I've read several things about survivors of abuse and csa types of issues and I've noticed that many survivors describe or talk about how they don't like to be touched or hugged (especially unexpectedly).
I seem to be quite the opposite. I love touch and hugs and crave it. It feels good to me. The thing is though that I don't have many people that I do that with. My poor kiddos get a lot of hugs and cuddles from me. A few of my family members don't like touch and hugs very often due to their fibromyalgia and/or their own abuse history.
Right after my divorce from my abusive husband, I craved a man's touch. My sister would ask me why I was letting men put their arms/hands by and on me at bars (she took me out to "celebrate" my divorce is why we were at bars). I loved a man's touch! I wanted more.
Sometimes I feel the urge to hug people, but depending on my relationship with them or where we are at, I do or do not hug. For example I will hug people at church when they welcome me with open arms. Sometimes that is the only reason I go...for the hugs and smiles! I also get hugs sometimes from my exercise instructor and classmates. They are from a different country and seem to be energetic, warm, and friendly.
Several times I wanted to hug my former T. I only got hugs from her about 3 times. One was a wonderful spontaneous hug, one was a half arm hug that was some what awkward, and the last hug I requested, but it was bittersweet and a bit awkward. Other times I wanted a hug from T, but I was afraid to ask. I used to see her hugging clients that she was finishing up with before my session, but I was too scared to ask and face the rejection maybe?
I wanted to hug one of my professors (a counseling psychologist) last month, but I knew that might be awkward and possibly inappropriate. Although, I have seen photos of my prof. hugging students at graduation and awards ceremonies, so maybe at that point it would be ok.
I haven't talked about this in therapy, but my new T did give me an exercise to do that is suppose to feel like a self hug and comforting. Maybe I need to do that more often. ok..now that I have tears running down my face...I need to go....maybe I'll take a walk before I dive into more intense therapy reading for exams.