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It has now been six weeks since I last saw my T. I am trying my hardest to end with him since his boundaries are so slack and he has caused me a huge amount of pain. It is another six weeks til I can see my new P. I am going through so much grief missing him and desperately want to go back. I rang him last week and made an appt and he sounded really happy and pleased. I then rang him again yesterday to tell him that it was so painful for me to keep seeing him and wanting more from him and be rejected by him. But that it was also so painful to leave because I can't cope with the grief. He said that the pain wasn't going to diminish whether I see him or not so why not just come and see him til I can see my next t. I desperately want to see him because I think I have a chance to get what I want which is him. And I can't stand the thought of leaving another session from him not getting what I wanted. And I know that this is no good for me.

Please help me.
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Hi Halo,

I'm so sorry to hear that you are hurting so much that you are willing to give this guy another chance to hurt you again. While you are waiting for the appointment with the new T, would it be possible to talk to one of the friends, therapists, or doctors who have been telling you to stay away from him?

Here are some reasons to stay away that you listed recently:

originally posted by Halo:
He made a comment about "some men prefer larger women".

He laughed when I told him I would kill myself if I saw my family on a regular basis and asked me if I was joking.

He had my child at his house for a BBQ without me knowing about it.

He disclosed that his wife's ultimate fantasy was being raped (knowing that I had been molested for an extensive period of time).

He offered to meet me at the beachfront after telling me that he only ever saw clients in his office.

He ended abruptly knowing that I was suicidal and gave me no say in the matter and told me it was because I wouldn't look at him during sessions or meet him in his rooms. If he had said that he would only meet me in his rooms then I would have. He is the one who offered to meet at the beach.

When he let me come back to therapy he disclosed at length his feelings of counter transference (after telling me that he would never ever reveal those feelings, no matter what I said or did).

He gave me a seductive "look" but later denied it, then said it might have been inadvertent, and later denied it again.

When I told him that he needed tight boundaries and that every time he broke a boundary I took it as encouragement that I was going to get what I want - he said that he just doesn't think like that, he is not manipulative (and made it all about him).

When I told him that I did not trust him not to end again and that I was constantly terrified of him ending he said that if I stay in my chair and if he stays in his chair then I would be right. I said that makes me think that there is a chance he might get out of his chair and he ignored me.

When I left he stood way over the other side of the room (not his usual way of saying goodbye). I said "look at your standing all the way over there, I am never ever going to jump your bones" I made a joke because I was so hurt that he was scared of me and I felt like he thought I was filth. He just ignored me.

You don't deserve this kind of treatment, Halo. No one does. If you succeed in "getting" him he will only hurt you much worse than he ever has before. And from what I've read, some patients never get over being used by their T's. I hope you will reconsider and make a different choice.

Thank you SG, I know you are right. I don't know why I get like this. I wish I could make sense of it.

I see my dr twice a week and she is adamant that I should not go back, she said she will support me if I have to but she is frightened for me if I do. I am never going to lie to my dr as she is so good to me and supportive of me in every way. When she said she was frightened for me I knew that was a really strong statement for her to make.

I really need to be strong about this. I don't understand what hold he has over me.
Hi Halo,

I felt it really important to reply to this topic as I really worry about your wellbeing and the situation you're in. Please please read over SG's post when you are feeling sad about not seeing him and feel the urge to go back. Also, it's important you don't beat yourself up about feeling the way you do. The reason he has such a strong hold is that from what I've read he abused the power he has in his position as a T when you were at your most vulnerable. It is so dangerous for transference to crop up with a T like that who crosses boundaries all the time and doesn't keep the patient's needs as no. 1 priority.

Please post here with whatever you are feeling as much as you like, PM me or add me on msn. Anything. Just don't let yourself get hurt again. I think you know in your heart that you're making a really good and strong decision. 6 weeks is a long time so maybe you can get in contact with someone else in the meantime as SG has suggested.It is terribly hard to leave a T, particularly one you have strong transference feelings for. But in this case it is a really positive move, you're doing the right thing IMHO.

Please keep posting and letting us know how you are...take care of yourself,
Mrs. P
Thanks Mrs P, your kind words mean so much to me. I have made a decision and I am not going back. This is so difficult for me. I am going to text him to cancel when I have coffee with my close friend who is a counsellor on Tues.

I see my dr twice a week and my friend once a week. I know I am very blessed to have such fantastic support from my dr and friends and from this forum. Sadly I am in a very low place at the moment and I am very focused on just getting through the next few weeks.

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