Thank you for the hugs and support, I really just needed to know that I could be heard and that people cared (something this thread has proven in spades!
) I'm sorry that you also find it isolating although I really understand. And please trust me that when I said it took 25 years I meant that literally. It's no coincidence that I recently have felt like I've moved to a deeper level of trust and security with my T. That unconscious process that decides when I'm ready to face an issue has decided now. At one point during my session, my T told me that he knew how painful and difficult this was, and to my surprise I told him, yes it was, but I trusted him and I'm stronger than I was. Healing really does build on itself.
Telling me that you can talk about this topic now without shame is plenty to say. Gives me hope that talking through the shame will break it. Thank you. Hope your visit to the nutritionist went well.
Thank you, I think I'm getting that I"m not alone, which is such a gift. Thanks for the reminder that this is hard stuff, so it makes sense it would be hard.
It's amazing how difficult that can be to remember.
Sorry you understand so well but thank you for sharing your experience. I am so sorry you were treated that way about food, so much of it was brutal and abusive. What I actually find fascinating about this is that we are reacting in such a similar manner because part of my emotional tie-in with food is actually that most, if not all, of my good childhood memories involve food. I think that even when I was very young, it became something safe to turn to. I hope that you can be gentle and compassionate with yourself and know that you deserve a full life no matter what you weigh. (SO much easier to see when looking at you and not me.
I'm really glad that my asking for support is helpful for other people, it really is the strength of our community. funny how it's hard to remember when you're the one asking for support.
I appreciate everyone being so gracious and kind. And knowing you care means the world, it is NOT a small thing.
Thank you for the kind words. I really appreciated your description of all your understandings about your body, especially the more positive ones. They are truths I often forget to own. I really resonated with what you said about creating and bearing your children. My two pregnancies are the only time I can ever remember being proud of my body. I am still grateful for that. Thanks for reminding me of that.
I spent a lot of years in therapy NOT talking about my weight or food or my body. My best understanding right now is that I am really hitting the heart of my issues and it took time to get here and build up the skills and strengths necessary to actually face this. Long term childhood abuse really is difficult and very time consuming to heal from. I have literally been going for at least half of my adult life (and have given up on ever being "done"
). And thanks for mentioning the weight loss, at one point a few years back I actually lost 60 lbs and it was NEVER mentioned until I brought up my anxiety about my body changing. Of course, my T is consistent, in all the time we've worked together, he has commented on my appearance only twice. Which is sometimes maddening and sometimes very comforting. I think I'm really getting that my appearance and/or weight have NOTHING to do with his care for me. I also understand the frustration, one of the things that we discussed was that I know what I need to do to lose weight but I'm not doing it, so not losing weight is serving some purpose for me. We need to figure out what is blocking me.
It was heartbreaking to read about your reaction being that the man in the car had bad taste. I TOTALLY understood it (if I was talking about me) but KNOW as a certainty that you should not nor do you deserve to feel that way.
(((Morgs))) You are the queen of reassurance, my dear, thank you! I hope you're being gentle with yourself too.
See my reply to Incognito.
That's what we're trying to do, get to the underlying issue to understand my behavior, so I have a hope of changing it. Thanks for the encouragement.
Thanks, I found what you shared really interesting, because I think we went about achieving the same end through different methods. You worked really hard to hide your body, while I have gone to great lengths to distort mine so it wasn't attractive. One of the weird things about this is that being overweight is both protection and punishment. I've actually told my T that I deserve to look like this, but I also get that it was about not being able to handle anyone actually desiring me. Long term abuse and it's lack of boundaries really seems to form a complex mix of things that should never have been associated.
I'm sorry about starving yourself. I know that either end of the spectrum is damaging and difficult to deal with. I must admit that it can feel awkward talking about it, especially as my T is in very good shape and very active, so I really worry that being honest about my habits, or lack thereof, are really going to lead to his judging me. But I'm not picking up on any of that. I also do not underestimate that the reason some of these feelings are manifesting is BECAUSE he is male and I feel attracted. He makes it much easier to talk about the scary stuff than anyone I've ever known. I have a truly safe place, and am finally able to feel that and that makes a lot of difference. '
And as to your sugar obsession, I think at times I have confused it for a food group.
((((Cat))) I know you get this. I really appreciate the affirmation about trusting my body, as I know you have done a lot more body work than I have. If you could just keep repeating that to me, I'd appreciate it.
It really helps that you tied it to emotional regulation as so much of my work in that area has centered on getting out of my head and down into my body. Thank you.
Should have known you see this coming.
Thank you for your belief in me, it means so much. Thank you for sharing about your own struggles. I wonder if thwarting your mother about food was a way to at least get her to pay attention? It may not have been positive but she was at least engaged. Since our deepest fears revolve around isolation and abandonment, even as a small child, this could have a creative solution to keeping your mother's attention focused. I am sorry that it was necessary and that it carried a life long cost. And I've tried the blanket thing and the closing my eyes things, to which my T has quite helpfully asked me "you do know I can still see you, right?" Sometimes I really am amazed at the fact that I have yet to throw anything at that man.
BEEBS!!!!! Always wonderful to hear from you, thanks so much for responding.
What I have a hard time with is thinking that if I could ever just get thin enough, then I would be lovable...then I would be worthy of care.
This really hit me Beebs as one of the fantasies that I know I hang on to is that if I can just get thin, then life would be perfect right? I actually said that to my T and then said I realize how ridiculous that is, since last I checked, thin people have problems too. I think I place too much emphasis on my physical appearance which is ironic as I am also really uncomfortable with wanting to be physically attractive, let alone achieving it.
I'm sorry about your little boy Beebs, but I think you carry too much guilt. You were trusting the experts around you that you were doing what was necessary to take care of your son. Provide the compassion for yourself that you so frequently offer to the rest of us.
your Aglet
Thank you for being such a constant source of support and encouragement. What can't I do with the belief of people like you to hold me up?
Thank you so much for how open you've been about your struggles in this area. It's part of how I found the courage to speak up and deal directly with the problem. SO sorry, you understood exactly what I meant (and no eavesdropping
) but comforted to know I'm not the only one. And you are so right about the power of this site.
Thank you all again, I cannot tell you how much this has all helped me. You guys are the best!!
to everyone.
love, AG