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Hi All,
I see the question has already been asked in another thread, but Shrinklady asked me to post an explanation for the new Sensitive Issues forum. This forum was created to provide a safe place for members to discuss more sensitive topics such as suicidal thoughts and self-injury. Shrinklady decided to create a separate forum for several reasons. There are very few places where it is "ok" or safe to discuss these topics and being able to talk about these feelings can be paramount to working through them and not acting on them. On the other hand, while many things we discuss here can be triggering, these topics tend to be especially so. As much as we need to speak about these things, there are times when we need to NOT talk about these topics. Much like the intimate issues forum, this forum was created to provide a place where these topics may be discusssed with more privacy while also allowing people who feel a need to NOT be involved in the discussion a way to not run across it without explicit warning.

I want to be extremely clear that this forum is NOT meant as a condemnation for having these feelings. We believe speaking about these feelings is a really healthy thing to do. The introduction of this forum at this time is not directed towards any one member, it has been in the works for several months. Last but not least, there has been no wrongdoing by anyone who has discussed these topics on the Open Forum. This forum is just an attempt to keep things safe for everyone.

Shrinklady has posted the guidelines for the Sensitive topics forum here. Before you can post in this forum, you need to make an explicit request to join this forum. Joining the forum constitutes an acknowledgment that you have read the guidelines and agreed to abide by them. Since violating the guidelines can result in your membership in the Sensitive topics forum being rescinded, I would recommend reading the guidelines before requesting to join the forum.

If, after reading the guidelines, you decide you still want to join the Sensitive Issues forum, send a private message to me requesting to join.

Much like the Intimate Discussions forum, the Sensitive topics forum will be updated on the main forum page with the date of the most recent post, but neither the thread titles nor content will be displayed. You will need to be logged in with permissions turned on in order to read or post on this forum. I would recommend turning on email notifications for this forum, as it can be more difficult to notice on the main page when new threads are posted here.

If anyone has any questions about the guidelines or wants to comment about the forum, please feel free to post it here. If you would rather discuss this in private, feel free to PM me and I'll do my best to help. I would especially appreciate hearing from people who are upset or concerned about this forum being created since the goal is provide safety for all the members without excluding anyone.


Edited to indicate that you can request permission from Attachment Girl instead of
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I read the guidelinesand it specifically states self injury and suicide as sensitive topices... are there others? is it topics that we would otherwise put trigger warnings in (that dcould be very broad, too broad?) or is it just SI and suicide?

Janedoe asked this question in the other thread, I'm moving it here so the discussion is all in one place.

The explicit intention was to move discussions of SI and Suicide here. Other things like CSA and physical abuse etc do not need to be moved here (we'd have to move most of the forum Big Grin) but I would continue to post trigger warnings when you feel it's needed. If there are other topics that members feel like need to be moved here, suggest them and we can consider it. Or if you want more privacy when posting about a topic other than SI or suicide, feel free to do so in the Sensitive Issues forum. Just be aware that since not everyone can read or post here, your responses may be more limited and take more time.

I have a question. So does this mean that I am not allowed to mention anything on the OF about SI at all? I don't usually say a ton about it, but I might say that I've been having urges to SI. Is that something that can only be mentioned behind closed doors now so to speak?

ABSOLUTELY NOT! You have always been very careful when talking about SI and there is nothing wrong with talking about it in the course of posting. This topic is intended for more explicit discussions of the feelings, struggles and desires surrounding SI and suicide. In other words, if you wish to specifically discuss the topic, this is a better place to do so. But it does not mean everytime you mention SI you should be posting here. Again, this is not intended to send a message of "you horrible person get out of sight" but rather "we know this can be scary to talk about because of people's reactions, this is a safe place to do because everyone here has agreed they're willing to discuss this."

Welcome Frosty!

JD, glad this helped, please feel free to ask any more questions you have.


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