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Hi guys. I just posted a few days ago but I think I've gotten to a more realistic way of describing something I've been so concerned about.
The truth is no matter where I am I always feel depressed or anxious. I am never content with what I am doing and I realize that it's because for some reason I am not happy.

The only explanation I have is that I am not happy with myself. I love everybody that I'm around with all my heart but I still feel empty. (I was with somebody I really liked today and I couldn't stop thinking about how eventually I would have to go back home and be alone again, it is absolutely ridiculous)

This is seriously getting out of hand.

I am so sorry if this sounds depressing but I am in desperate need of help. I can't even be by myself anymore without breaking down. Constantly have to be talking to someone, it's like I am desperate to escape myself.

Enough with this emo shit. I am so ready to put it away for good.

Anybody please, and thank you with every ounce of my existence.
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Good to know other people have this issue. Reminds me that I'm human, and it should remind you of this too.

It's so fucking hard dude.

But the truth is there is no reason NOT TO BE happy, so the search for a reason is unnecessary and empty. We cannot allow ourselves to demand a reason to be happy, that's trying to validate emotion through cognition, and that is simply stupid.

All you have to do is BE happy.

Let's really try to get this through our heads man. We can beat this.
Hey MT

Sounds like you are going through a very tough time.

From your description you seem to struggle with holding on to your own sense of identity, worth and self on your own. It sounds like you are searching for happiness, content,ent, validation and acceptance from your external world but its never enough to compensate for an inner gaping hole.

Apologies if this is totally not whats going on for you.

There are often very difficult feelings lurking more deeply here - contempt, anger, self hatred, hurt, grief.

So I'm not sure if you can put your emo shit away quite yet.

Yiu will find lots if understanding, acceptance and support here to help you on your way
Scarzee enough groundwork in T needs to happen before yo can delve into this stuff. And one of they key points is relinquishing a hope that you and others can be perfect. Nobody can. Everyone has limits and flaws. And I don't know if T has missed something with you or how open you are.

MT classic song but from experience these feelings have to be felt to really heal.
I'd like to recommend a book to you called 'The Happines Trap' by Russ Harris. It is a great book based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and talks about how our continuous unrealistic search for happiness is making us unhappy, depressed, anxious etc.
It is a practical book with accompanying worksheets to help you see how your mind is chasing an idea.

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