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Hi im new here sio first of all HI!
I found the site from google.
I have seen lots of therapists and some helped but some didnt.

I saw a new therapist yesterday and it seems so right just wanted to share with you all.

She listened and didnt pressure me to talk and she made sure she understood what i was saying.
Its on a sliding scale so I only have to pay $10, thats cheap hey! Smiler

It feels so good to find a counsellor that can help.
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Hi Hope! I like your name!

I'm so glad that you've found a T that seems just right and is affordable! And active listening is key! So is a relaxed environment... that is one of the things that i liked most about my T at first. When I called to make the first appointment, she didn't even ask why I thought i needed to see a therapist or anything. She just scheduled me- no pressure at all! Hope you enjoy the forum!

I have 2 therapists. Therapist 1 is working on a termination transition with me which is very painful and makes me cry a lot.
Therapist 2 is the new one i see and i made the appointment myself because i cant deal with not being able to see my therapist 1 anymore.
I am not sure about therapist 2 now because she works way differently.
On Thursday i am being taken by therapist 1 to a psych dr who may be the replacement for her. I have to pay for the psych dr and i might not be able to afford to pay and its hard.

its all very confusing and stressful and i dont know where my support is going to come from. Frowner

I dont expect any one to know what i should do but any replies would be nice.
Hi Hope,
I am sorry you are going through a rough time at the moment. What is it about your new T that you are unsure of? Every T i've seen seems to work a bit differently, but that doesn't mean each one wasn't a good T. Give the new T some time, talk to her about why you are unsure, there's probably not as much attachment there so this is the time to really put yourself out there and figure out if she is going to be right for you. If not, you can keep looking.

I am glad at least that your old T is helping you with the transition... why a psych dr though? Does she know you are concerned about the cost? Make sure everyone is aware of your concerns and ensure they are all working to help you - that is their job.

And we will support you every step...


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