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It feels like things are different...
More or less a month ago I went home for a week and a half. I didn't want to go, but I kind of had to. I don't like going home in general and I don't like being far away from my T.

When I came back I was a bit off balance with my T. Like I forgot him and had to try to go back to where I was before. It just felt so different, not the same as before. I think my trip home required from me to disconnect certain wires in my brain, so then I had to spend some time getting back to the "initial setup".
But things have changed more because my T moved to his own office (which is in the process of being furnished and taken care of), we had to discuss the hours, he wanted to change them, I didn't like it, he made them the way that suits me, but I felt a bit worried about my demands. We also started to meet twice a week, which is nice, I don't have to spend my whole week counting days till Monday.
The difference is that my T doesn't open the door for me anymore, just told me to come when I arrive. I still prefer to knock and wait for him to tell me to come in. I think I also stopped being so afraid and worked up before my session. I don't remember feeling this way recently. I was worried that he will stop walking me to the exit as he used to, he always said "take care, see you next week" and patted my back or my arm for good-bye which was so precious and important to me. I asked him about it and he keeps it up as it used to be.

Good thing is that I can use the toilet without letting him know that I want to. Before I had to ring the bell, he would let me in and then I would ask for the bathroom. Now I walk up the stairs, go to the toilet and then knock at the door. The funny thing is that I told him that, and I still keep telling him about me going to the toilet before or after the session. What is it about?

I begin to like the new office, but was a bit fussy at the begining. There were memories in the old place, and I got used to the old place. However it doesn't matter that much since he still is there, and is the same I guess.

Recently I really want to annoy him somehow. I try to critisize him a bit, not much, more in a cheeky way than seriously. I want some reaction of him. Maybe I want some reaction that will make me angry at him, because I really have no reason to be angry. It's like I want a fight or an argument or something, not a serious one of course. He is wonderful as usual, he laughs, he smiles, he talks his usual bullshit too, he is still nice and good and caring too I suppose.

Before I was sitting in this uncomfortable chair, now I don't know how to sit on this sofa. I keep moving and changing position. Once he told me to lie down and close my eyes. He asked me to imagine his face, well, I couldn't do this. I keep forgetting his face. He noticed that it is very difficult for me to hold on to good memories. That's true, I don't remember a lot of things. They just vanish, i can't recall what somebody did or said in a particular important moment.
So anyway I'm beginning to like his office (which is going to be painted over this weekend, I wonder if I will like the colour, probably will have to make a fuss about it too Smiler) and I'm making myself at home. I think he is happy about the office too. Every now and again he would say, what is he going to get for this place, that he is going to put a lamp here, a bookshelf there and so on. He joked that he is going to put a huge clock on the wall behind him, where i could see it (he knows I hate the clock and I always turn it away from me).
I think I'm back to feeling close to him again, as much as I am able too. But it is kind of changing. I still love him in child's way, but the child is getting bigger, less afraid and more annoying. I keep changing from a small child into a bigger child, then into a teen girl perhaps?, then back to a small child when I'm afraid.
He sits a bit closer and I can see his blue eyes much better. I can actually see that they are blue, before they were just dark.
I had a dream few nights ago, that I was lying with him on the sofa and touching him. He really has lovely arms and I keep staring at them, trying to imagine what does he look like underneath his clothes. Once he was wearing black short sleeved shirt, and kind of light trousers. He looked absolutely gorgeous. I didn't know where to look. He does really have nice body from what I can see, really nice to look at. So I look at him and admire him and try not to let him notice that I'm trying to look through his clothes... which he recently did notice, but I said nothing on the subject and he didn't press me. I think he noticed the panic on my face.

I think I'm taking it easy for the moment, settling down and perhaps sometime soon, I will have to tell him something more about how I feel, something more about what happened in the past, something about my relationships, or rather encounters with men which caused me a lot of pain that time.
I feel so safe with him. I want to keep this, I don't want this ever to change. I don't want to loose it. I want this to be something constant in my life. Having him in my life, makes me feel so much more normal, stronger, consolidated, not afraid, not worried about the future, about being alone, about what other people think about me. I feel so happy with him. It's like I found somebody I was waiting for all my life.
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I love love love this post. You wrote so openly and honestly about what you're experiencing and it is really beautiful. I can feel how safe you feel with him. And I love that you are accepting what is coming up for you and being patient and gentle with yourself.
The drifting between little girl and older child is relevant to me right now. You've helped put words to my feelings. I really struggle with knowing what things are OK to want and ask for and what is really too much - everything feels like too much and I am afraid that if I start to want some things that really are OK to ask for, that I will quickly start to want things that aren't. I guess it's a boundary thing - I've always kept really tight boundaries for fear of taking something that isn't meant for me.

I am glad you are settling into the new office. It sounds like you are feeling secure and cared for. That is such a nice place to be. Smiler
He asked me a question "What is a man?" and I didn't know what to reply. I was stuck, my mind was pretty much blank.
What does come to my head? Nothing, not much.
I mean like, I didn't know what to say. Like some impossible question he asked. I was one big question mark.
Well, now that I sit in my room I can think that, he is a man for instance, right? But what does it mean?
Basicly it means that he has different body than I do. And what else? That he is different?
It is not really a philisophical question, but apparently the one that I need to do a lot of thinking to try to figure out the answer.

Any ideas?
Ah, dear...
I had quite a nice session today... so I will allow myself to share it with you Smiler
I got coffee for my session, and it turned out he had his tea. Smiler So I had coffee, he had camomile tea. Smiler
I'm getting more and more annoyed with him and his explanations and interpretations. But I still love him so much.
I wanted to tell him my dream, but I felt very uncomfortable about it, prefered if he read it himself, but he wouldn't do it. He said that sometimes he feels like pushing me. Must be getting impatient with me? Good, cause I really feel like getting on his nerves and annoying the shit out of him. So I read my dream, felt very awkward, cried a bit at one point.
Then we talked a bit more about the dream and other stuff. I told him that he annoys me sometimes. He replied, that yes, he is annoying and irritating person. But I still like him, so it can work the other way, I can be annoying to him and he still will like me.

I'm getting particularily annoyed when he feeds me with his explanations, when he is being "a therapist". He replied, that it may feel like it's his way of keeping distance, well probably that's what it is. I felt so happy being there with him. Then I told him another dream, about me being in some treatment chamber with some other people and at some point there was like a cryogenic treatment apllied to us for a few seconds. It got freezing cold withing seconds, and while most people seemed to withstand it quite well, it was extremely painful to me. I was in awful pain. So I told him this dream and at the end I said : now you explain this! That really made him laugh. I love when he laughs.

Then I noticed that there was a book lying on the floor by his chair. It was "Sex and sexuality" by Winnicott. I was like "ha! I see what you reading!". Before he said that he will not loan his books when he brings them over, so I said that now I can get this book on the Amazon and still read it, even if I can't get it of him.
I really felt so happy about being like a bold child, as he put it. At the end of the session I told him: I really love you. He replied: "I know that you love me. I think it's a good thing that you do". I still felt a bit frightened saying this, but it felt good. I was looking at his lips and I also told him that, and it felt good too.

So that was the end of the session. I feel like I may love him more and more, and be more and more annoyed with him and want him really badly soon. That's going to be some fun...
I'm so happy for you, Amazon. Smiler (OK and a little envious.) What a wonderful session. I can't imagine what my ex-P would have done if I'd said those sorts of things to him... Probably he would have chewed off the ends of his fingers (he bites his nails when he's anxious) and turned 15 shades of red. Red Face You are a very lucky woman.
Thanks echo. I can't believe that I was first time lucky with the therapist, however I will think of myself as lucky, if I will able to meet and be with man as a partner, not just be with my therapist.
I know that you are not happy with your husband and not lucky with therapists so far.
I hope you don't give up on therapy and figure out the rest too.
So far my therapist is the only source of happiness, strength and love for me.
My therapist's car broke down completely while he was driving past the area where I live.
I must have been sending some electrical shockwaves to effect it so badly.
A few days before that I went to have a look at the new cars, thinking of changing into something new.
Apparently now my T is going to get a new car too, since the old one is dead. What a coincidence, isn't it?
I feel like wow, we are both going to get new cars around the same time!

I passed him on the street today, while I was driving to my session. He was coming back from the coffee shop and he didn't see me. Since it is very difficult not to spot my car and he knows which car I'm driving, I mentioned to him that how could he not see me, he must have been blind not to see me and I wanted to wave at him. He said that it's good that I told him that, sort of that I didn't let him get away with that. I feel safe enough to tell him this things.

I don't feel all happy after todays session, altough it was a good one, a productive session. I was back into a very small child mode, almost a baby, just looking for his eyes and just wanting to be with him and being so afraid again.
He thinks I keep going back there, because only then I felt loved, when I was so small, probably before my sister was born (she is 1,5 year younger). And the fear is because I know what is coming, a rejection, the end of being special. And that's the only time in my life when I was/felt special to somebody.

Anyway, he was all good and caring and gentle, and looking at me almost all the time, but it feels like something in me is trying to tell me to stop taking it. It is not for me, he will be fed up with me like that. And he doesn't really want this child anymore. I should be something, somebody else by now. The child wants him so badly, but the adult wants him as well, and there was really no place for th adult's feelings in todays session. So the adult is again a bit mad perhaps at the annoying baby and keeps telling her "You are not special to him! He doesn't care about you. You have no right to believe that he does and that he really did look after you today". So just feeling slightly sad and disconnected, it's like I don't believe he really cared about me today, like he was prentending that he did. So another part of me is trying to find proof that he did really care. He was same as usual, and he is always good. I wish I will be able to tell him this on Monday...

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