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My therapist had to leave the state because of a family emergency. She doesn't know how long she will be gone-- possibly months Frowner
We are very close and I am used to seeing her twice a week for long sessions. Right now I feel like I'm in WITHDRAWAL! Roll Eyes
She texts me when she can so that helps. She SAYS she will call and email to keep in contact because she knows this is hard on me. She SAYS she will be coming home. But I've been abandoned so many times that its hard to believe her.
Trying to think of things to keep busy, keep my mind off the hard stuff (flashbacks, nightmares, etc) while she's gone... any ideas?
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AW I am sorry to hear that you are dealing on your own right now until your therapist comes back again, e.i.

Here is a crazy idea that just popped into my head- maybe...have you ever seen those full spectrum lights that actually project a rainbow into a child's room at night, for a nightlight? I think you can get them at fancy bookstores or toy stores, I've been thinking about getting one for my daughter who has scary dreams sometimes. So when she wakes up scared it will be the first thing she sees. So if you are not totally broke, you could purchase one of those and use it to think of your T while she is gone, and especially if there is a nightmare -and tell her you are going to do that so the connection is there? Maybe that is a goofy idea, but I thought I would throw it out there.

Hugs, I am sorry about the hard waiting, I hope she is back sooner than later,

I'm sorry Everyone. ((((((EI))))))

I can imagine how difficult this sudden departure of your T must be for you given how close you are to her.

The good news is that she seems to understand and care that this is difficult for you...and is willing to text and call to make this time easier for you. Nevertheless, I know how upsetting it can be when someone is taken away from your life when you were counting on them, even if it is just an emergency outside of her control.

Hopefully the time will pass quickly. I had a T leave town for 5 weeks once and the first week was really tough but it got so much easier as time went on. I did a lot of hiking during that time, went on some drives to places I hadn't seen in my state. Kept myself busier than usual. Even got into making crafts again which is an old hobby I had forgotten about for quite some time.

Maybe there are some things you could do to occupy your mind. What sort of things do you enjoy doing? Arts? Sports? maybe you could sign up for an adult education class offered in your community for something jewelry making or caligraphy? Or sports?

In the meantime, post here and we will be your support!


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