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My T never says he thinks about me in between my sessions. He never says that he ponders what I have said. He once began saying that he thought about what I said whilst he was driving....

then he stopped, abruptly and changed tack. Obviously flustered.

IT is like he just cannot go there. He cannot tell me that he thinks of me outside of a session.

He surely must. so what is stopping him saying so?
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Hrm, I don't know. Maybe he is concerned about the reaction it will produce in you or maybe he is uncomfortable about it. Hopefully, either way, he is getting some consultation about it if the issue makes him visibly flustered. You could always say you detected what you thought was some discomfort and you wanted to know why that is. No topic should be off-limit and if he has a reason for not answering a question, hopefully he would at least give a cursory explanation of why. My T has only admitted to thinking about me outside of session a few times (when it didn't relate to him actually working on "my" stuff on non-session time, like insurance matters). Once was that he woke up in the middle of the night with an epiphany about one of my parts...kind of made me feel bad that I had invaded his rest time like that. Both other times were when he was discussing a topic with colleages/interns and something that shared or a book they were discussing really applied to our work together and gave him a little more insight. I think all Ts and Ps must think about their clients on occasion, especially those they work with intensely or for an extended period. It may be, perhaps, that your P just wants to keep his personal time and his thoughts/feelings about you out of the equation, sort of blank slate approach? I really don't know. There could be many reasons, so I think the only way is to ask.
I am too scared to ask directly. It feels too scary. I will try though. I just have noted that he does not EVER say or indicate that he has thought of me outside the therapy time. Sometimes I have been upset that I am just a number/case/file/job to him (the usual) and he doesn't say anything much, just asks me to say more or asks me what is it that upsets me, or just says ' that must feel hard, if you think that someone jsut sees you as a number"

Sometimes I just want him to be explicit about what I think he thinks is implicit.

I guess, gulp, I want him to say "I think about you, I ponder issues, i often hope you are okay, I often worry about you, I care and I get upset when you are not okay, but I am here and I am not going anywhere and you are not just a number or caseload to me, you are a person that has come to matter to me."


What I have found with my T (and yours might be different) is that he never answers me when I am being indirect. He might answer me but he'll answer the indirect question I am asking.

My T has reassured me that he thinks of me outside of session so I have a feeling that your T will tell you the same if you ask.

still reeling but this is the dialogue we had.
I am stunned.
REALLY hard to absorb. I said at the end, it was like swimming in a small pool and then someone has suddenly thrown me into the ocean - I was so surprised!
ME: Do you think about me outside sessions?

Him (sweetP) I think I might be able to say something helpful about that.
O f course I do. I couldn't not. Perhaps the reason you catch me pulling back from telling you – in terms of my professional management of my work I spend too much time thinking about what is happening for you and how you might be. And that is because of many reasons one of which is we are conducting therapy at a much more intensive level than I conduct it with anyone else because we have contact between times and we have contact by text which is something that I don't do with anyone else. So that is that kind of level. But there is also the level that you share stuff with me at a very deep intense level. I have got other clients of course that also share very deep stuff at that level but for you – the part of it that is about 'what I might mean to you and what you mean to me' is so much more the core of it than anyone else I see, any other client I see.
What I am trying to get to, is the idea that despite what sort of boundaries I might think I ought to have and the kind of boundaries I think I should have, I find myself very much thinking about what is happening for you and of course I am trying to do that in a way that is professional and helpful. Of course what that means is that I sometimes have some strong reactions and that is because there is a level of intensity to it for me because
for you to have allowed yourself, chosen to show what you have shown to me, [you haven't entirely chosen to but you have chosen to allow the situation, because I know that you have not chosen to feel what you feel at any given moment,] that you have decided to take the risk to be here and let it happen and that it is me that that is happening with... well ... I find that incredibly powerful and it makes me feel all sorts of things that are to do with all the protective things, all the things we have talked about I suppose. And I do think I do get alarmed sometimes and I know that I need to keep this within my limits and need to keep my boundaries, not making false promises and not doing things that I can't live with and sustain is really important. Making sure it is truly the right thing for you. Sometimes I do that awkwardly and do it in a messy or even defensive way and that is because I am not always confident enough to deal with it as directly as I would like to. but I think it feels that what happens between us is something that comes from the fact that you have guessed right. It has an impact on me and I think about it quite a lot, not just at set times – it is not something I can keep in boxes. I think what you pick up from me sometimes feels like me often not being ahead of that. I am not this perfectly sorted out therapist, which is so evidently not the case from when I make mistakes (I laugh and he laughs) but if I do have any capacity for doing this job (which I think I do), it is about at some point being able to see what is happening and get to grips with it. What is happening both in me and what happens between us. That is what makes me think I can do something helpful. In the end it is not so much about technique and what is in the books but it is about trying to keep the connection between us genuine and helpful and meaningful and not let my defences come down and stop that happening, If I do, you feel it instantly, and i may not realise at that time that I may have done it, but it emerges in the following days or weeks what has happened. And that, I guess, is how it works.
I am not saying I couldn't do that better, I could, but no matter what kind of therapy it was, this is what would be happening. I see that [he points to the picture of me being little and curled up in a dark wood that I gave him at the beginning of the session] and I have a real feeling of wanting to pick up little S and give her a BIG cuddle because that is what I would do. Because all that stuff is there.

I don't know if I have explained myself very well but it maybe partly answers your question and even if I really tried, I don't think I could confine my thinking about you to the times you are here or even the times I have to write down your notes. I don't think that it works like that. And I think you have needed that, you have needed to check with texts and calls, that I still exist and that you still exist in my head when you are not here.
If you phoned and I said 'Who?” that would be terrible for you because it is those sort of issues that are so important to you and that we are trying to work through.
despite all the frustrations and difficulties of 'seeing a therapist' – all the side of that that isn't so good, it is still possible to feel that I am here for you. Sometimes you say that you can feel I am still there and then it fades, and you often ask about how you could feel like you matter and what would demonstrate that and what would make you feel like you mattered.
ME: I think that the fact that you might care sometimes scares me.
Him: It is a bit radical isn't it.
ME: but that is what I want. So why does it scare me?
Him: because then you might lose it?
Me: do you think, (pause) do you (tries to summon up courage) do you think that like maybe..(Struggling to speak) do you think (rushes at it) that you might perhaps 'love me a bit' maybe?
Him: Yeh. [pause]
Well why not? If you think about it, I am bound to, aren't I. I see this person that has given glimpses of and opened things that you have only allowed me to see because you feel safe with me and all the things we have been through , it would difficult for me not to 'love you a bit', because how can you be that close to somebody, particular parts of somebody and not feel something.
ME: Do you feel it in your heart. I feel it here in my heart centre, right in the middle of my chest.
Him: I certainly feel something physical that I can't locate. When you text me for example and I might think for a moment a flash of “Oh S!” [I begin to panic that I annoy him and he gets exasperated with me for texting to him] Then I think of the struggle that you are going through and know how much you struggle NOT to text me and then I think “oh S” in a kind way because I know you are hurting and then I feel that there in my heart, that kind of feeling, like how I would feel if I saw you hurting.
And the initial 'Oh S!” is about when I get a text from you and I think “Okay, that is S, and I need to think about when I can get a moment to reply or understand it and read it properly” or whatever because I cannot always read it straight away. It is a bit the same as when my daughter comes up and says “I want to make a cake now” and I am trying to do something else and think “Not now!” but there is nothing I like better than being in the kitchen with her so it is not about not loving her or caring about her, and it is the same with you. I am not saying "oh S!" because I don't care. There is a moment when I feel I need to respond to this and there is also a moment, despite all that practical stuff going on, I think so dearly “Oh S' with real heart and that is why I am still here. Often you are struggling. And sometimes you don't ask for anything – you are just telling me something. Like yesterday when you needed to tell me how awful the previous day had been and I did understand how difficult and horrible what happened to you must have been. And I think you just want me to know sometimes how awful things are and you want me to know but not necessarily asking for anymore than that.
[He laughs} The whole process is such an intense thing
ME: because it has to do with BIG feelings.
Him: I know I have had to change how I think and what I do.
ME: I said from the first session that if you can't love me then there is no point in us working together. But it is true. It is obviously true. But that was different from today asking you “well, DO you?” and some therapists hate the 'L' word.
Him: yes, it can have so many connotations.
ME:You matter to me, I know I love you, but how would I not?! Except when you really stuff up. [laughs] And that is when it gets really vulnerable.
Him: yes, it gets scary then
ME: but love is a 'right' feeling, it has to be real.
Him: Yes, whatever its limits or complications, it is what it is, it is about how we stay connected.
ME: thank you for saying so because that helps and when it gets bad I shall remember that and feel that too.
Him: You are much more in people's thinking and emotional sphere than you know and that is always true. You give so much to people, they really feel it.
I can see why you are stunned Sadly, but I am not stunned. Not at all. Of course he loves you and thinks about you outside of sessions. The work you are doing is very deep, very real, and very intense. So it's natural for a lot of thoughts and feelings to come up.

I love how honest and authentic he was in answering you. I hope you can absorb and hold on to all of that Heart face
BLT- yes, gosh, he DOES love me. I have had that running like a sweet line of a song all through my head, all evening. I feel so CALMED inside. I do

effed:How sweet that it moved you too. I think he is a gem. He is so gentle and softly spoken and steady like a rock that you could cry on over and over again and he remains steady. I wrote a story about him last June and it really spoke of what he means to me.

today's session brought tears to my eyes at the time, and his too. He speaks very slowly and often pauses and it was just lovely to watch him say what he said and mean it and I just drank it in, it was so deep. At one bit I almost can't quite handle what he is saying. He was saying that he cares about me - that he thinks about me- that our work is so deep and changing him in how he thinks and acts - and that he loves me. "Yeh" he said, like it was just 'Duh! Of course I do!" But you can see how nervous/terrified/ scared I was of asking, but I think I only dared to ask it, because I was beginning to realize he might say yes. In fact, in the recording when i eventually run at it and say in a rush "well do you think you might just maybe love me a bit?" he actually replies immediately with " well, that is interesting that..." but then he sees my face, my hope, my childlike open vulnerability and my terror of rejection ... and stops and says "yeh." Thank god he didn't go off into a 'Well lets look at WHY you might ask me that" when I just really needed to know.

Liese, thanks for encouraging me to ask him. You just helped precipitate a mega change in my relationship with him, thank you so much. I will indeed treasure today's conversation. I think he is a gem. I feel loved. I hope it stays a while.
Hello Sadly.
I am in Europe like you, but English is not my language so sorry for bad typing sometimes, I did read about you asking you T about if he thinks about you outside of sessions, I amazed of the things I said to you, I am still so afraid to ask mine..

How did it happen that you started to text him ,if I may ask Roll Eyes on mobile, did you ask if you could text him?

I am so inspired by your story, and what your T said, I almost just want to print it out and hand it to my T and ask him “do you think about me “ ? I remember before “my post here” I said to him one time “aren’t you getting tired of seeing me here “he is in clinic, and he said I was on his mind, when he was there because (am trying to put this in English) we meet that often and he knows I am struggling sometimes, if that meant outside or just when he is there or on the day we meet I don’t know .. It made me feel also good , but after my post here I don’t know anymore, I wish one day I have the courage to ask him also ?
Me texting him happened by accident. He phoned me without hiding his work mobile number and i saved it. Just in case. This was last June. then I hit a really bad patch and my husband texted him. Also I was away another time and he asked me to find out from my husband when he, my t, could phone me, and my husband would find that out by text from him.
then one time, he just said, well, text me if you need me to ring you or phone the office. so i did. And for a long while I only used it for a 'Can't make it' or ' could you phone' when the office was not being reliable. Then... and this is where boundaries are so slippy, i told him that I was cross with him by text. AS i could not tell his office. since then he has not commented on my use of texting, (to say I may be late, to tell him how I feel, to ask him if he is still 'there' for me, or to say that I feel he is still there.)
I don;t always WANT something from him when I text. As he pointed out. I was SHOCKED to hear that no other client texts him. he has NEVER indicated that it is not something he has used before. I think he has been INCREDIBLY patient with me. As he said today, he gauged it on how useful it was for me. It seemed to really help me.

I am amazed at what he said today. Really truly stunned.
SomeDays: I think I posted it because I thought it might help us all. It also helps that I have the sessions recorded so that I can actually type what he said accurately.
As he says so often, he is not perfect. I think he was trained in quite a formal psychology training 30 years ago and he is only just bit by bit adjusting to what I need from him. He talks about this in the middle of the session before we got to the 'do you think about me' bit. I might try and type some of it out later. It was really interesting. I gave him 'attachment in Psychotherapy' when I first started working with him over a year ago and then every now and again I give him an article or something that I feel might help him to adjust to meeting me where I need to be met. He admitted this last session that he has had to shift to adapt himself to fit my needs. I said " good dog, you ARE trainable!" which made him laugh.
Lady Grey: I am glad you found it touching, I am deeply touched by it. I find it has thrown me rather - that he so clearly cares about me so much.

JenDark: Yes, it is wonderful to be able to record sessions. I often hear so much later - things I did not or could not hear at the time. And to hear his kind voice, sometimes that just gets me through a really difficult time. He is sort of there for me, all over again.

I just wanted to add the bit he says about a baby's needs as it is applicable to the many discussions we have here on attachment.

him: There is a bit about, starting off with the littlest, the babe in arms, how in a sense the parents, the mother in particular, has to allow herself to be taken over by this little things needs and ordinary life goes out the window. And that continues for quite a while And gradually it becomes possible to come and go but it is a very gradual process. In a way, you needing to get me to respond to you in a more helpful way, is a bit like that. It is a bit like the 'littlest you' just really needing somebody who will put everything aside a little bit (or the normal way they do things) to meet your needs at that point. And it feels that is what you missed so much of, because of how your parents were and how it was with the burns and the hospital and all the stuff that went on to make it even more difficult later on in your life. That process you feel of going 'all round the houses', as you described it, is almost like a part of that. [I feel I have to spend ages trying to get him to understand something about my needs and if I ask straight out he resists but I just try again from a different angle and then another different approach, until he eventually understands] And you persisted. You are trying to get me to respond in the ways that you need.

He seems to so understand. I am almost frantic with trying to get him to respond to me in the ways that I need and he is slowly adapting to meet the needs that so need meeting but it is hard for both of us, as I have to reveal and bear to be so exposed and he has to be certain that he is doing the best thing for me in the long run and also in the now.

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