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I am not new here, but have not been around in almost 2 years. I have kept up, briefly, by watching the posts & updates that come in to my e-mail inbox. I have thought about many of you, and prayed for peace, and cherished the joys you have shared. I won't get into why I left, that is not the issue. I also wanted to say, that I have come a long way since I was here last. I have had some tremendous growth in many areas,but still have my struggles.

I wanted to come back, ...(sigh,it's hard)'s of course, my T.
I have been with her for almost 4 years now. I truly love her. And it is just about over. NOT by my choice.
Last year, she announced that she would no longer be seeing individual patients. She would still be seeing couples, and would be starting a sort of "growth group", that she highly encouraged me to be a part of.
I struggled with this all of last year, knowing that our time was limited. We were supposed to get into trauma work this last year, it never happened. And now, the new year is upon us. When I saw her the last time, right before Christmas, it was difficult for me, knowing that it was over.
At that time, I was still unsure if I would be joining her group, as I was going back to work full time at the office, and not sure what my schedule would be.
She told me that she would see individuals, ONLY on a crisis type situation.
Right after the start of the new year, as I went back to work, the situation at my office started to go down hill, fast. About two weeks ago, I was called into my bosses office, and came very close to being terminated. I was in contact with T all that day, as I was a mess. I had felt the situation at work getting worse, and felt something was going to happen, before it actually did.
My T, that evening, asked if I would like to come to her office. I accepted. It was the first time I had seen her since before the holidays. I was expecting, I don't know, compassion, perhaps empathy? I don't know....I certainly didn't get it. It was probably one of our worst sessions. She was only interested in how I was going to plan and fix the situation and all the other issues I was having,by taking her advise. When I cried, sobbed, she was dismissive, even cruel, telling me to stop feeling sorry for myself, and to stop crying. She told me I could continue to see her, but on a very limited basis, not every week. I was too dependent. I was told I needed to stop e-mailing, texting, something I have done regularly for the last four year. It was awful. I was there almost two hours, and finally just got up and left. In tears. I cried for the rest of that week. (tears still come)
I understand I need to break the connection, but it is so much harder than I expected. I feel, at times, that I can't live without her in my life. I can see her, but only on her terms, which I feel like I would jump at the chance, just to see her again.
The lack of communication (more so, connection) is so very hard. I didn't just text or e-mail when I was struggling, I tried to very regularly share the joys, the accomplishments, the high spots. She was always supportive, encouraging. Many of the things I do now, I never, ever would have done without her, suggesting, encouraging.
I am so devastated by this whole situation. I feel like I've been abandoned, before we were done. And at a very difficult time right now, with my job situation. (which is apparently all my own fault) I have not been able to join her group as my work schedule would not allow it.
I can't talk to anyone else about this, except for one friend, who has been through something similar. I feel so alone with this.
I cry myself to sleep. I'm eating crap, which I had gotten away from. I am trying not to let this whole thing break me, but it feels almost like how I felt, when I first decided to go to her in the first place. I know I'm much, much stronger than I was at that time, thanks to her, seriously! But now my attachment to her is causing the same type of pain that brought me to her door.
She has not suggested I see anyone else. But I know, I need to find someone who will help me just to get over her.(while still seeing her when I can)

Also - on one last note. I become somewhat friends with another one of her patients. We met while taking one of her on-line classes. We got together a few times, and I learned that my T had very loose boundaries with this other patient. They were practically friends! She even let her come on her vacation one year, which the patient told me about, but complained about the whole thing! I would love to go on this trip with my T! This other woman, is much older than I am, and has been seeing our T for twice as long. I often wonder if T keeps me at bay because she feels she made a mistake with this other woman. But now I know, and I'm jealous, and I would have been a much better friend than this other woman. (gawd, I know how childish this sounds, right??!)

Ok - this is enough for now. I just needed to spill this all, and just hoping for a little bit of support, and gentleness, and perhaps empathy. I can't go through this anymore on my own. I don't know if I can.
Thanks for reading all of this, if you made it this far.
Geeg Frowner
Original Post

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It's hard, isn't it...and it hurts.

I think the session with her was different because she's changed her practice - and somehow she may be different. It certainly didn't sound like the empathy and support you needed and grew accustomed to was offered.

While you've received many gifts of healing from her in the past, it seems she is in a place where she is no longer able to offer that. That has to be painful.

Could you perhaps see if she would be willing to give you a referral to another T that could meet your needs?

and btw - you did not sound childish at all. You sound wistful, longing, and sad.

Hug two

It really does sound pretty terrible. Who knows what is going on with her. She doesn't sound committed enough to you to see you through to the end of your healing. You need someone who is committed to you. I know it's hard to think of finding someone else and starting over with someone else but it might be worth a shot. I'd hate to think of you continuing to get hurt by this T.
Today the pain seems unbearable. I cried all the way home from work.
The work situation sucks! My boss is being a prick! I can't seem to do anything right, he seems to find the most petty things, it's ridiculous. I tried to connect with her this morning, to share something good....because I needed the connection. NOTHING! No response at all. She has cut me off.
I can't stop crying about this. It hurts so much right now. I need to find someone else, to help me get over her, but I don't have insurance, and I'm broke, and losing hours at work, and soon I will be filing bankruptcy.
I need her more than ever right now, and she has left me. Even though, I can come in to see her, intermittently, when she thinks it's ok.
I can't stand this pain.
I want to crawl into the hole again.
I think I may need to call my pastor.
Thanks ladies for the kindness, the hugs, and the support.
Oh, dear, dear Draggers, thank you so much! I have so missed you, but have tried to keep up. I have prayed for you, and missed your sweetness.
I have looked into a new T, we have played phone tag the last two days and hopefully will connect soon.
I did see old T today, it was difficult, way too, formal, business like. She did hug me at the end of our meeting. She never raised her voice, but was a bit stern at times. I think, maybe it's just me, just that I'm a huge fuck up and she has been dealing with me for far too long. She states, I don't want to be a grown up, I fight it, This is when I tell her I'm doing all the things I'm supposed to be doing, not running away or ignoring my responsibilities, but it's so hard for me. I'm doing it, but I struggle. I'm alone.
Oh Draggers, I feel like my T hates me now. It makes me so sad, heartbroken. I called this new T yesterday, and spoke to an office person, they didn't think she was taking new patients. I told them who referred me, (my sons gf) I asked/told them, through tears, that I was looking for someone to help me get over my attachment to my current T, as I am having my heart broken. I'm hoping I can get some relief with new T, while still working with current/old T on a limited basis.
Whew....I feel like I just purged my brain just now. I have nowhere else to go with all of this right now.
I am so tired of the loneliness.
I have a job interview tomorrow, please pray that I get this new job. Better income, better schedule, benefits....I really need this change.
Thank you all, again, for the warmth and support through all of this.

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