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I can't tell you how sad this thread made me. That a member who is struggling would ask for help and we would turn them away in such a manner. Whatever happened before should not dictate how we treat our members now. Many people have asked for a password protected chat room. I understand everyone's concern but denying someone support... That gives me pause. Saddens me, really.

In some regards you are correct, DF. I think you may understand the board cannot be shut down once it is up and that is sorta true. It can't be closed by someone who did not start it or if the password cannot be entered. Keep in mind the chat you are referring to was closed. If there is a password the creator of the room would manually email to the person that wants to chat. No need to do a mass PM. I understand your frustration and its very valid and I think you are making avoid decision in not using the chat but I don't think it's fair that no one should be able to ask for support via that media. Keep in mind we were all, collectively hurt as a community and individuals with the last incidence but... I don't feel she should have the upper and by dictating what this board does or does not do. BLT, please feel free to post your information and email whomever a password that you are comfortable with.

Also, bare in mind that DF is correct only if you do not register your screen name which is easy to do and free and by doing so no one can use your screen in any of the forums associated with the site.

Thanks Guys,
Look, the address I posted was NOT the old chat room. The old one was deleted as it expired after I figured out how to put a password on it, in order specifically to protect D-fly.

The ex-user who abused the last chatroom arguably cannot see these boards any more anyway, as her IP address has been banned. But even so, I fully intended to put a password on the new room if it was up for more than a day. I only posted it now without one because I was in pretty bad need of someone to talk to, and my recent posts on the forum have gotten very little response.

But I just can't argue about it more right now. I know it's not intentional but I feel really badly abandoned by this whole board at the moment.

It seems no matter what is said you will find fault in it and that's okay. It's better to be leery than sorry. As for someone registering your name, yeup totally possible. It's also possible for me to setup an email with your name, set up another account with a derivative of your name or legally change my name to Dragonfly. The point is that anyone who knows you knows that it's not you. I think we all have free choice and we are all aware of what happens on the Internet as far as identities. If we don't like something we don't read it. If we don't like a chat room don't use it etc. BLT has made herself clear that there would be a password, members have expressed an interest we can either choose to be a part of it or not. I don't mean to sound snappy that's not at all my intent, Iam merely suggesting if we don't like something... Don't use it but let others make their own choice.
Except for a few occasions here lately, I've been away from the forum... just needing to pull back from a lot of things lately, but I do peek in now and then.
Had to send a special hug to BLT...

I missed the original post and apparently some that followed, but overall, I'm just so proud to be a member here. I was a lot more involved over the summer, and remember BLT, Dfly, and Lilies, among MANY others, all being so supportive and helping me through many a rough spot.
Lillies, you have a difficult job as moderator, and I think you handle it so well.

Hugs to all of you.... Between transference issues, our individual wounds and scars, and the painful baggage we all bring to the board, I think what goes on here is by and large pretty amazing.

Love from an often-AWOL

Just re-read this thread before turning in and I didn't mean specifically that DF turned a member away. I think we all know DF wouldn't tell someone they couldn't get help here. Totally my bad. I meant it was sad to see a member ask for help and not receive it. Sorry about that draggs!


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