Hi Sea! Welcome to the forums. I can understand why you might be wondering what's going on, but different Ts have different styles. I am seeing a male T now but my first T (who I saw on and off for some 17+years) was female. Part of my healing was that as I got better I actually started taking better care of my appearance and dressing better, etc. She would often comment on my appearance, and I definitely had a lot of positive comments from her on my behaviors. It was very much a reparative experience with her. My self-esteem was so dismal that to have someone whom I valued so much giving me positive feedback was really important. And calling rehab and contacting you in the hospital was an important way to show her concern for your well-being. I can definitely see where all of her behaviors could be done for your good and have nothing to do with any agenda that is about her.
And the boundaries can vary from T to T. My first T would hug me when I asked for, my present T has a no hug policy. But with my first T except for when I asked for a hug, we didn't have any contact on hello or goodbye while with my current T, we shake hands at the end of each session.
Bottom line, I don't think anything else is going on, but the fact that you're wondering about it is significant. Which means, yes, you guessed it if you've done some reading around the forums, you should talk to her about it. Explain how her comments are making you feel and that you're wondering about her boundaries.
Clear boundaries are a very important part of therapy and its important that you are comfortable with where hers are and with how she's behaving towards you.
Hope some of that helped, and I'm looking forward to getting to know you!