I had a drink to calm myself as I was bawling my eyes out after he left with the dog to go to the vets. He returned home after going to a bar, and continued drinking at home. This is the first time I have seen him drink in 3 years.
So it was a double whammy for me, loosing my precious pet and then him relapsing. A lot of my trauma and insecurities I'm in therapy for surrounds him and drinking memories, abusive experiences when he was an active drinker.
I started feeling like my reality was slipping away, as I drank more, thinking about my dog, and husband. I started into a downward spiral of depression. I saw where my T had just responded to my email saying we had to put the dog down. I was feeling so desperate I called him on his cell that night and he picked right up. I so needed to talk to him that night as I was falling apart. He talked to me about allowing myself to grieve, to not drink with my husband (too late) and to try to stop my drinking. Anyway, I sent him an email thanking him for being there for me. Its what we pay them the big bucks for right?