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Hi everyone,

Got a gentle bomb-drop from my T today. The session started out with a lot of catching-up kind of chit-chat (we usually have weekly sessions, but I've missed the last two weeks due to my vacation one week and Memorial Day last week). I started getting into other stuff, but with all kinds of long usual...and then she said there was something she needed to discuss with me, and was now a good I said yes...and she said, she's moving in September. Eeker And she's letting everyone know now so we have the summer to process it.

She was really good about asking me how I was doing with it, but actually I think I'm okay. I told her I'm not surprised at all, I've kind of been expecting it, with as many times as she's said about how she wants to live somewhere warmer...and she said this winter was especially awful...and it was, it really was...and her best friend lives where she's moving to...and it's been really hard for her to make it here...and where she's moving is bigger, and she's hoping to build a bigger client base there.

After that there wasn't a whole lot of time left, so we spent the rest in that uncomfortable silence where I'm thinking things, but also thinking, what's the use in saying it anyway. Sometimes during these times she says she wishes she could find out where I've "gone" - like she did today - but I never know what to say in response.

I did tell her that this actually comes at a relatively good time for me, because I was already wondering what I was going to do over the summer for childcare during sessions, and I've also been waffling about possibly taking a break from therapy. But I'm also worried about this fall, when (due to changing circumstances) one of my main topics of discussion might become an issue again, and so I was kind of counting on her to be available during that time if the feelings that come up are really difficult to manage. She gave me the name of a friend of hers with a similar approach in case I might need her. But she's 2+ hours away from where I live, so it's not real likely to work out...but she mentioned her so I asked for it.

So that was about it. I'm not sure if my lack of reaction to her leaving is real, or if it's a delayed thing. The only bit of panic I'm having right now is not having her there in the fall. She's the one who knows the whole back story, I've done all the groundwork with her, and I knew I could trust her to understand and not to shut me down if I needed to talk about my feelings. Now if I want or need that, I'll have to find someone else...and that's not real likely. Frowner

One of the biggest things I've learned from her is something I've also heard here, and that is to "live into" the feelings that come up, instead of running away from them. Something came up with my daughter this weekend that helped to illustrate this to me (again). On Friday, my daughter had a graduation ceremony (they are fourth graders and will be going to the middle school for fifth grade next year). She was very excited about the ceremony because she was the “maestro” for one of the songs…and she looked happy up until that point…but then after that, she started to cry. At one point she was sitting in the back waiting for the next part, still crying, so I got up and got some tissue to bring to her and asked her what was wrong. She said she was feeling really sad because they were leaving that elementary school…and it’s even worse because that particular school is closing, this is their last year…and it feels like home so it makes her sad.

(side note: it is so eerie that she has this response...because I was exactly the same way in school...always nostagically sad when the year ended...and no one else seemed to be...even though so many of them had more memories than I did, as they had more friends and did more stuff...)

I asked my daughter if she wanted to stop participating in the ceremony, and she said no…but then she asked me if she could cry some more with me when we got home. And of course I said, of course we can do that. And we did, she really sobbed with me for a while, holding her on her bed. She talked about the happy memories she had…and after a while of listening, and affirming that yes, this is really sad, I said, just think of all the happy memories you’re going to make at the middle school, too (because I know she’s really excited about going there). And then she said, but then I’ll be sad leaving there, too! And so we talked about how whenever we make happy memories, there’s also the sadness of leaving them behind…and how there’s no getting out of it, there will always be sadness with the happiness. I swear I felt like I was channeling (or trying to anyway) several people here, AND my T. I think it might have been okay, because later my daughter was cutting up and joking with me again.

My T was really happy to hear all this today, and commented again at what a difference this is, compared to the dynamic between me and my mom. And it is. I just hope it’s enough, you know?

The other thing that is going on is that for the last few months I have the sense that I’m “putting everything away” with respect to the things I was so driven to talk about in therapy when I first started out. Like I’m “done”…but I know that’s not possible because I still cry about some of it…like just this weekend, I was crying about one of my issues in reaction to a movie my DH asked me to watch with him…I had to go to bed early to get away from it, and I know my DH was disappointed I “left” him alone to watch the rest of the movie, he was trying so hard…and I was considering asking DH, again, if we can move before the fall so I don’t have to possibly deal with this issue "up close and personal" again…so I’m not sure what’s happening, or how to stop it. I keep trying to talk about these things, but the urgency to do so seems to be missing. Like today. But I’m still not sure if that had something to do with my T saying she was leaving. Or maybe it's that I'm done doing the work I needed to do with her. IDK.

Ugh, long post. Roll Eyes Thanks for reading. And thanks for being here. Big Grin

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Wow, she really did drop a bomb on you today! Even if you had a feeling it would happen eventually, I'm sure it was still a big blow. However, it does sound like you are handling it really well. I also think its wonderful that your T is giving her clients a lot of time to process it.

I'm curious, do you think you will find another T or stop therapy altogether when T moves away?
Sorry to hear your T is moving away. That must have been very hard to hear, even if you had a suspicion it was coming eventually. It's hard to lose that support and refuge.

FWIW, I think you handled things with your daughter really well. We don't move on to middle school until 7th grade here.

I wish you well in whatever you decide to do once she leaves.

Thanks, TN. You are right, it IS getting harder to hear...the more it is sinking in. I've always had delayed emotional reactions...but still...this feels very weird. Eeker

Thanks for saying you think I handled things well with my daughter. I spend a LOT of time feeling terribly guilty for what I don't get right with both my it feels good when, once in a while, something does go right...thanks to the things I've learned on this forum...and thanks to my awesome T. Smiler

I am so sorry your T is moving. Frowner I am so sorry, SG. I am glad you reached out because you so rarely ask for support. I really hope you can treasure the next few months with your T before her move.

Though it doesn't do a thing to ease the difficulty, I am glad she told you now so you have time to work through what comes up with her support.

The situation with your daughter sounds lovely actually. It is hard to see our children in pain but if you can connect with them during the pain it can only strenghen the bond between you. Wonderful that she asked to cry with you.

Thanks, Ninn. I don't think we've met. Welcome to the forums (albeit belatedly - sorry! Big Grin )!

I tend to run from the feelings, too. Strenuously so. LOTS of flight into fantasies, daydreaming, escape in many forms. Razzer My T said many times that she noticed in sessions that I get angry at myself for even having them. Which is why she kept encouraging me to go the other way, "live into" them. Sounded crazy every time she said, why would I want MORE pain??? Confused But it's only recently I finally started to "get it", a little bit. If we live into them, then we eventually get THROUGH them to the other side and see that's not all there is. The example last week with my daughter helped me a LOT in getting what my T's been trying to say to me. Seeing things from my daughters' perspectives, and feeling compassion for them, helps it come around and to feel compassion for similar aspects of the "little SG" inside of me, too. It's weird, but it seems to work.

I very much hope I can build and maintain relationships with my daughters where they feel safe enough to share their feelings. Thanks for what you said...I don't think I'll ever attain wonderful status...but I would really be happy with "good enough". Big Grin

Aw, thanks, Seablue. I'm sorry for not being around more. Thanks for what you said, especially as this topic had to be really triggering to you, with your T leaving, too, and everything else you are dealing with right now. I'm sorry for all the challenges being thrown at you all at once. I hope you are hanging in there.

There are some feelings starting to come up...for some reason my reactions have always been extremely delayed or downright stuck with her. It is frustrating. But yes, I am glad she's giving us some time to work through them. Might actually make it harder when she leaves...but hey, I'll just "live into" that, too, right? Roll Eyes (just kidding...but not really)

You made me smile when you said it was wonderful that my daughter asked to cry with me. That's practically verbatim what my T said. Big Grin And I think you're both right. Smiler

Ohhh... big hugs for you, SG. I'm so sorry to see this. I had a delayed/muffled reaction when Curly-T left too, so I feel like I understand. It's kind of really big and kind of far away too. We are here, whatever comes up.

I too think it's wonderful that your daughter asked to cry with you. What a HUGE sign of strong trust.

Ohhhh, SG- this is such sad news- your T has been such a blessing for you, and especially after the awful termination you went through. I am so sorry that you are losing her. I'm not at all surprised if you are having a delayed reaction, SG. I think when feelings run deep, sometimes it is pretty hard to let them come to the surface, and also-it's pretty recent news. I am kind of in denial about my recent leaving of my T, and it doesn't break through too often unless I think of something specific, and then it gets bad. I hope that you won't have any painful memories to deal with, just happy ones that leave you with tender feelings. I was thinking that maybe the reason you aren't grieving very intensely yet, is because you are comparing the feelings with what happened the last time you lost a T, and so it doesn't feel as bad as that did, since she has been good for you, and helpful in many ways. Plus, you still have fair bit of time left with her.

Oh SG, I am sending hugs and prayers.. and love, please keep talking to us through this time. It will get harder before it gets easier, but you will survive it.

I love the way you helped your daughter there...that is so beautiful. I love that she feels so safe with you that she could come and ask you for that comfort.

hugs, love,

Wow, SG, that bomb would definitely feel like a shock if it were me in your shoes. It is possible you are in a numb phase and yet to face the pain, but maybe you really are not far from being ready for this anyway. At least if your T has to leave, it is good she is giving you several months notice. But still... Frowner my own T has told me of plans she has to retire a few years down the road, maybe 5 years out but possibly sooner, and silly me, I already fret about that because what if I'm not ready to say goodbye yet? I mean, in the beginning of our relationship I never dreamed of being in therapy for years but rather in terms of months. But now, any talk of terminating our relationship feels scary and threatening, even if it is far in the future. So I feel for you and hope you can keep coming to post about it if it helps.

I also want to say I think you are a wonderful mother and much too hard on yourself! I also remember being exactly the same way as a child, nostalgic at the end of the school year, not wanting to say my goodbyes and move on. I didn't have adults in my life to assure me it was okay to have my feelings. My feelings were downplayed or even punished. I was expected to deny them, ignore them, stuff them, "grow up" etc. But you were not so insensitive or too busy to hear your daughter and be there for her, to encourage her but without shaming. You are doing just fine, SG. Smiler
SG, I am so sorry that this bomb has been dropped on you. It sounds like you have learnt and been through so much with your T. Everyone handles endings differently so maybe not having a reaction is your way of dealing with it or maybe your body needs some time to catch up with the news. Either way I hope you keep reaching out for support. I'm glad you have some time to work through the ending with her.

You sound like such a wonderful mother, your account of how your daughter asked to cry with you really moved me. What a great connection you two must have.


Many hugs
(((SG))) I'm sorry that you were hit with this news. It sounds like you've done some really great work with this T and I hope that whatever you decide to do in terms of more therapy or not that you feel at peace with your decision.

I would also like to say that I think you handled the situation with your daughter beautifully. She is lucky to have you.

Oh SG, that's such a shame. Enen though you were half expecting it, it must still have come as a shock to you. And I can understand you feeling ok about it now, but worrying about how you might feel later in the year when potentially diffficult things come up for you. That uncertaintly is so hard.

I am glad too that she gave you the name of another T, but 2+ hours is a long way Eeker Are there any other T's where you live? It's hard though isn't it, especially after your relationship was so established. Like you say you could trust her to understand - and that trust doesn't come quickly.

Can I just ditto the response from others here on the forum. I too hated leaving school at the end of the year - would that my mother had understood me like you did yours. I believe she just used to laugh at any tears or mock me for being upset. Your daughter will be very grounded and secure if you nurture her so wisely SG.


I too, applaud the way you handled your daughter at her transition ceremony. I wish that my mother had been able to be half as compassionate for me when I was in need. To this day, 30some years later, I still feel so ashamed of feelings and tears.

You can do this, you already have done so much, as evident in the way you responded to your daughter. It may suck now, but you will make it!
Thanks so much, Jones, Beebs, Mad Hatter, Butterfly, STRM, Starfish, Monte, and R2G.

Today is not a good day...I'm feeling triggered by anything and everything (and seriously considering taking ADs, again...they've been in my cupboard for over a year...but I've been too chicken to try them yet...they're probably expired now anyway Roll Eyes ) please forgive me for not making individual replies at this time, I still want to...but I just wanted to be sure to say ASAP, I very much appreciate your help and support. Thank you. Big Grin

Hi all,

Okay, I finally took the plunge and started on an AD my doctor prescribed for me over a year ago (fluoxetine, generic for Prozac). Obviously it hasn't had time to "work" yet but I'm feeling more positive just for having taken the step.

Jones - Thank you very much for the hugs Big Grin and for letting me know you felt the same about Curly-T. Did it ever "catch up" with you later, or did it turn out that the attachment just wasn't that intense?

Beebs - Yes that is part of the sadness, that she was there for me when things fell apart with my former T. No painful memories at all, just a lot of positive ones...maybe some regrets about all the times I sat there in silence, maybe I could have used the time better...but oh well. Roll Eyes And you are right, there is no way this is anything like losing that other T. You'd think the better therapy would be more painful to lose...but I don't think that's the case least not this time. Thank you for my hugs and prayers, they are felt and appreciated. Big Grin

Mad Hatter - So nice to see you around! Big Grin Thank you so much for your encouragement, it helps very much. Smiler I'm sorry that the idea of your T's retirement feels so scary and threatening. I very much hope that you are ready for it, when the time comes...and hopefully it will be later that she retires, not sooner. Smiler And I'm terribly sorry you were treated so badly when you showed emotions, that hurts so much. Frowner My mom reacted with anger so I learned to just shut them down. So yes at least I'm not carrying on that legacy. Thanks MH Big Grin

Butterfly - Thank you for the hugs and encouragement. Smiler Yes my T has helped me very much, and I'm also very glad she's giving time to work before she leaves. It will help.

STRM ("Storm" Big Grin ) - Thank you for the hugs and the wishes of peace. Smiler

Starryfishlegs - Yes you are right, it is the uncertainty that's getting to me right now. There are lots of other T's in this area but she's the only one who had any idea what I was talking about in terms of what I needed in therapy - like she was finishing my sentences, totally getting it, that first session - whereas so many of the others I tried before her had more of the CBT approach (which is fine if that's what you need but it wasn't what I needed). I will probably look for another T, but I'll just have to accept that it might take a while to find one who gets it. At least now I know what to look for. I'm sorry your mother laughed at and mocked your tears, how awful that must have been for you. Frowner Mine would get angry and say that I was just "trying to get attention" or threaten to "really give [me] something to cry about". So damaging. Frowner Frowner Thank you for your encouragement. It is so nice to see you. Smiler

Monte - Thank you for the encouragement, and for understanding the shutdown tendency. I did make another appointment with her, so hopefully I can still share some things before she leaves. I do love that she's been willing AND able to meet me "where I'm at" and has never disapproved of or rejected me because of that, while at the same time encouraging me forward. It always made me think of someone in a room with a cowering dog under the bed, and she just hung out with me, talking to me, never trying to "make" me come out, just gently encouraging...and not reacting much when I did come out, just gently accepting that too...VERY consistent. It is a profoundly delicate thing to do and she makes it look so easy that I've become accustomed to it, but I remember being amazed by it for most of the first year (it will be two years when she leaves). Thank you so much. Big Grin [P.S. No medals deserved here, but thanks for the encouragement. This is one "success" for a parent who needs a whole lot of grace. But therapy has started to show me more clearly exactly what my daughters need, and I'm really grateful for that.]

Room2Grow - Thank you for the hugs and your kind words. Big Grin I am so sorry that you were treated badly for your feelings and T kept telling me that tears are "beautiful"'s hard to believe but eventually some of that sunk in...I hope your T is able to help you heal some of those injuries, too.

Seablue - Thank you for the hugs and thoughts. Back to you (((((((Seablue)))))).

Draggers - ((((((((Draggers)))))))) Yesterday was the last day of school for my girls and I think that's what triggered me...why is it still so overwhelming, I really don't was better though, we hung out and did some fun stuff together. Big Grin

Thank you all for saying that my daughter's asking to cry with me was a sign of trust and connection. It is all too easy for one success to get buried underneath all the failures and so to believe it doesn't "count", so it encourages me a LOT to hear you say that. I need to focus more on the successes so they can increase, instead of getting down about the failures. Maybe the meds will help with that, too. But you are all irreplaceable. Thank you. Big Grin

Love to all,
LG - My doctor told me to make another appointment with her for a checkup about a month after I start taking it, so I'm guessing it takes about that long. From what I've heard it has to build up in your system, and the first couple weeks can be rough, with your body adjusting to it, but it varies from person to person. My doctor told me she's had people say they have stomachaches for the first couple of weeks, so they just take it at night. I took the first one this afternoon (maybe 5 hours ago) and no stomachache so far. Big Grin Some of the people whose reviews I read said they never really had any side effects and of course I'm hoping I'm one of those. Smiler Some of them said they were really tired, or really jittery, some had loss of appetite...but a lot of them said they experienced a sense of well-being for the first time in their lives within the first couple of weeks. That would be nice. Big Grin But even that can have drawbacks...a few of the people said they had SUCH a feeling of well-being that they ended up not tending to things they really needed to attend to. The more troubling side effects were when people tried to get off of it...definitely not something you just want to "drop" some cases people had to go on another AD to manage the symptoms of discontinuing the fluoxetine. Anyway I decided to try it because I'm so very tired of how my bad moods, irritability, sensitivity, depression, etc. play out with my family...and the regrets of how I treat them just feed into it and make it worse...I've tried for years to change it, going on two years of therapy and it's still I'm thinking it must be at least partly chemical...anyway it is worth the risks, if this helps.

R2G - Thanks for saying I'm worth it, about the ADs. Big Grin I will definitely give them a chance. I think the first one was the hardest to take.

About the tears...the whole subject of crying is an important one to mom always responded to my tears with anger and this day I can't imagine why...but in a way I think it might have been the "best" "sick" response she could have made (if there is such a thing Roll Eyes ) because I think as a little girl it ended up kind of pissing me off. Eeker Even though it did a lot of damage, it also elicited a rebellious attitude in me. That definitely can work in my favor, sometimes. Big Grin

But there is still a lot of resistance when I'm actually in front of someone else. I hate the vulnerability it creates, definitely a legacy from my mom. And I definitely don't feel "beautiful" when I'm crying...but my T telling me that (repeatedly) has helped me to be easier on myself, when I do have to cry...I no longer see it as something ugly or to be hidden (not that I go looking to cry in public either, mind you Roll Eyes ), but just something I have to do sometimes. Would you believe that recently I've even been able to let my DH see me cry a couple of times (horror of horrors! Eeker ), admittedly in moments of extreme distress and exasperation...but it has clued him in to how much pain I'm in...he was kind of flabbergasted when I told him, I cry like this several times a week...even though he knows I've been in therapy for a few years, that's all been removed from his eyes...this woke him up a little, made it more "real" to him...he had no idea. Eeker Poor guy. Roll Eyes And I'm learning he's not anywhere near as dangerous to be vulnerable with as my mom was/is. Anyway I hope you are able to learn to be easier on yourself about your own tears. You are worth it. Big Grin

Originally posted by Strummergirl:
I don't think I'll ever attain wonderful status...but I would really be happy with "good enough".

And that's what makes you wonderful

SG my heart just melted when I read the situation between you and your daughter. It's the determination to be the best mother you can, along with the humbleness to know that no one will be perfect, that makes you a wonderful mom.

I'm sorry to hear about the move. Those must be odd feelings to have and to try to process.

Do you think she would be open to occasional updates? Like a card from you every once in a while. It might help, even if you don't keep in touch, to know that it's possible.


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