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warning: This is just rambling, i dont have much time nor enough language(english) skills to make my self understandable..and i am too confused and nervous and anxious to make my speach clear.

Anyway. Just really need to say this somehow.

Early tomorrow i am gonna see my T. Then its gonna be a breake for two weeks. This is bad, but its not the reason i freak out now. But this sure does: The last days i mostly spend sitting by the computer writing a letter (not even a long one) that i am gonna give my T tomorrow. The letter contents what i consider to be THE core issue in my therapy. i keep going through the scenario for the session tomorrow- i`ll lie down on the bed (or sit in the chair? *arrg* i dont know and every dumb detail feels so importnat..gosh- i am loosing my mind!) hand him the letter- NO WAY i will read it out loud myself. I dunno if my T is gonna read it out loud or.. in silense? ok- that will be akward. The reason for the letter is that i all of a sudden feels a huge impulse to tell him- or rather TREATHEN (this makes me so sad to know..why would i do something terrible like that to him?? Frowner) my T by telling him i wanna quit therapy......

I know my T will be surprised - maybe shocked- to hear- since i have spend endless time in therapy working with my seperation angst and the total opposite need to aALWAYS stick to therapy AND HIM!! The thing is, i know deep down i dont REALLY wanna quit- but i have a strong need to let my T think that i want to..AND THAT I AM CAPABLE OF IT. I dont understand myself and i feel like a shitty person for doing this and propably causing a lot of confusion and stress for my T. Frowner

Gosh. there is more. bear over with me dear folks.

In the letter i wrote (the most important plot)something summarized as: "I neither can or will be helped the way you wanna help me- I am unable to change anything important in my life! further: I will never ever be able to pay back all that I should and want to "pay back" as thanks to you. Dont you know i feel like i owe you everything? In that respect i am a dept-slave(?). EVERYTHING I HAVE IS MY gratitude and love for you! But you dont even want it seems. AND MY PRAYER/HOPE IS THAT THERE MUST BE enough! I HAVE NO MORE TO GIVE IN RETURN!"
yep. thats the style of the letter (in terrible english-transelate verson!)

The content is packed with budget-metaphors. How cold must`nt that seems? Its like i am trapped in a "Thank / blame / reward / payment / debt slavery/ hole.. :
Do you people ever think in these terms or am i ..crazy? (i guess you`ll tell me i am not..)

SO, my reason for the strange impulse to leaving therapy is just the sad extension of this sudden realization; that I will never be able to repay my T. I will fail in getting "healed" and fail in tryin to heal, fail in changin, fail. Just fail him. And he is gonna be so disapointed... Frowner And its not enough reward/paiment that i have given all my love and gratitude. My T requires something else. I DONT HAVE ENYTHING ELSE BUT MY LOVE!

is this totally bad of me to write? it is true all of it that i wrote- and i struggle so much with my own "thesis" and "guilt" for not being able or willing to change- and feel so embarassed to admit that i dont really think my T can help me. Yet- it feels ok. I dont ask him to, i just wanna be with him..ohh..i donno. Frowner

I am gonna give him the letter. I am gonna panick and i am gonna regret. But i have to do it. I have to gather all my courage and my will in order to manage to implement this. it is very vulnerable timing, very bad timing actually (because he's gone in two weeks. no phone-calls, no messages-policy!)

if my T does not encounter this in a good way I'm going to go into exile for a time and isolate completely. FrownerIf all goes well I might post about it tomorrow. I do not know the outcome. Now I know nothing.
thanks for all the input. I need something-anything. Confused
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Hi, Froggy...(just in case you wonder why I call you that, it is what my two kids call a Frog. Smiler I wish I had something for you...I am in such a bad place myself, with T and this kind of thing you are talking about here...that I do not know what to say, except, I hear you , and I am sorry it hurts so bad. Good, for you to give him the letter, IMO. (In my opinion) I wonder what he will say? It sounds like you have a really good T from what I have read, and that he doesn't make it about him. That's good.

Your thoughts about your letter made me think, I wonder if that's why I want to leave therapy all the time? I think you are insightful. I feel the same, I owe everything to my T, but I am also starting to realize something scary about my feelings for him, that I do not like at all to feel, especially for him (my beloved T) that is hatred. Frowner I do not think my T is equipped to deal with those type of feelings, because he has shown in the past that he likes very much to be liked so much by me. So I have to go away from those feelings now, to just try to change the way I function each day with his help. That's my plan anyway. I hope so much that your T can help you with these feelings of having only love for him. I used to have those too, but he didn't want it or care. Frowner So I hope you can work it through with him and that he will help you to be ABLE to talk about all of this with him and his help. that is most important as I understand it from here. Hope this can help a little bit. I don't know much at all. Let us know how it goes....


I wish I had something wonderful to offer you as advice but I don't. I think it is brave of you to give your T your letter. Sometimes we have to take those risks and see where they take us, even if we are really scared of what the results will be. I want to wish you luck and I hope that you get a good response from your T.

I am ALIVE! Big Grin

I just came back from the session. I cant believe how it all went out..firstly:

BB- i am so thankful for your words- it DID help allot- and i know how much you are struggeling with some of the same issues- so i think you are very generous and caring for replyin to me. (btw i love it when you call me Froggy Big Grin) If i had the time now i woulda written you a letter about hating-feelings for my T. I SO relate to that as well. Next time bb!
Thanks for your support and take care!

MTF and BG- thanks both of you. I also think i was brave givin the letters. And BG- i like you bein honest with me- Therapy is about ME- not my T, and this truth seems to slowly sink in,(after almost 2 years) it so great to realize this- not just in a intelectual way, but in a way that make me FEEL it and actuallt "act upon it" you know?
MTF- gosh- those risks are so precious when thei`re OVER. haha- yesterday i was so scared for risking everything with the letter- today i am just pure happy that i took the risk. Thanks for the "good luck"-
so this is how it went out:

i gave my T the letter - he read it in silense (gosh- i was hiding under the pillow so i have no idea what it looked like- and he didnt made one single nothing) Then he gave me the greatest respond.- No, thats not true- he just replied as always- just that i since i expected the worst i was so reliefed that he took it all so good, you know?
I added to him that i didnt REALLY wanted to quit- and that i just felt that i was lost in my capability(?) to "pay back". We agreed on that it was ok for me to stay in therapy- even though i dont feel like i am capable of changing-
I expressed my graditude for him and love (very vague of course!) and the following dialog was very deiberating for me and i think my T for the first time understood how much he means to me.. Frowner Eeker and i am a bit surprised he didnt know- he seemed a bit moved and speachless
Well- so i am OK, i am not going to quit, i am not finished with "this" but i am glad my T understnads how scared i am do disapoint him. Now my task is to actually believe him, that he are not disapointed over me- and that he feels that i "give back" to him all the time. I have to work on that..

I am going to be absent for some days now- (leaving this country for some days) I wont see my T for 2 weeks, and i guess i can try to live with that after this session. After all, i know i have great support here in the forum now as well.

Take care folks! And thanks again for your words of support. Smiler
Oh Frog I came too late to reply to you - I’m so sorry you went through such a miserable time before your session and equally GLAD that you were able to talk to T about those things and that he has understood. YAY!

I’m so glad you are not quitting therapy, and also that it’s ok for you not to HAVE to change (for what it’s worth I believe change happens all by itself, not something you can will yourself to do) and it’s ok for you not to have to ‘repay’ your T in any way.

Blanket Girl has given me a timely reminder too - therapy is about US not about T - it’s so hard to remember that but it’s true (or should be!). So maybe gratitude is ok, but feeling in debt can make things pretty difficult. Hope you can feel a bit easier about not having to please him all the time.

I hope you enjoy your days away and come back refreshed and fighting fit and not too unhappy about not seeing T for a while. Let us know how you are doing anyway ok?

Big hugs to you ((((( Frog )))))


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