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Hi I'm new to the forum but not therapy and having tried many forms of therapy to include EMDR and talk therapy and now doing journaling and inner child work to get to the root of my shame and self-abusive behavior.

I have been diagnosed with PTSD, Bipolar II, anxiety and ADHD. There was a question of the Bi-polar II diagnosis due to the fact that I am able to control it without medication after the meds I was on made me feel worse. It's been at least 6 months and I only take anxiety medication at night and ADHD medication.

My question is about repressed sexual abuse memories. I have this recurring "day dream" that I feel in my pelvis area and the abuse is very different then the known sexual abuse I experienced. I can never recall being a virgin, in fact my first sexual experience I didn't bleed and if wasn't my first time. I am a very logical person and don't want to accuse anyone but I need to release the trauma from my body. I will say I felt certain joy when I journaled about this situation as if my inner child was saying "finally". I've heard of dance therapy for releasing trauma from the body, I've also heard of somatic massage and TACs ( I think) the acupuncture based method for release trauma based on inexact trauma. I am willing to try anything but wanted to ask if anyone has any advice on accessing those memories or intensive inner child work ideas. I am in the process of finding a new therapist but willing to work on this alone until I find her. Any thoughts on the therapeutic options I mentioned above. I'd love to hear success stories
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Bonjour, hello, Noveaumoi Smiler


It sounds like you've done a lot of great work. I think I relate well to what you are saying about being 'logical' when many times it can't be. A lot of the work I do in my Somatic Experiencing therapy brings things up, but I don't know what the 'things' are. My T(s) advised me that not everything needs a 'reason' (a story) to occur or be processed. It took a long time for me not to be hunting for more, and instead engaging in what was coming up - and sometimes doing that CAN lead us to those logical answers, or explanations to greater things we'd been wondering about. Sometimes not, though...

I have not had somatic massage, but regular massage does help me (it keeps me in my body, and I'm better able to use somatic regulating tools that way) - I receive massage as part of chiropractic care which has also helped (though my primary purpose of getting it done is not trauma healing). Somatic Experiencing therapy, which can be done effectively in talk and/or a combination of touch/talk with my T has been profoundly helpful. Yoga has helped me, particularly traction (ligament) stretching based such as yin, iyengar, or a class with focus on inversion. I have had anxiety focused acupuncture which helped (I live will enough anxiety to light new york for 3 years).

Your journaling is also a release (it's still moving your hand), dance does work well as does other movement based activity and art forms (something I do, which is somatically focused and processes a great deal of emotion without the story). Reiki might be something to look in to, that has helped people and I know the work I have received with it has been helpful. Hope that helps in some way.

Thanks for the welcome and the response. It's so refreshing to read about the tools your using and helps me feel "not so alone" so to speak.

I'm encouraged by the fact that not every trauma needs "reason or story" and take comfort in that fact. I'm going to investigate the Somatic Experiencing therapy and Iyengar yoga. I love yoga and usually do Bikram but since your post I'm googling studios in my area to see who teaches that Iyengar.

Your post has helped a great deal and I'm so grateful you responded.

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