Hi Sweetpea, and welcome to the forums!
I'm sorry your appointment today didn't go the way you would have liked it to.
I do not take medication myself (although I have considered it), so I can't give you any first-hand support...but I do know it is important to talk to your T about feeling misunderstood or not heard. Has she explained to you why she feels that is what is best for you? Have you told her why you don't like the idea of taking medication? I hope the two of you can keep discussing this and come to a conclusion that makes sense to both of you.
Also, have you ever asked your T why she stays quiet? My T is really good at letting the silence be, if I can't think of anything to talk about right away. And it has always made me feel uncomfortable. But the last T I had was also uncomfortable with silence, and so he would kind of "take over" the sessions, which I was only too happy to let him do. But the problem was, he never really "heard" me, and eventually the whole thing ended up derailing. So even though the silence with my current T makes me feel uncomfortable, I've learned to be really grateful for it, because it means we will end up talking about what I want to talk about. The therapy always ends up being about my stuff, never about hers. Also, every time she does that, is an opportunity for me to practice being the one "going first", something else I've never been comfortable with. So what she ends up giving me is a HUGE gift.
And silence in therapy is NEVER wasted, IMO. I hope AG doesn't mind my sharing something her T told her about another patient of his, because I think it's really relevant to this whole idea. Her T once had a patient who came every week for a year and didn't say anything for the whole session. Then he said to AG, that time was not wasted, because they both learned very important lessons. What he learned during that time was how to wait. And his patient learned that she was worth waiting for.
Every time I'm uncomfortable with the silence, I remember that example and it just gives me chills. Try to see the silence as not being under pressure to talk...but as evidence that your T believes that you are worth waiting for. Because you are.