization that is scaring you and making you feel that you want to run from him.

The sadness that you feel about your past and what happened to you that causes you so much pain today is worth discussing. Not even the actualy events, if you cannot bring yourself to discuss it explicitly, but the feeling of loss and damage that has remained and needs to be grieved. Your T can help with this.

Only you can decide if your life has improved enough that you no longer need or want therapy. But I would encourage you to really examine your motives and decide if you want to leave to avoid something painful or are fearful of this new closeness you feel to your T.

I know it's scary. I really do know but I feel that it's worth the struggle because coming out on the other side of the pain and fear is well worth it (I hope). I am willing to take the chance, even after being abandoned and so damaged by my oldT. My son deserves a healthy mom and I deserve to live a happier more fulfilling life.

Hang in there, incognito.


That's happened to me a couple of times in therapy, where I've run into a wall and felt as though there was this thing that I either needed to tell T or stop going because there was nothing else to talk about. As hard as it was to tell him, I forced myself to talk about whatever it was and it was well worth it.

It seems to me that once you share everything with T about your life, once he knows absolutely everything about you, you can start to construct a life story that may in fact shed some light on your life and you might actually find that you have some empathy and compassion for yourself, instead of anger or shame. Smiler At least that's what I am finding. I hope you can find that too.

So, just wanted to encourage you again to hang in there. I find that the temptation to quit is always strongest right as I get close to some important stuff.

Hugs, Liese

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