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I'm going to post here what I can remember because these dreams were unusually odd, even for me (perhaps benadryl-induced?) and because two of them featured my T. If anyone wants to try to analyze, go ahead!

In the first one I'm in T's waiting room. I have brought some pinkish red nail polish with me and I'm starting to try to put some on when I spill some on her carpet. I'm trying to figure out how to clean it up when T comes out and calls me. I try to hide and get away so I will have time to clean up the spill before she finds out, but she wants me to come NOW. I wind up falling apart crying while trying to avoid her.

In the second dream my T has tried to reschedule my session via text (she doesn't text IRL) and before confirming the new time I start walking across a windy bridge towards me appointment. I realize I will be a little early. Then somehow instead I wind up (I think with my H?) at the office of a woman who recently performed my wedding (IRL we were married more than two years ago by a man). I realize we have a couples session with her which conflicts with my session with T. I am trying to figure out which one to cancel. In the mean time, someone says that my T "is not a cougar accused of bankrupting herself." (my H recently calld my T a cougar, somewhat as a joke). Also somewhere in the dream, although I can't remember where it fits, my T calls me "honey" and says "I love you." (neither of which she has really done!)

The third dream mostly consists of me having adopted a baby. I'm not sure how to take care of her, but I am attempting to. I wonder why she is so very small at times and she seems to fluctuate wildly in size.

In my last dream I am looking through some of my mother's books, and looking in particular at a very large, beautifully illustrated one about the New Testament which I believe is somehow focused on Jesus' relationships with women? I am looking for something about Mary Magdalene and I think whether the book portrays them as romantically involved?
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Do you have any particular thoughts and associations about the nail polish? Is it something you generally wear? Why or why not?

Also, broccoli. Like it or hate it? How about as a kid?

I don't usually wear nail polish as I don't like how it smells and feels. But I used to wear some on my toenails when I was younger and I guess I associate that with my teenage self. My T also usually paints her toenails in the summer.

I do like broccoli, a lot, but I wasn't a huge fan as a kid.
Hmm, well my orienting idea is that these dreams are about shame and integration.

To illustrate:

When I first read the first dream, I was reminded of Lady Macbeth compulsively washing her hands because she thought there was blood on them. I am not suggesting you have killed anyone. Wink But I thought maybe it was a stand in for shame of some kind, having it on your hands and then spilling it on your T’s carpet, wanting to clean it up, wanting to hide it. . .

Then when I got to the fourth dream I started thinking about Mary Magdalene-- traditionally a prostitute (so, scarlet woman? maybe a link there with the painted nails? although that may be stretching things a bit Smiler). Anyway, you have an image of a “fallen” woman possibly being “married off” to Christ.

I thought Christ might be a symbol of Self in IFS speak (or the image of God within you in Christian terminology). So maybe there is a part represented by Mary Magdalen-nailpolish (perhaps a cluster of stereotypically feminine traits that you’ve been shamed for or rejecting of) that you are working towards integrating into your larger Self, as pictured by Christ in dream 4 and the relationship with your T in dream 1.

Spiritual and psychological contexts seem to perform a similar function in the dreams. Ts office and the book on the NT both providing a potential (unrealized in the dream) space for the integration of shamed parts. So maybe it’s all one, spiritual and psychological growth? Or at least, related. The swapping around of wedding officiants (traditionally a religious role) with therapists in dream 2 could also be reflective of that unity of purpose. Even the broccoli could be another image of that link-- not real broccoli but a relative of brocolli growing wild (brocolli makes you grow!) lol.

Okay, so, that is just me playing with your dream. Big Grin Obviously there are a lot of elements I didn’t even touch on, and I’m sure one could go much deeper with it or take it in entirely different directions. Not that I don’t think there’s a certain elegance to my interpretations, but of course the real truth of it is what’s true for you since you dreamed it. Wink This was just for fun, but would be interested in what you think.
HIC, I am sorry I didn't respond earlier. I really like your interpretations. They are much more creative than anything I would have come up with. If I had to interpret myself I might say those dreams are about my connection with different aspects of myself...the teenage part (the nail polish part), the dependent part (the baby), and the adult sexual part (as Mary Magdalene). The part about the couples session...I'm not sure about. But thank you for putting so much thought into it. I like that it gave a positive interpretation on the idea of me integrating shamed parts :-)

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