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If i describe this, can you tell me what the name for it is and do you have any advice on how I address it?

I have always had difficult with this, I remember struggling with it 15 yrs ago when in therapy.

Ok, so we are in the stabilising, emotional regulation phase. Attempting mindfulness and centering - starting to work out ways to bring me back when I fade/dissociate.

So T tells me to conjure up an image of a place that is special to me and to hold it in my mind to focus on it to bring me back / or to relax / or whatever the task is.

My problem is that a) when I am physically at that place, I can be sitting there looking at my peaceful and special view - say of a garden with beautiful flowers. I can sit there and smell, look, feel etc and think 'yes this is beautiful' but how do I get that Image and Feeling inside my heart/head to take a snapshot of it and keep it for later

b) When I am in that place I am having trouble actually feeling the good feelings about it. I can think it is beautiful but I don't feel it.

c) when i am with T or needing to dig up this image - she say 'get the picture of your place in your mind'. I try and try - but the picture never comes in - never comes in so I never know what to focus on so I tend to look at a wall. Staring at a wall puts me in a trance / fog - and I feel nothing. When I think of my 'picture' - it turns to grey really quickly and it is gone from my mind.

so my questions are - is there a name for this. i remember reading it somewhere and I would like to go and research it and see how I put something in my mind.

I don't know if this is related but over the past few weeks I have a sense of different voices (they are not real voices) - I want to say parts - but I don't want ppl to think the are DID parts - so I have voices or parts of me in my head. I distinctly have 3 but there is at least 2 more. The strongest one is the protector and this one silences the hurt one (who feels like a kidnapped person) all the time. The strong voice forces the hurt one to dissociate in session or at least to silence. There is another one that is more supportive of the hurt one but it isn't around.

I get the feeling that the protector is the one who is stopping me from conjuring up the visions in my mind because the fade out I get from trying to do this is similar to when I dissociate.

Thanks SD
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Hi Somedays,

That's a very interesting question which I have no answer to. I actually don't have any trouble bringing up an image of a place, but one thing I can't so right now is bring up anything about my T- her voice, face, whatever. I draw blanks or lots of interference. Not sure what that is all about.

Sometimes during a session T will ask me to describe how something feels and I just can't get there. It's like I reach out for the experience in my memory and my head starts going fuzzy and I can't focus on it. Is that like what happens with you?
Hey Deepie,

Thanks so much, you are spot on with both my issues here - I will need to analyse what you wrote and think about it some more. Poor T - she has been overwhelmed with the amount of stuff I have - I kinda didn't want to bring anything NEW up this week. Oh well. That is life.

Yes T does DBT - after 15 sessions (this is the 4th time I have used her for therapy over a span of 15 years) - I am still very untrusting, we have had a big rupture and renegotiated, T is being very consistent, very present and I am starting to feel secure. That is why I think I can visualise these parts - because the hurt part is starting to want to talk and feeling comfortable.

I really get what you are saying about installation and resourcing. Yes - I need to be calm before hand. I haven't had that. I will talk it over with T - I think she is assuming that I can conjure up a peaceful place and feeling. I can't even close my eyes in her room - I feel too vulnerable and scared. I need to talk to T about it.

Alpaca - yes that is exactly what happens for me. I cannot describe feelings - and when I go to search - there is nothing there. The more I try the more the memory is pushed away. Then I go grey in my head and vacant. I also have trouble speaking and to me I feel incoherent. I feel like i am grappling inside for memories of the last question.

T and I are working on this now. We have a plan that when this happens I indicate to her that I 'have gone' - she wants me to sit with it and she is going to try to get me back - rather than me ignoring it, fighting it or getting worse.

She said that when it happens we may as well stop everything we are doing - because I am not there anyway!!
Last edited by sd
Update: Deepie your advice was spot on. T agreed that for people like me I need to be super relaxed and calm before I can start to imprint a safe place in my mind and she said that yes I will need to practice and practice to get the peaceful feelings to be associated with it.

I downloaded a mp3 recording of some breathing mindfulness to do when i sit at my special place. I also looked at some things on youtube to help me as well as reading about it. I just need to keep trying.
Last edited by sd

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