There have been a few things she shared with me, fairly minor things i believe, of a personal nature. But this was in the flow of things and not overt or excessive. I think we both have realized we have a good general connection. She has been clear for her it is no more than that. I am the one expressing much more.
However i am concerned a bit. Sometimes she laughs at my jokes and it feels like *that* kind of laugh, that every guy wants from a woman. But I am desperate and vulnerable, so i read into everything. And yes she is chuffed, i can see it, especially given how over the top my declarations. Another concern. But i will only suffer so much before i bail out.
Anyway, my original reason for posting was not so much to get advice as to share experiences and have dialog. No offense, but some of what you've said is quite heavy handed advice and a bit alarmist, even tho it's also totally relevant. Just an observation. I know it's logical to give advice to the new guy, but a good dialog helps everyone.
For example: "when you say you really do know she would be someone you would connect with - in reality you can't possibly know that in the limited context of therapy, for the reasons I've highlighted above". Don't know how you can possibly say this, without being in the room. Again, chemistry and compatibility are clearly very different things, yet chemistry is undeniable when you feel it, wherever it comes about. That's ALL i am saying.