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The PsychCafe
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Hi. I have been looking at the site for about a week now, and thought I would join and see if I could get some help or at least some advice.

A little bit about me: I am a 23 year old female. I've been married going on 5 years in July, I have one son who is going to be six in March. I live in Michigan so I'm going to be get 2+ feet of snow, in a few hours. Yah for me. Frowner Ummm....Oh I just started back to school finishing high school. Really excited about that, after that its collage.

My problems: !MY MOTHER! I cant be around a lot of people without feeling really on edge, scared even, And I'm sure there are some other ones that I dont know about, but after I see my new T I hope I can figure out what they are. It will be my first time seeing a T.

My first appt. was going to be today but had to cancel because of the weather. Thats about it for the intro.
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Welcome Pixie! I hope you find the forums as helpful as I have. It's a great place. Smiler

I'm sorry that your first session was canceled due to weather. That stinks! Hopefully you can get in soon.

Good for you going back to school! That is a great step to take for yourself.

I hope your new T can help you sort out the issues that are bothering you. Please keep us posted on your progress!

i hope you enjoy and learn more about YOU in this therapy. it really is an interesting and enlightening thing. a relationship different from any other.

personally, i think EVERYONE would benefit from therapy, so, i am happy you are pursuing this! and, they know mother issues...very well!!

keep us posted! jill

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