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Ok...this is going to be a ramble that may or may not make sense...

I started reading my books for the upcoming semester (I'm studying to be a T). I'm going to take marriage and family therapy class. I'm freaking out! It's triggering stuff in me. What if I hate this? What if I don't really want to work or deal with arguing families?

I also have to fill out paper work that I've been avoiding and send it into school, because I see my first clients in a few weeks! OMG!! I'm scared! Also, my ex husband is getting married in a few days and one of my kids is having a rough time and is acting out. My work schedule is crazy busy and I feel I've had no time to myself. I need to be healthy for clients though, so I need to work on myself in the upcoming weeks. Thank God I have therapy in a few days. I'm going to need it! I'm looking forward to seeing new T and discussing many things.
Oh...and I probably will run into former T in a few days at a community event also. I have a feeling on that day it will be a blessing to see her beautiful face! I hope I do run into her.
Thanks for reading and letting me vent.
sigh...that felt good to type out....

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Hi Athenacus,

Sorry to hear you're struggling. I hope therapy is a calming experience and you get to talk about the freaking out and where it's coming from.

I think sometimes that those of us that have been in therapy sometimes pressure ourselves to appear together when the reality is that everyone has baggage and will end up being triggered at some point. I don't know if that is the case with you but if it is, try to be gentle with yourself. Your classmates are probably doing the same thing!!

It does sound like you have a lot on your plate though. Are you able to make time for yourself at all? Even if it's 30 minutes meditation/mindfulness exercises, or a walk, or whatever it is you do to relax and take care of yourself.

Thank you, Mallard, for your words and suggestions. I took a 10 minute walk this morning and it helped a bit. I plan on taking Friday as a partial self-care day (exercise class for an hour and therapy). The other part of the day will be devoted to errand running.

Ok...I need to check on one of my kids, so I better go.
Thank you again!
Athenacus - that is so exciting that you are close to seeing your first clients! From one crazy busy mom to another - make time for yourself. I've been getting up at 5 since April to have at least a half our walk by myself before I start the day. I hate the getting up but I do value the alone time. Especially now that I have teenagers and they don't go to bed early so no evening time to myself anymore.


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