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Not sure if anyone remembers me. I was terminated by exT last September and posted about it then.

I thought it was time to get some more support, particularly as I have some tricky issues to resolve around my (lack of) career so I found a charity offering free counselling. I had an initial assessment appointment last week which seemed to be ok, not spectacular but ok so I agreed to continue.

Well, today was session 2 and it was horrible. Just after I sat down she said something like, "I know you've had a lot of therapy before so I wanted to hear whether last week met your expectations." For some reason, it totally triggered me into overwhelm. I clammed up, had to fight the urge to run from the room. After a long silence and becoming tearful, I had to ask to take a break and burst into tears in the corridor.

I eventually got it together enough to go back but had used up most of the session by then.

I've got lots of theories as to why I was triggered.

- asking about my expectations put pressure on me to have expectations and to assess the therapy after one session. It's still so early days, I have no idea whether we can successfully work together. Plus I don't think I have expectations. I think that's a good thing?

- I felt that she was asking me to validate her as a therapist and I can't do that yet and shouldn't have to. This is mother stuff for me. Having to bolster my mother's ego.

- it reminded me of past therapy experiences which obviously upset me as the last one ended badly and has resulted in me having to start all over again with someone new.

I was so overwhelmed. I hate not being able to speak like that. She asked a few times if I was happy to sit in silence in a safe place and all I could do was shake my head and eventually whisper that I really didn't feel safe.

Oh yuck.

Second blimmin session. Is this therapy doomed?
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tygr... good to see you back again.

Your therapy does not have to be doomed at all. What you need to do is to take what you wrote above to your next session. Tell the T that you felt triggered and then read her the three theories you came up with and discuss them and figure out why you think they have triggered you and what they mean to you. That will be a GREAT start to your new therapy.

Best of luck and keep us posted.

Thanks guys.

Interestingly, I discovered when I read your responses that I wanted someone to tell me to leave and never go back. She's away this week anyway so I have another week to think about it.

It's the second counsellor I've tried since things came to an end with exT. I left the first in floods of tears after the initial session and decided she wasn't a good fit.

I don't think I want therapy. I have some really important life decisions to make and so maybe I need a coach instead of a therapist. I'm not sure I can face the rigmarole of getting to know someone from scratch, explain all my stuff from scratch and deal with the inevitable pain and torture of it all.

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