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This may sound like a country western song, but my 16 year old dog died a few days ago(we had to put her down) and the same day my husband currently a recovered alcoholic (use that loosely) relapsed.
I had a drink to calm myself as I was bawling my eyes out after he left with the dog to go to the vets. He returned home after going to a bar, and continued drinking at home. This is the first time I have seen him drink in 3 years.
So it was a double whammy for me, loosing my precious pet and then him relapsing. A lot of my trauma and insecurities I'm in therapy for surrounds him and drinking memories, abusive experiences when he was an active drinker.

I started feeling like my reality was slipping away, as I drank more, thinking about my dog, and husband. I started into a downward spiral of depression. I saw where my T had just responded to my email saying we had to put the dog down. I was feeling so desperate I called him on his cell that night and he picked right up. I so needed to talk to him that night as I was falling apart. He talked to me about allowing myself to grieve, to not drink with my husband (too late) and to try to stop my drinking. Anyway, I sent him an email thanking him for being there for me. Its what we pay them the big bucks for right?
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OOOOhh lizzygirl, I am so very very sorry for your losses - your dear dog and the relapse of your husband's drinking. All sounds so hard and painful. I too like DF am so pleased your T was there for you. Do you know money doesn't come in to it - I ma certain he would have genuinely wanted to help in your distress.



I'm so sorry for all your losses, lizzygirl...losing a family pet is so incredibly sad. And to have your husband relapse on top of it just had to feel like the bottom falling out, especially since you were then right back in a potentially abusive situation. It is overwhelming just to think about, and must have seemed (maybe still seems) like a nightmare. I am so, so glad you were able to get a hold of your T and talk, and to stop that downward spiral. How are things going for you today?

Lizzygirl, it's great that you got support from your T in that very difficult moment. Something to lighten up the darkness.
I think they are there for us, but not just because we pay them. It's because that's what they chose to do (and of course they should be able to make a living out of something right?). It is something bigger, than just a job.
Recently I confessed to my T how ackward I feel about the money, exactly about the moment when I leave the money on the table (I recently put it under the tissue box), that it makes me feel really awckward and I want it to be quick and invisible. He replied that he doesn't like that part either, but he likes the money in general. Smiler))) Big Grin
My point is that our Ts are there for us, and care about us and money is the least important thing.
Take care... Hopefully things will get better eventually...
Still tearing up when I think of my dog Molly.
Started to write a little epithet for her.
The house feels peaceful, I believe now that her pain has ended, she is at peace.

My husband only drank that night and has been sober since so I am greatly relieved. I guess it wouldn't do any good to tell him the impact of seeing him drunk had on me. He really was hurting that day, I cant blame him. But it would have been nice to hear him say he was sorry I had to see that. Sorry is a word rarely heard from him. He still hasn't made the amends to me I feel he should have according to AA.

Sometimes when I apologize to my T about contacting him, or sending him a marathon email,
he just laughs and says I'm not bothering him and that makes me wonder if I should bother him
more? Maybe I'm not needy enough? Ha ha.

I'm so sorry about your dog. I had a dog named Molly once too. I'm glad she is now at peace, but sorry for the pain that it brings you for her to be gone.

It's good that your husband has been sober since that night. I'm sorry that you had to see him like that.

Your T sounds great and I'm glad that he has been there for you. That is so important.

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