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how to navigate life dealing with my ex-husband!
Brick wall

Here's the ex and I have two children together, so we have deal with each other in some way. In my county we were required to go to parenting mediation during our divorce process. We decided on several things about our children's lives and how we were going to split up the time. I have the children the majority of the placement time. There are also legal issues such as where they go to school and whether or not they get piercings, tattoos and those types of decisions. The legal issues are somewhat separate from the time/placement schedule. There seem to be loopholes in the time/placement area.
my ex is an abusive person and likes to try and control every aspect of my life, but sees it as the world revolves around him and everything must go his way. If someone doesn't give into him, he throws a fit. During our marriage it was easier for me to give in to him, so I didn't have to hear or deal with a tantrum. BTW-not how I'm parenting my kids.
So, now that ex and I are divorced he wants something and asks over and over and over for it via e-mail and phone calls until I'm about to go nuts! If I say no he just continues the harassment and files court papers saying that I'm not cooperating. We just went back to court under false pretenses in May and had to redo our mediation agreement again this summer. That was just signed by the judge and mailed to me a few weeks ago. Guess what ex wants to do again???
Brick wall

Basically, he thinks our daughter needs to join an activity that he is already signing her up for on my placement time with her. He asked my opinion on this a month ago and I responded that at this time I didn't think it was a good idea due to her being in another activity (I gave in in the last mediation session on that one). This particular activity is risky and requires a huge time commitment. She's only 8! She does want to do it in a way because her dad talked her into it.
I don't know how to navigate this situation!
Anyone have life experience with this or suggestions???
This one lady that I know gave me her opinion last week. She basically told me that I'll probably end up thanking ex some day for all the life experience/lessons that he is teaching me because I'm going to need all of this information and experience to be a great T. She spun it as I should just use this as another learning experience that will make me stronger and better down the road.
I see what she is saying. For some reason it is hard to wrap my brain around when I'm angry at ex and trying to figure out my next move.

My first attorney saw this in my ex right away. She saw that ex and his attorney were trying to change our divorce agreement right after we had agreed (as we were waiting for the judge). My attorney got upset. After the hearing my attorney told me that I should look for someone cheaper for the next time (basically...I will be back several times with this type of person and I won't be able to afford her).

Ok...I have to get back to T training homework, which by the way is completely fascinating!!
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It's unfair of your ex to ask you to take your daughter to an activity that he is choosing that takes place on your placement day. He is putting you in a difficult spot. If you say yes, you will be doing something you don't want to do. If you say no, you will look like the bad guy. Are you able to communicate that to him? Would he get it?

Can you insist that if he wants her to do the activity, that he find a time when she can do it when he has visitation? And try not to let him guilt you if he says he can only find the activity when you have your daughter?

Depending on how accommodating you feel like being, what about suggesting to your H that he take your daughter on your placement day in exchange for you taking her on one of his? - this way he can take her to the activity and everyone is happy.

Good luck.
Thank you for your suggestion! I'll have to see if the day/hours swap thing would work. My guess is that it is highly unlikely.

Ex hubby wanted me to sign over permission for our daughter to do the activity without knowing the schedule! The leaders of the group don't have the practice schedule out yet. She's already in two activities-one at school and one at ex's new church (scheduled on my placement time). I think adding a third activity is too much for now and she needs some family time and down time. We also have to take into consideration our son and his possible activities. Also, I have work and school and the only other people that could take my kids to an activity would be my relatives at the moment. That's also asking a lot of my relatives.

Oh...about the difficult spot ex puts me in...I think he gets in...his M.O. is to make me look like the bad guy. He is trying everything to make me look bad. He's a charming guy that seems to come off smelling like roses because he is "involved" in community activities (including fundraising for an abuse shelter) and writes a blog about himself being this good samaritan. People buy it! If they really only knew how abusive and evil he can be!
I wish this were just some sort of paranoia thing I've got going on, but it's not. There are a few people in the community that have him figured out and have told me what they think (I didn't even have to explain my story to them).
My therapist doesn't want anything to do with him and told me that she feels sorry for anyone who has to deal with him. She tries to avoid him in the community (part of that is ethical on her end and part of it is that she really really doesn't want to see him-she's met him before).
Athenticus, how horrible!! I know the type-
everyone thinks the person is so wonderful,
the same one that abuses you but you are the
only one who sees it. Ive been abused by this
type more than once...can really relate here.

Does your daughter even want to do this activity?
Id use that as I deciding factor, then have her
choose 2 of the 3 she likes best. Yes, your son
needs the time too...can ex pick her up and
take her even though its on your days?

There's gotta be a limit on the changes, no?
Im not sure how this type of thing works.
The court/mediators/judge/lawyers (basically
everyone involved) will get sick of him!
So my only words of wisdom is to document
EVERYTHING-make a log for every conversation
documenting the date. Those types often use
gaslighting too.

I hope you are able to get this worked out.
I think if these people stick around long enough
they are eventually found out. They start to
slip up as they get older. Ive seen it happen
its true.

{{((((big hug))))}
Well you could just tell him that if he wants her to do the activity you give him permission to pick her up at your convenience, take her to the activity and then drop her off once again at a time that is convenient to you. That way he will be doing the running around. If he is not happy with doing the running around then how can he expect you to be happy with it? You have your life, another child to consider and everyday household chores, as well as your duty as a mother to fit in quality family time with your children. It is not possible to do everything so as parents so we prioritise and ask our children to prioritise in terms of their interests as well. Giving in to him in that way causes him to be inconvenienced so I am sure the idea will be short lived.


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