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Hi all - another newbie here.

This is all really new to me. I have been recommended a therapist by a very good friend of mine after hitting some huge events in my life that have all triggered some long-buried issues/emotions that I can no longer deal with.

At the moment, I'm trying to get my head around the fact that I am no longer fighting the fact that I (will be) finally seeing a therapist. I tried this years ago, had one session with a rubbish counsellor and never went back - I convinced myself that I was fine, except I was on medication for depression........! Now, I recognise that unless I do start this work, the rest of my life is going to be as dysfunctional as the first part, if not worse.

I am really apprehensive about doing this, I find it really, really hard to trust and open up to people face to face, to show my vulnerabilities. I spend my life doing, doing, doing so I don't have to think about me, because when I do, I have no clue how to cope with it. I don't like who I am.

Anyway, the irony is that the T who has been recommended to me is on holiday, then I am on holiday, so I can't see him until September. I am so lucky that I have my closest friend (who already sees this T and is in a much more stable state than I am) to talk about my fears and despair to, as much as I can, but I am wary that doing this is too much for him...

Ugh - such a mess. I know that I have problems stemming from a terrible relationship with my mother and father who divorced when i was 2 and who each, in their own way, have massive problems of their own which have distilled into the perfect storm of me. I always feel the need to be in control, see rejection and abandonment where there is none, but at the same time, find it impossible to get close to most people, even when that is what they want.

I also have this fear, like a big black cloud, that something went on in my childhood, that I'm not remembering. It's like trying to remember somebody's phone number that you haven't spoken to for years - you know that you know it, but it's just outside your memory in a thick fog. This frightens me more than anything - I am terrified to know what it is, but I need to see what it is.

So, here I am, on the verge of beginning a long journey. It's fair to say I am in a real mess, that I am, most days, just dragging myself through to get to the end. Some days are better than others. Some are much worse.

I really hope I can get to September without getting too much worse.
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Hi zivah,

It's great that you joined. You are very welcome here.
I'm also trying to recover from my relationship with my parents.
Just try to hold on till September and things should get better (maybe not great, but better) within weeks. Somehow it works.
My only concern is that you are going to see the same T as your friend. I think it may be better not to share a therapist with anybody you know, since it is such a special relationship. But you will see for yourself when you talk to him. I'm not a specialist here, so you could work this out with you new T.
I also tried therapy few years ago and it didn't do a thing for me. I quit after few meetings. This time it is a whole lot different. It really works. I am a different person then I was a year ago. I am more of myself, but there is still long way ahead of me.
If I may give you a bit of advise for your first session, check with the therapist what kind of therapy it is, what is his approach. If you go through some stories here on the board, you may find out that some people were very disappointed to work with stricly CBT therapist, when in fact they needed something deeper and more intense to heal.

It's going to be a long journey, but the one you will never forget. Could be scary sometimes, but amazing at other times.
I think therapy is one of the best things ever invented. Smiler

Good luck to you!
zivah, i am glad you are doing this. you sound young, and oh, how i wish i would have dealt with this earlier. 'it' was there if i looked for it, i just didn't want to see, as maybe, i knew, there was a great abyss of dysfunction in my past. nuts now that i thought i could have NOT been affected with a schizo sister and a narcissistic mom. just thought i was an island of my own.

friend!! fix it now, don't shame yourself for deserving therapy. i think EVERYONE would benefit from it.

and too, i echo about what amazon has said. the most important thing, i think, other than deciding to begin, is to pick the right therapist FOR YOU!! i speak from experience as i am about to begin looking for my 4th!!

and sharing, i dunno, i don't think i would like that. too personal, you might take advantage of this time before you can even see that one to interview a few. find what they specialize in and make sure that relates to you. it is like a teacher, and what your friend likes may, or may NOT be what you like. just know once you begin, it is hard to make a change midstream....reallly, reallly, reallly , really , really , really hard. (have i made my point??)

good luck, use this time to your advantage, the good ones will at least interview you on the phone for 15 minutes or so , some offer free intro appts.

good luck, jill
Thank you, both of you.

Yes, I was concerned about the mix of friend and therapist, but there are two things going on in my favour here, I think. Firstly, my friend scoured a whole load of therapists prior to selecting this one (and he is very particular) and secondly, I did get to talk to the T in question myself to see if my friend's description of him tallied up, which it did. I also know that I'm not going to be fobbed off with CBT, which of itself is a good tool, but not for me in the situation I am in.

So yes, I will take it slowly and see if it works. I'm not so young (thanks jill, I take that as a compliment) but it's taken me a huge number of years to grit my teeth and realise that this is the only way I'm going to begin to make sense of all my 'stuff'. I'm stubborn, wilful and very proud, so this is a huge step for me.

Again, back to the sharing a T with my friend. Well, I don't necessarily think that will be an issue, due to the kind of relationship me and him have. It's almost like a brother/sister friendship, but in a very positive way. I think it will work. I recgnise that at the end of the day, this has to be about me and what works for me, so that will be the only thought in my mind for the next few weeks.

Oof, this is so tough, I hardly know how to stop myself going into a tailspin over the stuff that has reared its ugly head with me in recent weeks. I go through panic, shock, hot and cold sweats and I know this is not good. Yet at the same time, it's almost a relief to know that I'm making very tiny steps towards healing myself.

Thank you for replying.
Thank you, PG and starfish!

PG - yes, my friend keeps on saying to me 'Once you get in to therapy you will realise/understand/explore ....' This is especially good for me at the moment because I am really struggling with how my mind keeps on going round and round in circles over specific issues/behaviours/feelings which are really dragging me down. Knowing that I will begin to get to grips with these things starting from a specific date is much better for me than thinking 'At some point I should get some help with this...'

I know that this therapist will be great - my friend wouldn't have chosen him otherwise, so it's just a matter of whether I get comfortable with him myself. Having spoken to him and heard his voice which is very calming and melodic, I think I've made the right decision.

So, thank you for your welcomes and wishes and good luck with your journies too.

Welcome Zivah! great name!

I wish you the best as you begin your journey.

There are certainly hills and from time to time my T reminds me therapy is hard. But my hope is the result (when I finally get there) is much better than where I've been.

And I've found such great friends on this forum to share it with. *content sigh* Smiler
Hello, Zivah! Welcome to the forums. Smiler I look forward to getting to know you better!
Zivah said: Now, I recognise that unless I do start this work, the rest of my life is going to be as dysfunctional as the first part, if not worse.

I can SO understand what you are saying here! When I started therapy I didn't have much hope that it would "work", but there was nowhere else to go, and I couldn't go forward without it. All I knew is if I didn't get help, I would soon start making choices that would surely end in disaster. So I made a jump of blind faith, so to speak. I'm glad you decided to make the leap yourself! Big Grin

It sounds like you are facing some really tough stuff, Zivah. I'm sorry for all the pain you've been through - and are still experiencing - it sounds unbearable. Frowner I am glad for your friend's experienced recommendation, that is good insurance to have, especially when you are going to need to look at such difficult things. I hope that this T turns out to be as helpful for you as he has been for your friend.

And I'm so glad you found this forum, it has helped immensely to have friends who have "been there" and "done that", who can empathize and offer support regarding so many different aspects of therapy. Therapy is still hard, but having friends to help along the way eases the fear...and even makes it fun at times. Although I know that's probably really hard to imagine right now.

Hang in there...and post here, if it helps with how you are feeling, a lot of us have done that to "get through" certain tough don't worry that it will be strange if you do that, you will actually fit right in. Wink Again, welcome!

Hi SG, STRM and Forlorn - thank you for your lovely welcome. It means a lot right now, since I feel really 'lost'. I had a couple of hours yesterday evening when I felt normal for a bit (bliss) but I've woken up this morning back in the big black fog. Ugh. I'm ranging from telling myself it'll be ok, I'll get through it to being totally overwhelmed... I guess that's very common...

Anyway, I am so pleased to have found this forum. Thank you.
Welcome Zivah!

I am also still a newbie(?) here at forum, but feel "old in therapi"-game.

I understand your conserns about you upcomming therapi- hang in there!
Hopefully your new relation with your T will bring light and brightness into your life (and soul) Big words- BUT SO TRUE!

Dont bother yourself with burdening thoughts- its normal, but just try to trust that it will be good for you.

I was also terrified it would be a mess, and that i would f***it all up, But I`m a living proof- that its all worth it. I was a sad mess myself when i started going, and a lot better now. I dont even now how..but i am better.

And I can relate too your issue with the friend/therapi relation.. i think..

For what It is wort: well, My T and my parents actually (i found out) are almost friends!! (same work/interesst..bla bla This is a looong story, but its all a BIG BIG THING FOR ME, both i love it, and cant stand it)
My T twice came to my house (I was not there- he saw my parents!) but i can really relate to how complicated and som time, frustrating that makes the relation. (the session after He had visited my parents in my home- I forced him to tell me the exact places he had stood, and witch shair he had benn sitting in etc. Yeah.. I was totally fixated on

At the same time; I know deeply that alot of my "idealization/love" for my T is bacause He is (accepted/liked) "friend" of my parents...And It makes my transference for him very strong, since My T and My father is in the same "buisness" and adore each other..

Dont you think its a safety - to know that your friend adviced you to see this T? It definitly worked like that for me..And I am thankfull for that.

Again, good luck to you, and I really hope your T is worthy your trust!

(Sorry again- its hard to find the right words in english, so bear over with me!)


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